Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 414: Investigating

Before Ice Owl arrived, Lan Zao and Shuang Tu successfully returned to the medical center in advance.

Not long after Lan Zao was lying on the hospital bed, he heard footsteps.

Soon, the door was pushed open.

Shuang Tu was the first to come in, Ice Owl was the second, followed by the leader of the human race.

Lan Zao quickly sat up, he was nervous and his face was sullen.

"Don't be nervous, young man, lie down quickly." Bing Xiao waved his hands quickly, smiling warmly.

"Ice Owl Gang Leader." Lan Zao spoke with a dry voice.

Bing Xiao walked to the hospital bed: "Don't be so formal, young man. I have to thank you for saving my life."

But Lan Zao shook his head: "I heard, you also saved me. When we were on the boat, I was still unconscious at that time."

Lan Zao said this and subconsciously looked at the leader of the human race.

He didn't know that the human leader actually belonged to his group, but he did learn this news from the human leader.

There was only a wall between the Terran leader and his ward.

For Anqiu's mission, although the human leader does not want to tell Lan Zhao his true identity, it is beneficial and harmless to him to have as much contact with Lan Zhao as possible.

Therefore, the leader of the human race often comes to visit, chat with Lan Zao, and find out the identity of Lan Zao.

At this time, Lan Zao also told the leader of the human race about his name and origin of "Hard Attack".

Blue Algae chatted with Ice Owl for a few words.

Basically, it was all Ice Owl's condolences and Blue Algae's answers.

Finally, Lan Zao suddenly said: "Master Ice Owl Gang Leader, thank you for sending me here for treatment. I will pay you back the cost of the treatment."

When Ice Owl heard this, he saw Lan Zhao's face was stiff. He immediately remembered something that the leader of the human race had told him before, and he confirmed Lan Zhao's thoughts in his heart.

If Lan Zao wants to pay back the treatment fee, he needs to draw a clear line with Ice Owl and the Bayonet Gang.

Bing Xiao's expression remained unchanged, still warm and gentle, controlling the rhythm of the conversation.

He is already very old. He has stepped down from his position as the leader of the Bayonet Gang, and now he has to take up the position again. This is an unusual life experience.

The human leader standing behind him stared at Ice Owl's back, his eyes flickering slightly.

To some extent, Ice Owl is even more difficult to deal with than Fujituro. In his prime, Fujituro doesn't like to hide his intentions, while Ice Owl is an old fox, and outsiders cannot judge his psychological activities from his words, deeds, and expressions.

Lan Zhao remained silent and his expression remained stiff.

Bing Xiao seems to have endless things to say, and he can always find a topic.

But in the end, he still said: "So, young man, are you interested in working for me?"

Lan Zao immediately shook his head and breathed a sigh of relief. I finally asked, such a conversation was too torturous.

He quickly apologized and explained his feelings: You saved Ice Owl before at the right time, and at the same time, you also wanted to use the power of the Bayonet Gang to escape from Snowbird Harbor. Now that I have come to Huaqu Island, my bloodline has awakened again. Everything can start again. I want to fight on my own!

After hearing these words, Bing Xiao was still smiling, but the leader of the human race snorted coldly and rebuked Lan Zhao for not knowing what was good and what was good.

Ice Owl stopped the human race leader from scolding him, comforted Blue Algae with a few words, and dropped the words when leaving: Blue Algae does not need to repay the cost of treatment, everything is fate.

After leaving the ward where Lan Zhao was staying, the human leader sent Ice Owl downstairs.

"Gang leader, you really don't know how to praise this kid if you attack him!" The leader of the human race was still angry.

Bing Xiao shook his head and chuckled: "It's understandable. As a young man, his bloodline has awakened again, and he wants to fight for his own success. It's a good thing to have such determination and energy. This is what I like about him."

Speaking of this, Bing Xiao sighed: "It's a pity that we can't protect ourselves now. If it was the original Bayonet Gang and I didn't need to recruit them, I'm afraid Henfa would automatically offer to join."

The leader of the human race quickly comforted Bing Xiao, saying that the Bayonet Gang would definitely regain its glory.

The two walked to the lobby on the first floor, and the human leader said again: "Sir, gang leader, beat this guy hard, he is indeed a good prospect. I heard Dr. Shuangtu said the test results. His blood is completely purified, with a concentration of 100%."

"This is a proper silver-level person, and he was rescued by us. Are we going to let him go like this?"

Bing Xiao glanced at the leader of the human race: "The Bayonet Gang is waiting for help. Fenfa is a talent, and of course he needs to be recruited. But now is not the right time. Let's get to know him first. In the next period of time, you continue to play tricks with him. Get close to him, try to maintain the relationship, and ask about some things about him."

The leader of the human race hurriedly said: I understand.

But he urged unintentionally: "But our treatment will eventually end. After the illness is recovered, my subordinates will have no reason to stay here. It's not just me, it's the same for Fenfa. Although he is bronze now, but Dao The forces in the world will also be very optimistic about a future silver-level one."

Ice Owl nodded and did not say the next arrangements. He just took care of the human leader. His focus was also on healing, and recruiting Henfa was just a side task.

