Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 420: The

Necromantic spells use pure negative energy, so there is a difference between necromancy spells and dark spells.

Of course, it's not that the lantern fish head cannot be made into a death head, but the yield is much lower than other heads.

After Cangxu consumed all the lantern fish heads, he had more than 20 death lantern fish heads.

He engraved necromancy spells on the fish heads, and found that the difficulty of engraving necromancy spells models was also much higher, and the space was still small, so only a few spells could be engraved on one fish head.

After Cangxu had five lantern fish heads that could cast spells, he got good news.

To be precise, the ghost ship investigation was finally successful.

They discovered the whereabouts of Fin Spirit!

To be precise, it is the remains of a water ghost under Fin Spirit's command.

Finling possesses an army of water ghosts, which performed brilliantly in the Battle of Songfeng. And when the ghost sent by the ghost ship to investigate was discovered, only the legs of the water ghost were left.

After investigating the ghost, they brought the water ghost's legs back to the ghost ship. The ship ghost immediately cast a spell and confirmed that this was the spell breath of the fin spirit!

"Finally found her!" the little prince was very happy.

Crying Wind said: "Necromancers can control ghosts at a certain distance. Since the water ghost is here, it means that the fin spirit is also nearby."

The ship ghost also breathed a sigh of relief.

The purpose of their coming to the White Hair Trench was to rescue Fin Ling, the "traitor".

But in fact, the ship ghost is not sure whether the Fin Spirit is in the White Hair Trench.

The fin spirits are the best here. If not, the necromancers can also save the murlocs of the fin spirits and help them escape from the control of the sea serpent.

Fin Spirit cares most about her clan when she was alive. Once these fishmen were out of trouble, Fin Spirit felt relaxed and no longer had her biggest worries.

The remnants of the water ghost's legs slowly dissipated and turned into nothing.

The ghost ship arrived at the original spot where the water ghost's legs were found, and used this as a starting point to continue exploring the surrounding area.

Soon, they discovered new clues.

From the remaining traces of the battlefield, they determined that a small group of sardines surrounded and killed the water ghost.

Sardine's spell-like damage is done to ghosts.

The Fin Spirit's water ghost was obviously a scout sent out. He was surrounded by a swarm of sardines, was outnumbered, and died tragically on the spot.

Its legs drifted not far away along the current.

With new clues, the ship ghost sent out ghosts and explored everywhere.

Next, everyone received many valuable clues one after another.

Finally, in an undersea mountain col, they discovered Finling's murloc tribe.

"The Fin Spirit must be nearby. She is most worried about her tribe. Even if her tribe has hurt her many times!" the little prince muttered.

Next, a strong piece of evidence proved the little prince’s guess.

Everyone discovered Finling's detection water ghost.

Not just one.

These water ghosts are scattered around the fish-men tribe and hidden in the rocks.

If it weren't for the leaked undead aura, the necromancers wouldn't be able to easily detect them.

The necromancers began to be cautious.

They were worried about alerting the enemy, so it was best to quietly discover the specific location of the Fin Spirit.

In order to hide himself, the ghost ship even arranged the ghost ship far away, and he took the little prince and others to act in person.

But everyone searched secretly for a long time, but still could not find the location of Fin Spirit.

"Where is she hiding? Almost every stone nearby has been turned over by us." The little prince's patience is the most limited.

"The environment of the White Hair Trench is complicated. Maybe there are passages hidden in the mountain walls, or even internal spaces?" Crying Wind guessed.

Cang Xu pondered: "It's a bit strange. Since the fin spirit is nearby, the sea snake girl should not be far away. Unless the fin spirit escapes from control, or the sea snake girl is very confident in her ability to control the fin spirit... But if I just A pirate and water mage doesn’t have the confidence to control a necromancer.”

"You must know that the undead faction is a new faction."

Cang Xu put forward his own point of view. He believed that the Sea Snake Girl was most likely here.

"If the sea snake girl is here, where is her ship?" The ship ghost frowned.

During the Battle of Matsukaze, Sea Snake's ship left a deep impression on him.

The little prince shrugged: "We have already scouted the sea, haven't we? It's empty there, with nothing but sea water and wind."

Everyone encountered huge obstacles.

They just can't find the fin spirit, and the sea snake girl who may be here.

"Actually, this problem can only be solved by spending some time." Cang Xu's words immediately attracted everyone's attention.

He didn't lie, and said directly: "We can't find the fin spirit, so we can track those water ghosts."

Crying Wind shook his head: "Even I know that ghost investigation does not require reporting back. Necromancers can use spells to see the ghost's vision and understand the ghost's memory."

Cang Xu smiled: "This is the tracking I'm talking about. We can secretly capture a water ghost alive, and when the fin spirit casts spells to dig out the water ghost's memory, we can use spells to track her and determine her specific location. I remember the middle-level There is this spell in the soul inheritance."

