Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 421: The little prince with a weak IQ

After listening to the little prince's carefully designed strategy, the others were silent for a long time.

The little prince received no response and urged: "How do you feel? This is a good idea!"

The other three looked at each other quickly.

Cang Xu looked at the triumphant little prince and suddenly understood an experience in his past.

According to what Cang Xu heard from other people, when the little prince first came into contact with the ship ghosts and others, he was in crisis several times and was rescued by the ship ghosts repeatedly. It can be said that without the ship ghost, the little prince would have been doomed long ago.

At that time, Cang Xu felt a little strange.

Why did the little prince encounter crises again and again? Even if he secretly protects the merchant ships of his own kingdom, it will not be like this.

Perhaps one or two dangers are inevitable.

But as long as you act cautiously, you won't be in crisis many times as Cang Xu.

Cang Xu once secretly guessed that this might be a strategy used by the ship ghost to conquer the little prince. Because of this conjecture, Cang Xu did not inquire more about the little prince's experience.

But now, Cang Xu felt that his previous guess was probably that he was overthinking it.

According to the little prince's intelligence, he should have encountered many crises!

The fish-man tribe threatening the Fin Spirits came to prompt the pirates in the sky to come down and start a war...

What kind of strategy is this? It's simply stupid.

First of all, the necromancers took the initiative to expose themselves, directly losing the stage advantage of being in darkness.

Secondly, will Fin Spirit agree? Fin Spirit cares so much about the fish-men tribe that even if he becomes a necromancer, even if he has to leave the Ship Ghost, he will come back to protect them. As soon as the fish-men tribe was endangered, she was threatened by the sea snake girl and then controlled. Will such a person agree to this plan? Obviously impossible!

Secondly, even if Fin Spirit agrees, it will be difficult to operate. If done improperly, it will be a disaster.

Although the necromancers have a wide range of control over their subordinates, they are not precise enough. The little prince and others can be merciful, but using an army of skeletons and ghosts cannot guarantee that every undead can kill the murlocs.

And the hatred of living beings towards the undead is also deeply rooted in their bones.

The reaction of the fishman tribe is also difficult to control.

The murlocs will probably run away, which is the best case scenario. But there is also great potential for resistance and attack.

Once it is the latter, it will be difficult for the necromancers to deal with it.

If they were to fight, their subordinates could not stop them, as they would definitely cause harm to the murlocs. What would Finling think? If the killing is serious, the Fin Spirit may become angry and become a traitor!

If we don't fight, we are retreating. What would the pirates think when they saw this? The necromancers are so unresolute in their fighting will, and they obviously don't want to take revenge on the fish-men tribe. What's the reason? It's too simple, it must be considering Fin Spirit's feelings. Since they took the Fin Spirit's feelings into consideration, it was obvious that they wanted to save the Fin Spirit. Maybe, they have secretly communicated with Fin Spirit!

Finally, using this ploy, will the pirates really be lured down?


Sea Snake Girl's gold-level sea snake has been killed, and she herself is only silver-level. The captain of the Luanmian and the leader of the Powerless Pirates - Gummy Man, whose level is only Silver.

Therefore, the sea snake girl also invited the heroic pirate group. The leader of this pirate group has reached the gold level.

Facing the undead army, even if the ship ghost and ghost ship do not show their heads, the sea snake girl and the gummy man will probably huddle on the ship and will not move.

Anyone who is not stupid will associate the undead army with a group of ship ghosts.

Ship Ghost is a gold-level one!

All in all, the little prince's plan was too stupid. Rather than executing her, it would be better to attack directly.

Cang Xu remained silent and did not speak. He would not offend the little prince for no reason.

Crying Wind also closed her mouth tightly, as if she didn't hear what the little prince said.

The little prince's eyes were mainly focused on the ship ghost.

The ship ghost walked up to the little prince, stretched out his hand, and touched his round and smooth head: "The plan is good. When I heard it, I knew that you had thought hard about it. But you better not make plans in the future."

"Ah?!" The little prince was stunned.

"Besides this plan, what do you have in mind?" Ship Ghost asked Crying Wind and Cang Xu.

Crying Wind shrugged, saying that he would just pick up the sword and follow the ship ghost to fight. Don’t think much about the others.

"I didn't expect Crying Wind to be quite cunning." Cang Xu thought to himself, and the pressure came to him.

Cang Xu pondered: "Looking at it now, we don't know much about the enemy. At least we still don't know why the sea snake girl is here and invited the weak and heroic pirate group, but her pirate ship has disappeared."

"Now that we have communicated with Fin Spirit, why not ask her."

Cang Xu's words sounded simple, but he actually expressed his opinion.

That is to let Fin Spirit find a way, Ship Ghost and others to cooperate.

The fin spirit spreads the water ghost widely to investigate, this action will definitely not be able to hide the sea snake girl. Because the spell fluctuations when communicating with water ghosts and obtaining vision and memory are very strong.

Therefore, Fin Spirit's investigation should have been agreed to by the Sea Serpent.

But the sea snake girl didn't know that the fin spirit had done something to the water ghost's body.

Since Fin Spirit has the function of reconnaissance, it is more suitable to make pirates alert, make misjudgments, and then go to sea to attack.

