Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 412: Counterfeit Drug Plan

Snowbird Harbor.

The alchemy workshop was filled with smoke and the smell of medicine was strong.

The Zhongbei mage from the Alchemy Guild covered his mouth. As soon as he entered the alchemy workshop, he was overwhelmed by thick smoke.

What he also encountered was the Gold Level Alchemy Master Cup.

Da Bei's temples were gray and his face was full of vicissitudes of life. He quickly covered his nostrils with a handkerchief in the thick smoke.

"Two Masters, please go this way." Under the guidance of the alchemist apprentice, they were taken to a separate cubicle.

The smoke in the cubicle was finally not so thick.

Here, Master Zhongbei and Master Dabei finally met the person they wanted to see - Master Buquan.

Master Buquan is doing an alchemical experiment.

On the table in front of him, a small cauldron was baking in magical flames, steaming. The glass beaker shaking in her hand was filled with blue and red potions.

Buquan is trying to improve the refining process of Dragon Force Cavalry magic potion.

The formula of the Dragon Rider potion comes from the war dealer's database and is very sophisticated. According to the alchemy of Buquan, it is difficult to improve its formula in a short time.

But she can improve the alchemy process, making large-scale streamlined pharmaceuticals possible.

Once she is successfully improved, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group's production of this magic potion will be increased by at least three times!

"Master Buquan, we haven't seen each other for two years." Master Dabei was the first to say hello.

After Bu Quan raised his head and glanced at him, he quickly turned his gaze to his own beaker and replied: "Your Excellency Da Bei, you came all the way from the royal capital to see me. Is it related to my joining the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group? If you want If you advise me to quit the mercenary group and return to the Alchemy Guild, then there is no need to say anything more."

"As you can see, I'm very busy now."

"How about we just skip the conversation and get the result. This saves time and is good for everyone, right?"

"So my answer is - I'm going to stay here."

Master Dabei opened his mouth slightly, but before he could even say his carefully prepared words of persuasion, the rhythm was seriously disrupted by Buquan.

Taking a deep breath, Master Dabei covered his heart with his hand: "Master Buquan, it really hurts me to see you like this."

"As your senior, I really can't bear to see a future star in the alchemy field ruined in front of me like this."

"Look at yourself now. What are you doing?"

"You are actually improving the process for large-scale pharmaceutical production. Is such a simple and uncreative work worth the time and energy of a genius like you?"

"Is this how the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group treats you?"

"You are wasting your time, your talent, and your future by doing this."

Bu Quan didn't even raise her head this time. She directly gave the order to expel the guests: "The door is over there, you two, please leave slowly."

Large cup mage, medium cup mage:......

After a while.

The two mages were given alchemy apprentice gifts again.

"Cough cough cough." The middle cup mage coughed loudly.

The cup mage put down his handkerchief and greedily breathed in the fresh air outside the alchemy workshop.

The middle mage's face was full of worry: "Father, what should we do now? Master Buquan is too determined. You have just made such a generous offer, but she is still unmoved. It seems that I It’s better to suffer.”

Master Dabei let out a long sigh: "This is my fault. I didn't expect that such a task would cause such twists and turns. I think I spent a lot of favors and costs to win this task for you."

"Father, I let you down." The Zhongbei Mage lowered his head and sounded guilty.

He is from the Alchemy Guild, but due to his bloodline, his alchemy talent is not as strong as his father's.

He can only be limited to the silver level in this life.

Master Dabei has only one son, and he still hopes that he will inherit the family business in the future. Therefore, Master Dabei used his connections and resources to get him such a job - to secretly protect Buquan and monitor it for the Alchemy Union.

This job not only comes with generous rewards for union contributions, but it also allows you to build a relationship with Buquan. In the future, if Buquan is promoted to the gold level or obtains a higher alchemy achievement, the Zhongbei mage can also benefit from this relationship in his early years.

It can be said that Dabeifa spent a lot of thought on his son.

It's a pity that man's calculation is not as good as God's calculation. The Bayonet Gang was wiped out in one day. Buquan actually joined a foreign mercenary group after his revenge was successful!

If this news is to be spread back, the Alchemy Guild will definitely explode. As the person in charge of secret supervision, Master Zhongbei must bear the responsibility. According to his talent and alchemy ability, he has basically made it through in the Alchemy Guild.

After Master Zhongbei failed to persuade him to replenish the spring, he quickly told his father the information.

As a gold-level alchemy master, Master Dabei rushed to Snowbird Port.

As a result, the persuasion to Buquan just failed.

"Father, what should we do next?"

"Don't panic. If you think about it carefully, there will always be a way." Master Dabei's breath gradually softened.

He deliberately tried to win the test: "Have you thought of any solution?"

The Master of Zhongbei pondered: "If we can't lure Buquan to Buquan, maybe we can directly lure the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group? As long as the chips to lure them are big enough, I believe that the leader of the Dragon Server will take the initiative to remove Buquan. In this way, Master Buquan will have no choice but to return to the Alchemy Guild."

Master Dabei shook his head: "You underestimate the value of a silver-level alchemy master! The current tonic spring is already an indispensable production tool for the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. Her value will be even greater in the future. If the Dragon and Lion The mercenary group is just an ordinary mercenary group. Maybe large sums of money can be lured, but there are arms dealers behind them. Think about it, will a force capable of transnational arms smuggling be easily moved by these interests of ours? "

The Zhongbei mage suddenly fell silent.