The leader of the human race quickly expressed his worries and inner urgency about the future of the Bayonet Gang, and promised that after returning, he would have a good chat with Fenfa about the background of the Bayonet Gang and the bright future.

"Okay, don't send it away." Bing Xiao stood at the door of the medical center and waved his hand for the leader of the race to go back.

Spring Boxer was leaning against the wall on one side of the gate, and he came over to meet Ice Owl.

Although Ice Owl is also Silver-level, he is old after all, and his real strength lies in the Gold-level giant slave. Unfortunately, his only gold-level giant slave had his head cut off by the Lord of Snowbird Harbor.

Huaqu Island is another unfamiliar environment.

Therefore, when Ice Owl is out in the field, he is usually protected by Spring Boxer or Bear Saw himself.

Spring Boxer said hello to the leader of the human race, and gradually left the medical center with Ice Owl.

On the way, Spring Boxer said: "I think the human leader's injuries have mostly healed, and he can be discharged from the hospital. In terms of daily help, it is most appropriate to let him come. He is also the best at handling these small things."

Bing Xiao smiled slightly: "Why, you have only been asked to handle the help for a few days, and you are impatient?"

“Help seems like a small thing, but it’s actually very important.”

"I know what you used to do. Although you were the leader, you would almost always hand over the gang tasks you were responsible to to your deputies. But that's no longer possible now. The gang needs you to do these things."

Ice Owl stamped his feet, looked back at Spring Fist, and said sincerely: "I am already old."

"You will be the next leader of the Bayonet Gang."

"If you don't even know how to handle help, how can you take on this important task?"

Spring Boxer groaned and looked troubled.

He had never been interested in this position.

Bing Xiao didn't understand his character, so he added: "You also know that there may be a traitor around us now. Do you want the position of gang leader to fall into the hands of a traitor?"

"Of course not!" Spring Boxer blurted out, "But..."

"In my opinion, Xiong Saw cannot be a traitor. He is very good at fighting, but his personality cannot make him a traitor."

"And the human leader, he has always been loyal to the gang."

Bing Xiao shook his head and continued walking forward.

Spring Boxer quickly followed up and heard Bing Xiao say: "If there is no way to confirm the traitor, we must maintain restrained suspicion towards others."

"It's possible for Xiong Saw, the human leader, and even a ruthless attack is possible."

"Ken Fa?" Spring Boxer was surprised. He also knew some information about Hen Fa, "He shouldn't be, right?"

"He is not from our Bayonet Gang."

"Not even from Snowbird, but from Blood City."

"If I were the Lord of Snowbird Port, I would definitely arrange for the original members of the Bayonet Gang to lurk around us."

"Besides, Henfa doesn't want to join us, does he?"

While Springfist leaned against the wall, he heard the conversation of the human leader, Ice Owl, in the hall.

"But he can't rule out the suspicion." Bing Xiao shook his head slightly and sighed again, "Fortunately, we can investigate him."

"Investigation?" Spring Boxer wondered.

Ice Owl said: "He came from Blood City and fled into Snowbird Harbor. There are exactly our people in Blood City."

"Does our Bayonet Gang still have a survivor branch?" Spring Boxer was even more curious.

Bing Xiao shook his head: "To be precise, it's the connections, Fujituro's relationship."

"In fact, you also know this person."

"Who?" Spring Boxer asked quickly.

Ice Owl said a name.

Spring Boxer was surprised: "What, the bald man? He is now the leader of the Ax Gang?"

Blood City and Snowbird Harbor are close to each other, and Spring Boxer also knows that the largest gang in Blood City is the Ax Gang.

But he didn't expect that the leader of the Ax Gang was actually the bald man in his memory.

That was Fujituro's comrade-in-arms. Although the two of them are usually at odds with each other and dislike each other, during battles, they will fight to the death to save each other and trust each other with their backs. The comradeship is very deep.

"Didn't the bald man go home to farm?"

Bing Xiao sighed: "Veterans like us cannot return to ordinary life. On the battlefield, we can sleep peacefully listening to the sound of bombings. Lying on a soft bed, we spend a peaceful day quietly, On the contrary, it is our nightmare. The habit of fighting has been deeply ingrained in our bones, and we are accustomed to using force to survive. Like Fujituro, he is also at the gold level, and his personality is even more violent than Fujituro. He cannot live by the rules. His current position is actually quite normal."

Spring Boxer blinked and nodded repeatedly, acknowledging Ice Owl's words.

Ice Owl: "Next, I will summon him and ask the leader of the Ax Gang to investigate Henfa's background."

"There are many communication monsters on Huaqu Island."

"If all goes well, we should hear back in a few days."

Blood city.

Zidi carried a heavy gift and came to the Ax Gang's station with Zong Ge.

After clarifying the purpose of their visit, the two of them were introduced to the residence.

"Dragon suit...he actually came to the door in person!" The Ax Gang leader looked gloomy.

"Father, we didn't kill him in the Cold Wind Valley. Now activate the magic circle at the station and give it a try!" Ax Zhao, the son of the leader of the Ax Gang, was full of murderous intent.

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