"Humph, what's there to ask about that traitor? We were able to rescue her, so she should just be grateful and wait obediently for rescue!" The little prince was a little angry.

After hearing what Cang Xu said, the ship ghost sighed again, as if to say: Finally there is someone who understands.

He nodded slightly: "I can't communicate with Fin Spirit for too long, and the times can't be frequent. The more times and the longer the time, the easier it is to reveal the truth."

"But these things should really be inquired about first."

"I will contact her after a while."

Cang Xu didn't know what this communication method was. He guessed that this might be the content of the intermediate soul vein undead inheritance. But considering the principles of ship ghosts, fin spirits should not be taught this level of knowledge.

Cang Xu recalled: Fin Ling once served as an alchemy assistant and stayed with Ship Ghost for many years.

"Perhaps this is some kind of alchemy?"

Soon after, the ship ghost appeared again and told others: "Ask clearly."

"The Sea Snake Girl's demon pet was killed in battle. She came here this time to search for a gold-level sea snake and re-sign the demon pet contract."

"For this reason, she invited the heroic pirate group, with a gold-level heroic captain to take action, who can deal with the gold-level sea snake monster."

"At the same time, she also invited Gummy Man. Although he is only Silver-level, he has a record of success and can restrain Gold-level existences, making Gold-level ones lose their fighting power and become so weak that they are unable to fight."

"The Gummy Man will weaken the gold-level sea snake's ability, making it easier for Captain Haoqi to capture it alive."

"As for the Fin Spirit, only the Sea Serpent Girl knows her true identity. The other two people don't know that she is a necromancer. The Sea Serpent Girl has disguised herself. Normally, the Fin Spirit is responsible for detecting the situation in the sea."

"Of course, Sea Snake Girl and others will also investigate at the same time. It's just that they hide in the clouds, and it's most convenient for water ghosts."

The little prince was very happy after hearing this: "In that case, we can catch a gold-level sea snake and lure them into the sea."

Ship Ghost said: "They found a suitable target three days ago."

"Because of this, the sea snake girl notified the heroic pirate group to come to support."

This arrangement is very reasonable.

The heroic pirate group is a gold-level force, and the Sea Snake Girl is only a silver-level force. Especially after losing the gold-level Poseidon Warcraft, they are not confident enough.

It was impossible for her to have a gold-level powerhouse always by her side, waiting for the right target to appear.

The heroic pirate group naturally has their own things to be busy with.

Just like Buquan, although the Alchemy Guild pays attention to it, the latter will not send a gold-level person to protect the former in secret at all times.

The value of the gold level determines the difficulty and cost of recruiting them.

"In that case, shouldn't we do something about that sea snake?" the little prince shouted again.

The more he plots, the more he reveals himself to be a fool.

After Cang Xu heard this, he put this stupid plan behind him without hesitation.

If you attack the gold-level sea snake, there is no way the sea snake girl will come down.

Because there are so many sea beasts in the White Hair Trench, it is not difficult to find another gold-level sea snake.

Even if the ship ghost and ghost ship did not appear, the undead army dared to attack the gold-level sea snake. How could the two silver-level sea snakes, Sea Snake Girl and Gummy Man, risk going into the sea?

Cang Xu secretly mused: "This information is mixed, it depends on how the ship ghost chooses."

Ghost ships cannot fly, but ship ghosts are gold-level, and they are also necromancers.

In fact, if the ship ghost takes action at this time, it will still have a great advantage against the enemies on the Ruanmian.

If it is delayed and the leader of the heroic pirate group joins in, it will be difficult.

But Ship Ghost did not choose to take the risk and do it himself.

After discussing for a while, the ship ghost made a decision: lurk around the target sea snake, arrange the battlefield as much as possible, and wait for the fighter planes to appear.

Cang Xu understands the scruples of the ship ghost.

His scruples were simple and obvious, that was the gold-level shadow assassin.

Fin Spirit doesn't know this person, but this person may not be here.

The waters near Huaqun Island.

At the root of an uninhabited island, Cyanobacteria skillfully opened the door to the secret room and swam into the sea.

Everything around is silent.

Every cell of the cyanobacteria seemed to be laughing, and joy and joy continued to arise in his heart.

After rejecting Ice Owl's solicitation, he came here through teleportation many times for training.

Sometimes, Shuangtu accompanies him.

Sometimes he comes alone.

Cyanobacteria prefer to be left alone.

At this time, he would be immersed in the sea, letting the sea water wrap around him from all sides.

He would remain motionless and float quietly in the sea.

He likes the sea.

This is not a preference brought about by the awakening of the bloodline, but has always been there.

He was born and raised in a seaside fishing village.

When he was very young, he liked to dive into the sea and then stay still, letting the current of the sea take him in any direction, or looking at the azure blue through the light of the water while slowly sinking. , the vast expanse of sky.

It was such a pure blue, without a trace of impurities.

Originally, the blue of the sky seemed cold and aloof, but under the transmission of the sea water, this blue became soft, elegant, sad, and approachable.

Cyanobacteria like this blue color best. Immersed in such blue, he can forget himself, forget the trivial troubles in life, and resolve all sorrow and depression.

Now think about it, everything has a root.

Although he did not have an awakened bloodline at that time, the fish maw bloodline was still in his body.

Everything has been foreshadowed.

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