Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 425: 8 Qi vs Cai Jing

Lan Zhao slowly opened his heavy eyelids.

What caught his eye was the familiar ceiling. Without looking around, he knew: he had been rescued and returned to the ward of Shuangtu Medical Center.

"I remember that I was caught by the Eight Qi, and the fighting spirit was forcefully poured into my body."

"Although I managed to stay conscious on the pirate ship, I fell into a coma after falling into the water."

"It should be Shuangtui who saved me..."

Although blue-green algae are neither scheming nor good at strategy, it is not difficult to speculate on this point.

After each training session, he would use teleportation to return to the underground square of Frostbite Medical Center to receive recuperation.

When the time comes and he doesn't show up, Shuang Tu will definitely investigate.

Cyanobacteria look at themselves.

He found that almost his whole body was wrapped in white bandages, even his head was no exception.

There were layers of bandages, leaving only gaps between his eyes.

At the same time, the pain slowly increased.

This is because he had been in a coma before, but now that he wakes up, his perception is much stronger.

However, along with the pain, there was also a feeling of coolness.

Spirulina could smell the magic ointment, and it was clear that he was once again in good hands with Frostbite.

When Lan Zhao realized this, the door of the ward was gently pushed open, and Shuang Tu walked in.

Cyanobacteria are no surprise.

He had seen the alchemy components in the underground square of the medical center, and knew that the medical center looked ordinary, but in fact it had many hidden facilities. Shuang Tu's control over the medical center was far beyond what he appeared to be, so not long after Lan Zhao woke up, Shuang Tu knew the situation and came to Lan Zao.

"Thank you so much, Doctor Shuangtu, you saved me again." Lan Zhao took the initiative to express his thanks.

Shuangtu smiled: "The situation is indeed dangerous. Although your bloodline is awakened, it still needs a lot of exercise. At least when I picked you up, your gills were not working."

"Normally, even if you are unconscious, your ability to breathe should be retained."

"But you didn't turn your gills into instinct. At that time, you only relied on the swim bladder and the remaining air in your body to survive temporarily. If I had gone ten minutes later, you would have drowned."

At this point, Shuangtu changed the subject: "But, how do you say there is a saying - "Luck and misfortune are inherently one?" "

"You encountered the Eight Qi this time and almost died, but you also transformed your fighting spirit."

"The water and grass fighting spirit you mastered before is not suitable for you after awakening your bloodline. But the air pressure fighting spirit of the eight qi is very suitable."

"If you transform this fighting qi technique alone, it will take at least ten days and a half. But after the operation of the eight qi, you now have air pressure fighting qi in your body. Of course, this is a different kind of fighting qi, and you need to practice it alone. , can you generate your own air pressure and fighting spirit."

"Still, it only takes a day or two to get used to it."

After hearing these words, Lan Zao smiled bitterly: "If possible, I would prefer to convert the fighting spirit by myself. I never thought that I would suddenly encounter the heroic pirate group, and I almost died in the hands of the eight spirits!"

"If I have a chance in the future, I will definitely take revenge!!"

Shuangtu nodded: "Before you find a chance, I advise you to be patient. I haven't told you yet that the heroic pirate group has arrived at Huaqun Island."

"What?" Lan Zhao was stunned.

Nearly ten pirate ships docked at the dock of Huaqu Island.

The pirate flag fluttering in the wind attracted countless eyes.

When Baqi took the lead and walked off the deck first, leading a group of subordinates to the land of Huaqun Island, the entire dock was in a sensation.

Waves of cheers erupted from the crowd who came to watch the excitement.

"It's the heroic pirate group!"

"It's really them."

"The Eight Qi...I saw the Eight Qi with my own eyes! They are members of the Firebeard Pirates!!"

Baqi is not a frequent visitor to this sea area, but he has been a pirate for a long time, and his reputation has been spread for many years. He has very strong personal combat power, and his successful escape from the inverted hanging tower in the abyss is his most legendary experience. He also has unique eccentric behaviors and is definitely a pirate star.

The Abyss Inverted Tower is the number one super prison in the main plane.

The establishment of this prison dates back more than a thousand years.

Demons invaded the main plane on a large scale. After countless arduous battles, all races formed a coalition and finally arrived at Tongtianjing.

This is a huge teleportation device built by the demon tribe based on a natural space tunnel. It has a level as high as legendary and can transport legendary demons.

In Tongtianjing, the two sides fought a decisive battle.

The demons were defeated and the coalition was victorious.

The coalition leaders almost destroyed Tongtianjing, but were stopped by Fire Pepper Braid, the dwarf master craftsman at that time. This legendary female dwarf has the powerful ability to create artifacts. She has made numerous achievements and cannot be replaced.

