Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 411: Blood Vengeance Ax and Fire Ax Cavalry

Ice sculpture kingdom.

Blood city.

After Zidi checked the account books, she found out strangely: The person who purchased the most Dragon Riders in the city was actually a gang.

The store manager introduced the situation to her: "Master Mage, you may not know it well. The Ax Gang is the largest gang in our blood city and has a large number of plush horses. This kind of horse is very cold-resistant. Although the charging distance is short, its endurance is Not bad, being able to run freely in the cold weather of ice and snow.”

"Some of the better plush horses also have magic-like abilities that can keep knights warm."

"The Ax Gang formed a cavalry team using plush horses, called the Fire Ax Cavalry."

Zong Ge, who came with Zidi, didn't take it seriously at first, but when he heard what the store manager said, his strong interest was immediately aroused and he turned his attention.

Seeing that the captain of the dragon suit was also paying attention to him, the store manager explained in more detail: "The fire ax cavalry uses long-handled battle axes as weapons, and they practice blood-wrath fighting spirit. Only a small number of them are snow elves, and most of them are human race and dwarf."

"When the Fire Ax Cavalry fights with all their strength, their blood-rage vindictiveness surges and they often ignite themselves. The velvet horses they ride will also be burned. In this case, both the cavalry and their mounts are bathed in bloody flames and attack The power will increase several times!"

Zong Ge was fascinated by what he heard. This was the first time he encountered a team.

He imagined many scenarios in his mind, wondering how such a team should be used to perform optimally on the battlefield.

Zidi focused on another point and asked the store manager: "A local gang has raised a cavalry team. What are they going to do?"

The store manager quickly replied: "The Ax Gang's biggest business is escorting caravans. They escort goods for caravans inside and outside Blood City. The Fire Ax Cavalry is the biggest sign."

"Of course." At this point, the store manager lowered his voice, "If a chamber of commerce does not cooperate with them, the Ax Gang will turn into robbers and commit robberies. Very few caravans can defeat the Fire Ax Cavalry. So now, the chamber of commerce in Blood City basically cooperates with the Ax Gang."

"And big chambers of commerce like the Bengbu Chamber of Commerce will maintain relations with the Ax Gang even if they have their own powerful guards."

Zidi frowned slightly, with a solemn look on her face, and asked: "The Ax Gang is just a local gang, but it can actually control the trade routes outside Blood City and collect protection fees from various caravans. Doesn't the Lord of Blood City care about this? ?”

"The leader of the Ax Gang is gold-level, but the Blood City Lord is also gold-level, and he is also a mage."

Before setting off, Zidi had already purchased a lot of information about the towns along the way through the Thieves Guild.

The store manager continued to lower his voice and said: "Our blood-related city lord is indeed gold-level, and he is also a mage, but he has not shown up for a long time. According to rumors, he has been practicing in the royal capital to prepare for winning this year's Warm Snow Cup. . And the person who handles the political affairs of Blood City on his behalf is his disciple, who is just a silver-level mage."

"Moreover, the leader of the Ax Gang is not only a gold-level fighter, he also has a gold-level weapon in his hand - the Blood Vengeance Axe."

"The Blood Vengeance Ax is not an ordinary gold-level weapon. In addition to being much more than an ordinary gold-level weapon, it has been a symbol of power for the Lord of Blood City for a long time."

"But more than 40 years ago, there was a rebellion in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom."

"At that time, Blood City was still called Xue Qing City. The city owner of Xue Qing City was a member of the royal family, but he was defeated and feared death and surrendered to the rebels in shame."

"The king successfully suppressed the rebellion and regained Xue Qingcheng. Originally, he wanted to deal with the lord of Xue Qingcheng, but the king's mother interceded for the lord of Xue Qingcheng. After all, he is also of royal blood."

"The king still retained the position of the Lord of Xue Qing City, but changed the name of the city. After the name was changed, it was called Blood City."

"After the city lord of Xueqing City learned about the new name of the city, he felt so guilty that he committed suicide that night."

"From that day on, the Blood Vengeance Ax fell into disrepair, passing through many owners, and finally fell into the hands of a strong snow elf. With this ax, he opened up a world in the city and founded the Ax Gang."

"The position of leader of the Ax Gang has been passed down to this generation, and the gang has become even more powerful."