Ship Ghost nodded: "Indeed, it is called the Soul Trace Technique. Its main function is to determine the location of the undead through some clues. Necromancers who master it often use it to discover and capture some powerful or unique undead in the underworld. life."

"It is also possible to search for the location of the fin spirit now. Because the necromancer is of course also an undead being. And when she uses the necromancer to communicate with the water ghost's vision or memory, it will be the trace of the undead. But I am not sure about the final success or failure. , because I rarely use this spell."

After listening to Ship Ghost's introduction, the little prince and Crying Wind immediately understood.

Where can there be many powerful and unique undead beings?

Of course the underworld.

When exploring a plane like the underworld, the level of the necromancer must reach the sanctuary level, and the gold level is not safe.

The good corpse-dismembering doctor at the time was exploring the underworld and got the message from the ship ghost asking for help.

Following Cang Xu's suggestion, everyone captured a bronze-level water ghost alive.

This action is actually risky.

Because it may also be discovered by the fin spirit.

The ship ghost pressed the water ghost into the ghost ship. After some inspection, he made a new discovery.

When he reappeared on the deck, he told everyone: "Good news."

The little prince rejoiced: "So, the Soul Tracing Technique was successful? Please tell me where the Fin Spirit is hidden."

"Heaven." Ship Ghost said.

"What?!" The little prince tried his best to open his eyes wide, well, all he had left were his eyes.

"That's it." Crying Wind suddenly realized.

Ship Ghost continued: "There is always a white cloud on the sea, and the Ruanmian is hiding in the cloud."

"Ruan Mian Mian?" Cang Xu was confused.

Ship Ghost knew something about this: "They are the Powerless Pirates. They are also part of the Firebeard Pirates, and they seem to have been invited by the Sea Serpent to come here. This is the information provided by Fin Spirit."

This statement surprised others.

The little prince asked uncertainly: "Lord Ship Ghost, have you contacted Fin Spirit?"

"That's right. The fin spirit had expected us to come and had tampered with the water ghost. Through the water ghost, we can now contact her and exchange some simple information. This is the good news I said!" Ghost Road.

Great news indeed!

Fin Ling's "betrayal" was caused by a painful situation and was forced to do so. During the Battle of Matsukaze, she obviously let her guard down.

And she also expected that the ship ghosts and others would come to rescue her, so she took advantage of the scouting water ghosts in advance.

Cang Xu guessed: Maybe she trusts the ship ghost so much because she was summoned by the ship ghost. She also served as the ship ghost's alchemy assistant for many years and they know each other well.

Now, Fin Spirit has secretly contacted Ship Ghost. Inside the enemy, the necromancers had "eyes" and the situation immediately became favorable.

"The Ruanmianmian is hiding in the clouds, how can we take action?" The little prince became distressed.

"It's difficult." Ship Ghost shook his head, "My ghost ship can't fly yet."

Cang Xu's heart moved, and he keenly heard a secret from the ship ghost's words - it seems that the ghost ship can still fly?

"There is nothing I can do about air combat." Crying Wind said, "Only the ghost army can maintain its combat effectiveness."

"That's right, my skeleton shooters can't threaten the Wanmian at all. My skeleton mages are also very few in number. The most important thing is that my group of horned skeleton turtles are of no use at all!" The little prince hugged his big brother. cried the head.

Among his skeleton army, the most powerful one is the group of horned skeleton turtles. The current scale has more than doubled from the initial expansion.

Cang Xu said: "We have to lead them to the sea."

"Yeah, yeah, you're right!" The little prince nodded repeatedly, "It would be best to lead it to the bottom of the sea. Then my heavy cavalry might be of great use."

Crying Wind said: "We are in the dark and they are in the light. We can take our time to plan."

The ship ghost shook his head: "The pirates on the Ruanmian are not all our enemies. According to Fin Spirit's intelligence, there will be a pirate group here in the next few days for reinforcements. "

"It's the heroic pirate group."

"However, according to the plan, they have to dock at Huaqu Island for a few days."

"So, we don't have much time."

"It's best to lure them down during this period of time!"

But how?

The little prince lowered his head and thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head: "I thought of it!"

He raised his head too sharply, and with a click, his head and neck separated.

The round skull head fell directly to the deck.

The little prince's body quickly ran over, squatted on the ground, and reinstalled his head: "We can attack the fin spirit's tribe."

"In this way, we can lure those pirates down!"

Seeing everyone's silence, the little prince continued: "Why do you think these people are hiding in the clouds?"

"I don't think they're squatting on us."

"They should be threatening and exploiting the fin spirit group and hunting a large number of sea beasts."

"If we attack the Finlings' tribe now, they will be shocked and then come to beat us. They will think that we are here for revenge. Who made the Finlings betray us?"

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