Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 426: Air Cannonball

Flower skirt island.

The underground square of Shuangtu Medical Center.

Cyanobacteria are practicing.

Each Dou Qi Jue has its own training method. The Water Grass Dou Qi Jue is practiced by throwing the arms, while the Air Pressure Dou Qi Jue is practiced by slapping.

Cyanobacteria was wrapped in layers of bandages, and he kept patting various parts of his body with his palms.

After each slap, wisps of brand new fighting spirit are generated from the slapped area.

After continuous slapping, a small amount of energy accumulated into a large amount, and the new fighting energy condensed into streams and flowed through the blue algae's body.

What the Eight Qi instilled in him was also pressured fighting spirit, but it was generated within the Eight Qi at that time. Although it is the same kind of fighting spirit that Lan Zhao can barely use, it is not his biological one after all. It is essentially a different kind of fighting spirit.

Only the fighting spirit generated by the body itself through training can be completely used by cyanobacteria.

Not long after, the white bandage on Lan Zhao's body began to ooze with red blood stains.

His injuries have not healed, because the previous strong infusion of eight qi had caused particularly severe trauma to his body.

In fact, every time I slap my body, it will cause severe pain, without exception.

But Lun Zao had a resolute face and a firm gaze, showing no fear or compromise at all.

He was really stimulated.

Before, he was practicing normally, but he was caught by the Eight Qi, and after a burst of fighting energy, he was lucky enough to save his life. After regaining consciousness, he witnessed the confrontation between two gold-level players, Baqi and Caijing, in the medical center.

Although he was far away in the ward of the hospital and did not see clearly the fight between the two, the loudness of the gold-level fight was enough to increase his psychological pressure.

"Although my bloodline has awakened and my level has risen, it is only at the black iron level."

"Compared to the gold level, you are simply at the mercy of others!"

"According to Shuang Tu's test, I can definitely reach the silver level. Once I reach the silver level, even if I can't defeat the Eight Qi, I may still be able to escape and take some initiative in front of such existences."

In the past, Lan Zhao did not have such a strong spirit. The awakening of his bloodline brought him not only a raised ceiling, but also a strong spiritual encouragement!

"You can take a rest." Shuangtu remained on the sidelines, observing the physical condition of Cyanobacteria in real time through the alchemy component.

Lan Zhao already had a certain degree of trust in Shuang Tu, and when Shuang Tu reminded him, he immediately stopped practicing.

Shuangtu removed his bandage first.

After the bandage was removed, Lan Zhao's body was covered in blood, which was visceral.

Frost spit brought him to the magic circle, activated the magic circle, and illuminated the healing light.

The internal and external injuries of the cyanobacteria were treated to some extent, but they did not heal.

Shuangtu explained to him: "Today is a critical period for you to transform your fighting spirit. If you are allowed to recover, your new body will not be able to completely match your new fighting spirit before you have completely transformed your fighting spirit."

"So, being injured is actually beneficial to you."

"The air pressure fighting energy left behind by the eight qi will greatly suppress your body's instincts and prohibit the production of water grass fighting energy. This will greatly help you transform the air pressure fighting energy."

"The next step is to repeat the previous process. It is estimated that after five times, you will be able to successfully transform."

Lan Zao nodded, he remembered Shuang Tu's words in his heart, and followed the instructions.

After five times, the fighting spirit in his body had completely changed. Not only is it air pressure fighting energy, but all fighting energy is generated by his body itself. The fighting spirit of outsiders instilled by the eight qi before was either consumed or channeled out.

"You succeeded, but this is just the beginning, here." Shuang Tu handed Cyanobacteria a crystal ball.

"What is this?" Lan Zhao took it and asked.

"Here is information about the air pressure fighting qi technique." Shuang Tu said.

Lan Zao interrupted him: "Have you forgotten? I can't read. Let alone the writing of snow elves."

"I know." Shuangtu nodded, "So what's in the crystal ball is a magic image. When the magic image is played, there will be a sound. You have to keep pouring fighting spirit into it to activate it. Once the fighting spirit stops, Indoctrination, the crystal ball will also stop working.”

"Although this alchemy item is very low-level, the content inside is carefully selected by me for you, and it will be of great benefit to you."

"Next, your training plan will come from this content. You have to take a good look at it. Especially the last part, there is a surprise."

"Practice hard."

Shuang Tu patted Lan Zhao's shoulder and left alone.

He wasn't worried at all about the training status of Cyanobacteria.

Cyanobacteria stayed alone in the underground square and began to look at the magical images in the crystal ball.

A human race was revealed in the magic image, talking about and demonstrating the cultivation method and basic application of the Air Pressure Dou Qi Art.

Compared with other fighting qi techniques, air pressure fighting qi has one of the most significant advantages, that is, it is very good at compressing air.

When Lan Zhi saw this, he suddenly had an idea and thought of the swim bladder organ in his body.

The magic image continued to play, and another human appeared.

This person's appearance is very similar to the current blue algae, and he is clearly a fighter with the same fish bladder bloodline.

