Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 413: Cyanobacteria: There is a swim bladder in my body

Flower skirt island.

The underground secret room of Shuangtu Medical Center.

The blue algae lay flat in the air, in a three-dimensional magic circle.

The rays of light emitted by the magic circle continuously scanned Cyanobacteria's whole body.

After a while, the magic circle slowly stopped.

The cyanobacteria are suspended in the sky and are constantly lowering to the floor.

The voice of Shuangpu, who controlled the magic circle, came through the door of the secret room: "Okay, Henfa, you can come out."

Lan Zao stood up, opened the door of the secret room, and walked out.

He entered an underground hall.

The hall is brightly lit and equipped with a large number of alchemy components. Of course Cyanobacteria didn't recognize any of them, but he could identify the magical aura of these alchemical components. Most of them are silver grade, and two or three are gold grade.

The magic circle in the secret room just now was controlled by a gold-level alchemy component.

Shuang Tu was standing in front of the alchemy component, controlling the magic panel that emerged.

Seeing Lan Zhi coming, he said with joy: "Good news, the blood in your body is completely stable. Your blood awakening was quite successful, and now your body is 100% fish bladder blood. This is the best result of the blood awakening. , not all bloodline awakenings can reach 100%."

Lan Zao nodded, and his eyes were immediately attracted by the gold-level alchemy components in front of him.

The metal surface of the alchemy component is smooth and flat, like a huge mirror.

Lan Zao saw his current appearance from it.

The most eye-catching thing is the blue skin all over his body.

To be precise, it's light blue.

His skin color was no longer the color of a human race.

"Fortunately, no fish scales grew." Blue Algae could only comfort himself.

His body shape also changed.

First he became shorter. He has shrunk from his previous height to 1.7 meters, but at the same time he has also become much more muscular.

His upper body is in the shape of an inverted triangle. The shoulders have become very broad, and there are 8 abdominal muscles on the waist and abdomen with sharp edges and corners. The arms are thick and flexible.

Cyanobacteria's upper body is much longer than before his awakening. His lower body became shorter due to height compression.

But there are bulging muscles in both thighs and calves. At first glance, one can tell that his legs are full of strength.

His palms and soles became wider and larger, and fish web-like membranes grew on the seams between his fingers and toes.

However, the membrane is not completely connected to the fingertips, and only reaches the middle of the fingers.

The shape of his head has also changed. It was originally a normal human head shape, but now it has become narrower at the top and wider at the bottom, taking on an almost equilateral triangle shape. His chin was at least twice as wide as before, and his head was slightly pointed.

His hair had become very thin, but much thicker than before.

Each normal human hair is slender and soft. But the cyanobacteria's current hair is dark blue, long and wide, like noodles or seaweed, and appears to be in a curved and curled state.

The cyanobacteria's eyes also grew larger. It was almost twice as big as before, and the pupils were dark black.

There are also three "black lines" on both sides of his cheeks.

The "black line" can be unfolded and is actually the gills of the fish.

Cyanobacteria have already tried this new organ - now it can breathe through its gills.

Looking at himself reflected on the metal surface, Cyanobacteria's eyes became a little complicated.

While he was lying on the hospital bed, he had already discovered these changes in his body.

At the beginning, he couldn't accept it.

Under Shuangtu's persuasion, he quickly adjusted his mentality. After all, a good thing like bloodline awakening is something that others can only hope for.

Seeing Lan Zhi staring at his own reflection with some fascination, Shuangtu chuckled: "Your swim bladder bloodline has reached 100% concentration. So after awakening, all the blood characteristics of the swim bladder bloodline have been completely fixed."

"Henfa, you are quite lucky. After awakening, your life will be completely different from before. You have won a new life!"

In his daily conversations with Lan Zhao, Shuang Tu would always call him "Ken Fa". The purpose was to make him familiar with and get used to it as soon as possible and to increase his sensitivity to this name.

"Let's go, stand over there. Next we have to teleport and leave Huaqu Island."

Shuang Tu led Cyanobacteria to another alchemy component.

This alchemy component is also gold grade.

Immediately after activation, a beam of light shoots down from the roof of the hall.

Cyanobacteria followed Frost Spit's instructions and stood under the beam of light.

Soon the teleportation was activated, and he disappeared from the spot and appeared in a narrow, dark chamber.

This secret room was much smaller than the one he had been examined in before, and probably two or three people would be packed into it.

Five or six seconds later, another beam of light shot down from Cyanobacteria's head.

Blue Algae quickly retreated to the corner of the room.

The next second, Shuang Tu's figure appeared in the beam of light.

The beam of light quickly disappeared.

"Where is this place?" Blue Algae asked the frost spit sent over.

Shuangtu simply answered him: "It's an uninhabited desert island near Huaqun Island. We opened a secret room on the surface of the root of this desert island and arranged part of the alchemy components used for teleportation."

"This is one of our escape routes. If an accident occurs, we can evacuate from Huaqu Island immediately."

"Okay, let's start training next. Since this is the first formal training, the training content is relatively simple, just to make you familiar with your body as much as possible."