Fire Pepper Braid told everyone: Simply destroying the Tongtianjing will do bad things. This is a trap carefully prepared by the demons. It will turn this space tunnel into space turbulence, which will last for tens of thousands of years and harm the main plane.

Huojiao Braid also suggested that it would be better to renovate the patio and build an inverted hanging tower on this basis.

She then listed the many benefits of this plan and successfully convinced the coalition leaders.

All races joined forces to build the Abyss Inverted Tower. Although they used almost all the craftsmen and alchemists in the main plane and transferred building materials from all over the world, it still took them more than ten years to successfully build the Inverted Tower.

After the inverted hanging tower was built, it was garrisoned by the main armies of each race in rotation. But the aura of the abyss was difficult to shield and kept eroding. After several major rotations, all the tribes discussed and converted the inverted hanging tower into a prison to imprison some extremely vicious criminals and let them guard and atone for their sins in the inverted hanging tower.

Baqi is the prisoner imprisoned in the inverted hanging tower.

But he escaped from prison and counted back 500 years. He was the only one who succeeded!

At that time, he was just a child and only had a bronze level.

This legendary experience makes him unique. It is said that Firebeard personally came forward to recruit him, and he led the heroic pirate group to join Firebeard's command.

Baqi took big steps and walked forward.

Wherever they go, the crowds are automatically divided.

Many people shouted and cheered, hoping to seek the recognition of Baqi and join the heroic pirate group.

There are also people who are watching from a distance with their arms folded, looking fearful.

Several silver-level people appeared in front of Baqi.

"Leader of the heroic pirate group, Master Baqi, welcome to Huaqu Island." A silver-level man said to Baqi bravely.

Baqi was very tall and looked down at the Silver-level people: "Are you the only ones who control this island? Your strength is a bit lacking."

The silver-level man looked meticulous and replied: "Master Baqi, Huaqu Island is a place of freedom. Anyone is welcome to come, as long as he does not have any ill intentions."

"We are just lucky enough to gain the trust of others and temporarily become the managers of this island."

"The fact is that Silver level is not the highest level on Huaqun Island. Gold level Master Caijing has been living in seclusion on the island for many years."

Baqi looked at him intently: "What's your name?"

"Sangshu." The silver snow elf who had previously responded to Ba Qi said quickly.

"Is that your son standing behind you?" Baqi asked again.

The snow elf named Sangshu suddenly looked panicked and shouted in confusion: "Master Baqi, Master Caijing and I have always cooperated closely. My son is the pharmacy apprentice accepted by Master Caijing..."

"Hahaha!" Baqi suddenly laughed and interrupted Sangshu, "I've taken a liking to your son!"

As he spoke, he opened his fingers and released a strong suction force.

The young man behind Sang Shu couldn't stop it, and was sucked into his palm by the eight qi.

The young man's head was held by Ba Qi's palm, and his body was tied up in white air currents, floating in mid-air.

The young man struggled hard and screamed wildly, but he could not get out.

"Help me, daddy, help me!"

"Master Baqi, please show me your noble hand!!" Sang Shu didn't dare to take action and begged urgently.

But the next moment, his plea for mercy was interrupted by his son's scream.

A large amount of air-pressure fighting energy was forcibly instilled into the young man's body by the eight qi, so that the young man screamed and his body was like an inflated balloon, and soon it was beyond recognition.

Sang Shu tried hard to persuade him, and couldn't bear it anymore, so he used his fighting skills to attack the eight qi.

The pirates around Baqi were all enjoying themselves and made no move to take action.

The silver-level fighting skills were easily blocked by Ba Qi, who waved his hand gently at Sang Shu.

Sang Shu was pushed into the air, unable to resist at all.


The next moment, the young man in Baqi's hands was exploded. His blood, brains, and pieces of flesh and bones were scattered everywhere, dyeing the scene red.

Baqi's face, chest and other places were all bright red.

He shook his hand and said with some disappointment: "It failed. This young man looks pretty good. I didn't expect that he wouldn't be able to support it in such a short period of time."

The scene was deathly silent.

Everyone who was cheering just now was dumbfounded, and felt chills in their hearts when they saw the evil desperation of human life.

Seeing his son's tragic death, Sangsu was filled with despair and anger.

"You killed my son, you killed my son!!" He roared, took out his crossbow, and kept shooting at the eight qi.

However, the silver-level crossbow is not powerful enough. Even if it is paired with a silver-level alchemical arrow, it cannot harm a hair of the eight qi.

Ba Qi's body shook slightly, and a ball of Qi element was separated from his body.

The air element turned into a big hand, exuding the luster of golden fighting spirit, and rushed towards Sang Shu.