Master Dabei encouraged: "Think again, do we have a better way?"

Master Zhongbei thought hard and said after a while: "I thought about it. What we have to deal with is not the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, but the arms dealers behind them. And the arms dealers came here just to open up the arms market of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom. . We can use our contacts and relationships in the Alchemy Guild to help them develop the market and use this to negotiate."

Master Dabei shook his head again: "Now I will tell you a piece of bad news. The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group has reached a business cooperation with the Rijian family. The Longliqi potion manufactured by Buquan with all its strength has begun to be sold through the Rijian family's business channels. Sold all over the Ice Sculpture Kingdom.”

"Can the relationship and connections between our father and son be as good as those of the Satoma family?"

The Zhongcup mage turned pale and shook his head. The Satojian family is one of the great nobles in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom. The family's power is huge, and they are either second or third.

The Zhongbei mage was about to cry but said: "In this case, my mission will really fail."

"Not yet." Master Dabei patted his son on the shoulder, "We can't lure the arms dealers behind the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, but destruction is always much easier than construction."

Mage Zhongbei's eyes suddenly lit up: "Father, do you want to directly eradicate the Long's mercenary group?"

The big cup mage angrily knocked his son on the head: "What on earth do you have in this? We are alchemists, and fighting is not what we are good at. How much fighting power can we have? Let's deal with a man who has gone through many battles. Mercenary group?"

Master Zhongbei was a little unconvinced: "We can definitely hire some mercenaries, gangs and other forces to do it for us."

"Then how much money do you plan to spend? Even if all our wealth is invested, can the people we hire guarantee that they can eradicate the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group? Even if the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is destroyed, what will Buquan think of us? How will the arms dealers behind the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group react? Do you think the secret that we spend money to hire other people can be kept secret?"

The middle cup mage was silent again.

He couldn't think of a way, so he simply spread his hands: "Father, if you have any way, just tell me. I will do it."

Master Dabei was so angry that he wanted to hit him again.

Master Zhongbei didn't understand his father's painstaking efforts. He does not have the alchemy skills of his father, and can only be limited to the Silver level throughout his life. It is almost impossible to reach the status of his father in the Alchemy Guild.

The medium-cup mage has no alchemy talent and does not have a gold-level mage level. The large-cup mage can only cultivate his son's political literacy. As a result, the son couldn't bear the upbringing and just lay down.

"Who said you are my only son?" Master Dabei sighed and had no choice but to tell him his plan.

"We are going to cause destruction. The purpose is to make the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group aware of our destructive power and promote peace through war, so that they will voluntarily give up the replenishing spring."

"They are in a very critical period right now."

"You just saw that Buquan and others are refining medicine on a large scale like crazy. I have to say that there are talented people in the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. They want to open up the market and establish a stable sales channel through mount potions. . In the future, all kinds of alchemy arms will be sold across the country, which will get twice the result with half the effort."

The Master of the Middle Cup was inspired: "As long as we destroy their alchemy workshop..."

Before he could finish his words, his head was hit hard again by the Big Cup Mage.

"Don't openly oppose them! Don't arouse Buquan's hostility. If you do it directly like this, even if Buquan returns to the Alchemy Union, she will become our enemy. In the future, she will become a high-ranking member of the Alchemy Union. I have already You are old, you have taken a back seat, you have even died of old age. But what about you? Your life will be very difficult."

"Now, shut up and listen to me."

Master Dabei was so tortured by his son that he lost his patience and directly revealed his plan: "We can sell fake medicine!"

"The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group wants to open up the market with dragon riding potions and occupy the market gap for mount potions in various parts of the kingdom."

"We can make some magic potions that are very similar to dragon riding, but the potency is very poor, has strong side effects, and may even harm the mount. We don't need to refine too much, we only need a part to flow into the market, and we can completely To smear their reputation and prevent them from taking this crucial step."

"In the process, we can go negotiate."

"Of course, we will not tell the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group that we are the ones behind the fake medicine."

"I will come forward, as my elder, to help the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group clarify the facts and prove that they are innocent victims. The condition for help is that Buquan returns to the guild!"

"Their time is very limited and they need my help. Otherwise, if time goes on, other nobles or alchemy guilds will refine the mount potion and seize the market, making their business plans unable to succeed."

"Good idea, this method is really great! Refining counterfeit medicine only requires us to spend very little cost. The key is that these are our specialties. There is no risk to fight!" Zhongbei Mage praised repeatedly.

But Master Dabei shook his head: "It's not easy to do this. We don't have the specific formula of Dragon Rider potion, so it's difficult to make similar fake potions."

"Are you going to steal it?" Master Zhongbei asked.

"No." Master Dabei shook his head, "I have a better choice. Buy some dragon riding potions and let's go visit Master Caijing."

"Father, are you referring to the forgery master Cai Jing?"

"That's right. It's not easy for us to make counterfeit medicine in a short time. But if Master Cai Jing takes action, he will definitely succeed. He has been living on Huaqu Island since he was expelled from the Alchemy Guild. .”

"According to the past relationship between your father and me, this time I will put down my shame and ask him, and he will help us."

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