"Our acting City Lord tried several times to retrieve the Blood Vengeance Battle Ax from the Ax Gang. In the end, he was destroyed by the contemporary Ax Gang leader, and the acting City Lord suffered a lot."

"Alas, she is still too young."

"After several confrontations between the two parties, the Ax Gang has the upper hand. The city owner's side has become increasingly weak. The other parties have seen this and are unable to fight against the Ax Gang."

"So now, although the acting city lord in Blood City occupies the title and controls the city guards, the real number one force is still the Ax Gang."

When the store manager said this, he showed a hint of pride and joy: "To tell you the truth, the Dragon Power Riding potion is really great."

"With this potion, our pharmacy has established a relationship with the Ax Gang."

"There were some colleagues who came to squeeze us before, but since the Ax Gang bought Longliqi potion in large quantities, this kind of squeeze and exclusion has become much less."

After hearing what the store manager said, Zong Ge and Zidi couldn't help but look at each other in silence.

They did not expect that the actual situation in Blood City would be like this.

In Snowbird Harbor, the city lord of Snowbird Harbor is undoubtedly the most powerful party, but here, the acting city lord of Blood Relative City is being taken advantage of by local gangs.

Although the acting city lord occupies the title, it is obvious that there is nothing that can be done against the Ax Gang. In games involving local forces, priority must be given to the leaders of the forces themselves.

After Zidi thought for a while, she immediately made a decision: "Prepare gifts. It seems that we have to pay a good visit to the leader of the Ax Gang."

"Is this necessary?" Hearing this, Zong Ge couldn't help but frown.

As a general, he had no favorable impression of pirates or local gangs.

Zidi nodded slightly: "Our alchemy workshop in Snowbird Port almost only does one thing, and that is refining dragon riding potions."

"Our shipments will become larger and larger."

"If the Ax Gang goes against us, it will be difficult for Blood City to ship."

"Blood Relatives City is one of the cities closest to Snowbird Port. We want to distribute goods across the country, and this is an important transportation thoroughfare. The Ax Gang also controls the nearby trade routes, which is very important."

"Okay then." Zong Ge nodded, "I'll go with you."

Although he and Zidi have had serious differences or even quarrels, when a problem arises, he will take the initiative to put aside his differences and work with Zidi to solve the problem first.

The Ax Gang is the most powerful in Blood City. After possessing the Fire Ax Cavalry, they can even control the trade routes around the city.

But the acting city lord has been unable to do anything to them. Even if there were city guards, they were not used.

Zidi immediately guessed: The Ax Gang may have corrupted many officers. I'm afraid that as soon as the acting city lord ordered the annihilation of the Ax Gang, someone in the city guard rebelled.

Zidi didn't have the slightest motivation to bring order to the acting city lord. The purpose of her trip, besides entering the Ice Sculpture Capital, was to conduct a smooth inspection along the way and implement her business plan.

The sales of Longliqi potion are booming, but Zidi is not satisfied yet. Because there is still a huge space that can be filled in the mount potion market in Blood City.

The dragon and lion mercenary group's potion production has been greatly increased. Next, more dragon riding potions will be sold in this city.

Only by occupying almost all the gaps in the mount potion market here can it be considered safer.

Even if a similar potion appears in the future, it will be difficult for it to become popular in Blood City. Because almost all the market space is occupied by Longliqi potions.

Although there is a direct teleportation array between Blood City and Snowbird Port, due to the cost, it is impossible for the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group to use teleportation to transport goods.

Generally speaking, this mode of transportation is only used for major military activities.

It would be too expensive to use teleportation arrays to transport goods. Even Zong Ge knew that he would lose a lot of money by doing this.

The lowest cost transportation method is caravan transportation.

If the Ax Gang comes to make things difficult, it will definitely bring huge trouble to Zidi. Zidi wants to seize the market with Dragon Power Riding potion, so time is very critical.

Once delayed, it will take more than double or triple the effort to achieve the same market effect in the future. It is even possible that the same effect will never be achieved.

ps: I have read everyone’s suggestions, and the general response is the issue of update volume. But in fact, group dramas are much more difficult to design than the plot and outline of ordinary online articles. I have just mastered this writing technique, and my proficiency is low, so it is difficult to increase the number. I am currently thinking about whether there is an update strategy that is more flexible and more suitable for group dramas...

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