Sang Shu looked frightened and retreated in panic.

The Golden Master is in hot pursuit.

Sang Shu fled all the way to the south of Huaqu Island, shouting: "Master Caijing, Master Caijing, please take action, your apprentice will be killed with eight qi, please save my life!"


A spell flew out and defeated the golden hand.

Master Caijing appeared, and he shouted to Baqi: "Captain of the heroic pirate group, Huaqun Island is not a place for you to do whatever you want!"

Baqi laughed again: "Cai Jing, this is not your territory. Are you qualified to talk to me like this? I doubt this!"

As he spoke, the Eight Qi floated into the air and rushed towards Cai Jing.

Cai Jing was fearless, holding a staff, and started a fierce battle with the eight spirits.

The two sides had a tacit understanding and rose into the air for a duel, without causing any harm to Huaqun Island.

Both of them were gold-level, and they were inseparable for a while.

Everyone watched the battle with their eyes fixed on it.

After fighting for about ten rounds, Cai Jing couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground again.

Fighting skills - multiple air pressures!

Eight Qi pushes horizontally with both hands, bursting out multiple waves of energy.

Master Caijing quickly raised his staff and held up a blue mage shield.

Each wave of air was as heavy as a mountain, suppressing Master Cai Jing, sending up debris, debris, and smoke all over the sky.

The smoke and dust quickly covered Master Caijing's figure.

When the smoke dissipated, Master Caijing, although disgraced, did not suffer serious injuries.

His mage shield had been shattered, but the giant morning glory around him protected him.

Giant trumpet flowers emerge from the ground. The big ones are as big as carriages, and the small ones are as tall as a person.

The morning glory aims at the eight qi and sprays out streams of mixed-color potion.

Ba Qi tried to resist, but his expression soon changed drastically. He was horrified to find that the Mixed Color Potion was extremely poisonous and could penetrate the Dou Qi defense, confuse his Dou Qi, and transform his Dou Qi into other Dou Qi.

Different vindictivenesses have serious conflicts with each other.

"Cai Jing, your fighting power is pretty good." Ba Qi stopped on his own initiative and flew to the ground.

Master Caijing looked pale and stared at Baqi: "Leave as soon as possible. The heroic pirate group is not welcome on Huaqun Island."

Baqi laughed, waved to him, turned and left: "I don't like staying here either. I will leave when the supplies are ready."

Master Caijing remained silent until he saw the back of Ba Qi disappearing, and then he got into the ground.

The two gold-level players competed for a while, each showing their respective combat prowess and realizing how difficult each other was. They all chose to give up.

Late that night.

Underground of the hospital.

The transmitted light dissipated, and Baqi came here: "Long time no see, doctor."

He said hello carelessly.

Shuangtu looked calm and nodded slightly to him, pointing to the room where Cyanobacteria was previously inspected: "Go in and check your body first, and hurry up. The less time we spend meeting in secret, the smaller the flaws will be."

"You're still so cautious." Baqi entered the room, lay down on his back, and let the light of the magic circle continue to shine all over his body.

"Your condition has worsened again." Shuangtu said in a solemn tone.

Ba Qi doesn't care: "I have already made a lot of money by escaping from that damn place of the inverted hanging tower. All I want now is to fulfill the teacher's instructions before I die and spread the air pressure fighting qi technique to the world."

"Speaking of which, the boy you gave me is indeed a good seedling. He is very suitable for the air pressure fighting technique. I can't bear to plant Qi knot in him."

Shuang Tu: "He was an 'accident'. We need your 'qi knot' to ensure that the final result is beneficial to us."

Baqi: "Are you going to train him?"

Shuang Tu said: "Resources will indeed be spent to cultivate him vigorously. We hope that he can contribute to Anqiu's spy mission."

"Anqiu..." Baqi laughed, "This spy mission has failed more than a dozen times, right?"

"More than that." Shuangtu shook his head, "Even if it fails hundreds of times, there is still a need to execute it!"

"Hey, this time I helped you test Cai Jing, and you also have to do me a favor." Baqi suddenly said, "Pick that kid out of the Anqiu mission. To be honest, I'm optimistic about this kid's qualifications. .”

Shuangtu shook his head and nodded immediately: "Even if Anqiu fails the mission this time, Henfa may not die."

"I have already made follow-up arrangements."

"He will be pried over by us and placed in the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. We are very interested in the arms dealer behind this mercenary group. I personally think that it is more reliable to detect the identity of the arms dealer than to spy on Anqiu Ke. "

Baqi then laughed: "Hahaha, I agree with your view. Arms dealer... this is indeed a great achievement."

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