Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 410: My damn alchemy skills!

There are many reasons for blood changes.

Take Cang Xu as an example. His body was soaked in the River Styx, and then the body was taken away by the good corpse doctor and used as a refining material. Various factors caused his bloodline to mutate. This process is completely unreplicable.

“It’s already pretty good if we can almost maintain our original qualifications.”

"My opportunity in life has appeared, and it lies with the leader!"

"What I really need is a spell that can detect the qualifications of the undead and identify my undead bloodline. It's a pity that this spell is only available in the mid-level soul lineage inheritance, and it is held in the hands of the ship ghost."

As a necromancer, Cang Xu cannot test his own bloodline through blood tests like other survivors.

Because this is not within the scope of Zidi's knowledge.

Only by obtaining the spell to detect the qualifications of the undead can he detect what his bloodline is. Thereby hunting a large number of such undead life forms, and then purifying one's own blood through the bloodline purification array to achieve the result of bloodline awakening.

However, Cang Xu accompanied the ship ghost all the way. Haven't found a chance to get this key spell yet.

Ship Ghost is very principled in this regard. Cang Xu also remained cautious and did not communicate rashly. Because he had no other leverage, he already knew what the result of such communication would be.

"If that doesn't work, I can only wait until the bloodline mutation is completely over, and then ask the ship ghost to cast this spell on me to identify what the undead bloodline is."

Cang Xu naturally has a backup plan.

However, this plan has many drawbacks, which is not conducive to Cang Xu's recognition by the ship ghost.

There are many good things in the ship ghost.

Cang Xu really wanted to use this line to penetrate into the undead orthodoxy. This is a good strategy for long-term development!

Now if the ship ghost is to detect it, Cang Xu's bloodline will turn out to be like this, and he will completely exclude Cang Xu from entering the small circle of undead orthodoxy.

This is not what Cang Xu wants.

"Now, the only thing that can give me significant room for improvement is the ghost." Although Cang Xu has touched the upper limit of his bloodline, he still has some limited potential to be tapped in terms of combat power.

Ghost signs are produced after the death head destroys itself. After combined with the necromancy spell "Shangtou Technique", it can become one with the user. In this form, Gui Shaotou is equivalent to a special spell book. The necromancy spells recorded in the ghost sign can be quickly used by the necromancer.

A silver-level ghost sign is equivalent to a silver-level spell book. As for the content of the spells recorded in the spell book, it depends on how much Gui Miaotou's death head mastered before he was alive.

There is attenuation in this.

The best result is 100% inheritance. But according to the content of the Flying Head Technique inheritance, this kind of 100% inheritance is very rare.

As for the specific attenuation, it depends on the specific situation.

The records of Flying Head Technique in this aspect are relatively vague, and Cang Xu can only find out more by exploring on his own.

His current combat power is almost impossible to advance, and only the path of Gui Shaotou is the most effective.

Coupled with the pile of undead materials piled in the cabin, the conditions for Cang Xu to produce ghost signs on a large scale were ripe.

"So, what kind of necromancy spell should I choose?"

Cang Xu fell into thinking.

He has many necromancy spells at his disposal.

In itself, he has a basic inheritance of soul veins. Later, at the undead gathering on Songfeng Island, he traded the basic inheritance of the two lines of the undead and the low-level inheritance of the soul line from Kangui and others.

He also made a copy of these contents and gave it to Zidi.

The three veins of the undead are bone veins, corpse veins and soul veins.

The spells Cang Xu masters all belong to these three meridians.

For example: soul-invoking, soul-controlling, soul-absorbing, soul-eating, soul-transmitting, etc. in the soul vein.

Bone Spear Technique, Flying Bone Shield, etc. in Bone Veins.

Corpse explosion in corpse veins, summoning zombies, etc.

Cang Xu faced many choices, but after thinking about it, he first eliminated all the ghost transformation techniques in the soul inheritance.

These transformation techniques are the technique of making ghosts and horses, the techniques of making ghosts, the techniques of starving ghosts, and the techniques of freezing ghosts...

Cang Xu currently mainly controls the Death Head.

The mental burden brought by these ghosts is far greater than the death heads. If it is transformed, the mental burden brought by ghosts will increase on the original basis.

Cang Xu's mental burden has reached its limit.

Of course, he can give up some death heads in exchange for space to control some ghosts.

But after thinking about it, Cang Xu rejected this plan.

Although the transformed ghost is often more powerful than the death head.

What he is most worried about is that controlling these ghosts will create loopholes, allowing the ship ghosts, the little prince and others to discover his tricks.

People like the ship ghost and the little prince did not understand the flying head technique, so they could not get a glimpse of Cang Xu's spiritual background from the size of the death head.

The size of Cangxu's death head can no longer be expanded. If it were a ghost, it would be easy for the ship ghost and others to detect some important information.

Although Cang Xu has integrated into this team of necromancers, he knows very well that the environment here is definitely not as good as the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

Especially in the Battle of the Styx, the ship ghost used him as a bait to attract the enemy's firepower. Cang Xu almost died because of this!