Human race fighters carefully teach the ingenious coordination between air pressure and fighting spirit and one's own body structure.

One of them, which was exactly what Cyanobacteria had in mind before, was to compress air in the fish's swim bladder.

There are many benefits to doing this.

The first benefit is that the maximum volume of the swim bladder remains unchanged, but the air stored increases several times. In an airless environment, this will greatly extend the survival time of living organisms.

The second benefit is that it increases the upper and lower limits of the fighter's buoyancy control.

The third benefit is that it can cooperate with other related fighting skills at a deeper level.

The human race fighter said bluntly: "The air pressure fighting qi technique and the fish maw bloodline match very well. It can almost be said to be the best match."

Blue Algae saw the last part of the magic image and discovered what Shuang Tu said was a "surprise".

Fighting Skill - Air Cannonball.

This is a fighting skill, very practical for fish maw bloodline. To be precise, after the Fish Maw Bloodline + Air Pressure Dou Qi Technique, air cannonballs are a must-have for fighting skills! The recommendation index is the highest 100.

When most fighters use the air cannon fighting technique, they have to bend their hands, close their palms, and continuously compress the air in the spherical space opposite the palms.

After the compression is completed, it is wrapped with fighting spirit to form an air cannon and thrown out to attack the enemy.

For a fighter, only at the gold level can fighting spirit be condensed and formed out of thin air. Therefore, the lower limit of this air cannon fighting skill is gold level.

But for cyanobacteria, it's different.

Cyanobacteria can continuously compress air in their own swim bladders, which is much more convenient than compressing with the palm of your hand outside the body. It is also very secretive and has the huge advantage of storing it in advance.

The most important thing is that the compressed air in the swim bladder becomes part of the cyanobacteria after being stored for a long time.

When cyanobacteria launch these compressed air, it is equivalent to throwing their own hair and arms - this is very crucial!

This means that at the Bronze level, Cyanobacteria can fill compressed air with Dou Qi and launch it.

The long-range fighting spirit strike ability that the fighter only has at the gold level can be possessed by the blue algae at the bronze level.

In the magic image, how the human race fighter will practice air cannon, what are the specific tips, and what matters need to be paid attention to are all clearly explained one by one.

When Lan Zao was shocked, the human race fighter also showed many bullets.

This is an alchemical weapon.

The bullet core is much smaller than ordinary bullets. There are many types of bullets. When paired with air cannonballs, it will produce various attack effects.

For example, a flare core + air cannonball can be used to fire a flare.

For another example, by guiding the core of the projectile + air cannonball, cyanobacteria can create an air missile that can turn, adjust its direction during flight, and track the target.

At the end, the human race fighter described in detail how to use these bullet cores and how to practice the final effect. He also took the initiative to demonstrate some of the actual combat effects of bullet cores.

After reading it once, Lan Zao fell into silence.

Regarding the air pressure fighting technique, he felt that he could master it in the war dealer's database, and it was not scarce.

The same is true for the air cannon fighting skill.

But Shuang Tu offers far more than that.

He also provided Cyanobacteria with a large amount of detailed basic knowledge, the most effective practice methods, comprehensive precautions, and the experiences of predecessors.

He even showed off the bullet core. There is no doubt that this alchemical tool can greatly enrich and enhance the means of cyanobacteria.

These are things that the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group cannot provide.

"The intelligence organization of the Lord of Snowbird Harbor is so strong!"

"They were actually able to find the most suitable training materials for me in such a short period of time."

"It's all human race fighters who demonstrate it to me."

"I'm afraid they will also provide me with the bullet core that was finally displayed. Otherwise, there is no need for them to show it."

"Perhaps this organization was not formed by the Lord of Snowbird Port alone. There should be other nobles and powerful figures from the Ice Sculpture Kingdom behind it."

Cyanobacteria is not a strategic talent, but at this time, he also felt the power of the underground organization where Shuang Tu was located from this crystal ball.

"Our cooperation with the Lord of Snowbird Port is really wise. At least for me, the help I received was tremendous."

"When I succeed in my cultivation, I will definitely be able to bring more help to the leader."

With new expectations, Lan Zao gathered his emotions and started new training according to the display in the crystal ball.

This scene fell into Shuang Tu's field of vision through the alchemy device.

"It seems that he should have noticed something abnormal." Shuangtu smiled.

This was intentional on his part.

Through the crystal ball, the power of the organization was "unintentionally" revealed to the cyanobacteria.

Everyone is strong-willed.

In the future, the frequent use of elastic cores by cyanobacteria will also have a strong physical connection with the organization where frost spit is located, increasing dependence.

If this trend continues, Shuangtu is confident that he will develop Cyanobacteria into his own people, and then insert him into the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group to conduct reconnaissance and other subsequent secret missions.

Shuang Tu didn't know the true relationship between the survivors. In his opinion, Lan Zao was just a lower-level member of the Dragon Lion Mercenary Group and was recruited from Snake Island. Lan Zao's loyalty to the Dragon Lion Mercenary Group was quite weak. It can be pried completely.

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