Shuang Tu looked at Cyanobacteria and asked, "The awakening of your bloodline has transformed your body and gained new organs. You should be able to feel it, right?"

Blue Algae nodded: "Yes, I can breathe with my gills now."

"But it doesn't feel good."

"I tried two or three times. Every time I breathe through my cheeks, my whole cheeks will hurt, like being caught in a storm in the desert and being swallowed by yellow sand."

Shuang Tu nodded slightly: "Yu Fu's bloodline is related to fish people. Henfa, your ancestor of a certain generation is very likely to be a fish man."

"The life organs of such fish gills are usually used for breathing underwater, and are not suitable for breathing on land or directly in the air."

"However, the fish maw bloodline brings you not only fish gills, but also the fish maw! The latter is the biggest feature of this bloodline."

"Swim bladder?" Lan Zhao was surprised.

Of course he knows what a fish bladder is. This thing is commonly known as a fish bubble.

Lanwei shook his head: "Where is the swim bladder? Why can't I feel it?"

"I checked, and it's correct. Your new swim bladder organ is located under your lungs." Shuang spat.

"It's normal that you haven't felt it yet. Your current situation is like that of a baby who was born with a disability, missing arms and legs. When you become an adult, you will receive treatment and your hands and feet will grow, but you won't be able to use them."

"Next, I will open the valve, push the door open, and we will immediately enter the sea."

"When you continue to breathe through your gills in sea water, you can feel the swim bladder in your body."

After Shuang Tu finished speaking, he cast a spell on himself first.

Spell - Air Bubble.

A group of relatively condensed air formed a vague spherical shape, covering Shuang Tu's entire body.

Then, Shuang Tu came to the door of the secret room. On the wall near the door of the secret room, he took out a few bricks to reveal a bronze handle inside.

Shuang Tu turned the bronze handle, and Blue Algae immediately heard the sound of chains and mechanisms pulling and turning.

After a burst of splashing and clicking sounds, the four corners of the secret room's floor tiles suddenly revealed a large amount of seawater pouring in.

The sea water level continued to rise, and in about 30 seconds, it reached the chin of the blue algae. After another thirty seconds, the secret room was completely filled with sea water.

Shuang Tu turned the bronze handle one last turn, and the door to the secret room opened on its own.

The two swam out of the secret room and came to the sea.

Cyanobacteria looked around.

His new black eyes can capture the light from the bottom of the sea better than before his bloodline awakened, allowing him to see things.

He discovered that, as Shuangtu said, this secret room was the underwater foundation that transformed a desert island.

It is a simple secret room dug out of the surface of the island.

"Now, keep breathing through the gills." Shuangtu followed from behind Blue Algae.

Because of the air bubble technique, he was not in the water, but a ball of air covered him.

This mass of air not only insulates him from the pressure of the sea water, but also provides him with breathable air.

Of course, as Frost continues to breathe, this air bubble will become smaller and smaller with use.

Lan Zhao had only tried briefly using fish gills to breathe in the hospital ward. He stopped after feeling the pain. But this time it was different. He abandoned the mouth and nose and stuck to the gills.

Breathing in water is completely different from breathing in the ward.

The cold seawater is poured in through the fish's gills and spit out, and the filtered air fills the swim bladder, a new organ in the cyanobacteria, along the trachea.

The swim bladder continues to grow.

The air continues to fill the air, causing the blue algae's chest to slowly swell.

The blue algae felt a buoyant force, getting bigger and bigger, and wanted to bring him to the surface.

"You should feel the fat in your body now, right?" Shuang spat out.

Blue Algae nodded immediately. Maybe there wasn't enough air before, so the size of the swim bladder was always at its smallest, making it difficult for him to feel it.

But now, as the swim bladder swells, the cyanobacteria feel it very clearly.

Shuangtu continued: "Now, try to compress your swim bladder and squeeze out the air inside."

Lan Zhao tried to do it, and the next moment, he felt a strong feeling of vomiting.

He couldn't help but roll his Adam's apple, and subconsciously opened his mouth wide, spitting out a huge bubble. Then, as the blue algae subconsciously closed its mouth, a series of small bubbles followed.

Gulu gulu gulu...

When the small bubbles were spit out, a large amount of seawater poured in from his mouth.

Lan Zao quickly closed his mouth tightly, but when he was in a hurry, he forgot to breathe through his gills, and instead subconsciously used his mouth and nose to breathe. He choked on the water and became even more embarrassed.

Seeing this, Shuang Tu quickly used the air bubble technique.

Cyanobacteria stood in a cloud of air and coughed loudly for a while before regaining his breath.

"My bloodline has awakened, and my body has changed a lot."

"It takes a lot of training before I can master these changes. Otherwise, the new body will have huge flaws."

Blue Algae completely understood his situation.

However, just when he wanted to continue training, Shuang Tu's expression changed slightly.

"Ice Owl is here. He should know that you have woken up."

"Henfa, your first test is here. Do you still remember what you should do?"

Lan Zao nodded and replied: "If Ice Owl wants to provoke me, I will reject him directly."

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