For the same reason as excluding these ghost transformation techniques, Cang Xu also excludes soul control, spiritualism and other spells.

Burden-reducing and karma-reducing techniques are key contents in the inheritance of low-level souls, and they accompany the necromancer's lifelong practice.

But Cang Xu didn't think about it for long and eliminated them both. Because right now, they're of little help.

The Soul Eye spell allows the Necromancer to share vision with the ghosts under his command. This is a very practical investigative method. But Cang Xu thought: he was currently with other necromancers, and the ghost ship itself had a much larger detection range, so there was no need for his detection ability at all. So it is also excluded.

Soul healing is very suitable. This spell consumes ghosts to gain healing effects. Cang Xu was listed as one of the undecided ones without hesitation.

Ghost Mist Technique is also okay. It is mainly used for camouflage, and can also create a negative energy environment to temporarily restrain the soul, making it easier to use subsequent soul control, spiritualism and other spells. The advanced ghost spell is a battlefield-level spell that can transform the battlefield environment. It is similar to the lava hell spell that the dragon boy once used.

Ghost Mist Technique is quite suitable for Cang Xu.

Because the death head is also an undead life, it will also benefit from the ghost mist. Cang Xu selected it as pending.

The last thing to be determined is a fast-moving soul-vein spell called Ghost Sliding Technique. Can consume ghosts to gain increased mobility.

Cang Xu is more interested in the soul flying technique. The soul flying technique can turn the necromancer's whole body into a ghost. The advanced soul flying technique can even turn the equipment on the necromancer into a ghost, making it immune to physical attacks.

Ship ghosts have more experience using this spell. One of the foundations for his integration with the ghost ship is the soul flying technique.

But it is a pity that the soul flying technique is only recorded in the intermediate soul inheritance.

Cang Xu's qualifications only allow him to obtain low-level soul inheritance at most.

In addition to the inheritance of soul veins, the Corpse Explosion Technique among Corpse Vein Spells is also very good, and the Bone Spear Technique and Flying Bone Shield Spells among Bone Vein Spells are also listed by Cang Xu as candidates.

After the first round of selection, Cang Xu conducted a second round of screening.

There are only three options left, namely Flying Bone Shield, Ghost Escape Technique and Soul Healing Technique.

These three spells are all required, and Cangxu needs them all. The only difference is who comes first.

After Cang Xu considered it for a while, he put the ghost-escaping technique first.

Although this spell is part of the low-level soul inheritance, Cang Xu also has a lot of practice.

He conceived the spell model in his mind, then held a death head in both hands and imprinted the spell model on it.


The bronze-level death head exploded with a soft sound.

The power of the explosion was very small, but Cang Xu's face turned pale. The spell model was constructed by him using his mental power, and as it was destroyed, he was also injured.

Next, after several consecutive failures, Cang Xu's face turned as pale as paper.

He suddenly realized: "Wait a minute, isn't this just making a spell scroll or a spell book? The only difference is that normal mages use paper, but I use death heads."

Cang Xu, who felt bad, rolled his eyes and sighed deeply: "My damn alchemy skills..."

Since getting the flying head, the number of times Cang Xu lamented his alchemy skills has skyrocketed.

In a bad mood, he chose to rest. After recuperating, I started trying again.

Cangxu stayed in the cabin, holding the death heads in his hands, engraving them continuously, suffering hard day and night.

A sunny day has arrived.

Blood city.

Zidi came to a pharmacy to inspect.

The dragon riding potion is already on sale in the pharmacy, and the sales are going very well. After Zidi stood there for more than ten minutes, she saw more than a dozen transactions for dragon riding potions.

"This guest, what magic potion do you want to buy?" The clerk greeted him.

Zidi took out the contract and showed her identity, causing the clerk to let out a low cry.

Then, the store manager rushed over: "You're here!"

This pharmacy is owned by the Satojian family, but through the cooperation between Zidi and Kongpan, this pharmacy has been leased to the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

The lease term is one year.

Of course Zidi could pay another price and buy the store directly instead of renting it.

For the Satoma family, which owns a huge industry, this is negotiable.

But considering that the survivors are precarious and have an uncertain future, renting is safer than buying.

"Let me take a look at the account books first." Zidi demanded.

Soon after, the president lady put down her account books and thought in her mind: "With Buquan and others making large-scale pharmaceuticals, I have successfully occupied the mount potion market in Blood City in advance."

"With this output, the market in key towns near Snowbird Port will be satisfied."

“However, I still have to personally participate in the survey to see the users’ response. ”

Thinking of this, Zidi looked at the account book again: "The largest customer group here is... the Ax Gang?"

Zidi was slightly startled.

ps: That’s it for today’s update. More content is totally worth the days of leave. Everything proves that I am still very ethical. By the way, let’s do some research. What do you think about the recent way of switching between group portraits? How does it feel to read? You can leave a message directly about this chapter here. A must-see for me!

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