Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 432: The Secret of the Brood Sea Beast

"Yes, I have to do that."

"When the big man reaches the bronze level, his physical fitness is comparable to that of the silver level. If he is promoted to the black iron level, I will not be able to suppress him at all."

"Once he reaches the Black Iron level and goes crazy again, Chi Lai and Kong Shi may not be able to suppress him."

When Sandao thought of the big man's madness, the sense of urgency in his heart became even stronger.

He summoned Fat Tongue again, left a simple message to Chi Lai and Meng Shi, and then set off immediately, using the teleportation array to head towards the Blood City.

With the help of the relationship with the Lord of Snow Bird Harbor, Sandao jumped in the queue and soon arrived at the City of Blood.

Seeing San Dao coming secretly, as if I had something important to report, Zidi's heart skipped a beat, and she thought there was some accident on the other side of the group: "Could it be that someone attacked our alchemy workshop and sniped at me?" business plan?"

As a result, what I heard was the secret of the big man’s cultivation.

Zidi showed surprise.

This is not a pretense on her part.

Although she already knew that the big man's bloodline level was very high, she did not expect that the latter's cultivation speed was astonishingly fast!

Like Sandao, Zidi also had her eyesight opened.

After hearing this, Zong Ge still looked calm: "The big man's bloodline level is very high, at least the Sanctuary level, or even the Legend level."

"If it is the Holy Domain level, the blood concentration should be at least 75%."

Sandao opened his mouth wide when he heard this.


That stupid big man could be at least a Saint? !

"What kind of luck do we have? We just picked up a sanctuary like this?" Sandao was knocked unconscious by happiness.

Zidi is observing Zong Ge secretly.

Zong Ge's calm performance once again proved that his background was extraordinary.

Based on the big man's cultivation speed, Zong Ge quickly assessed the big man's bloodline level. This kind of vision is not something ordinary people can have.

Zong Ge pondered: "This is a good thing, but it also contains risks. The big man is crazy, and his IQ is far lower than ordinary people. The stronger he is, the greater the hidden dangers."

"Yes." Sandao nodded in agreement.

Zidi said: "I think the big man's IQ problem will be alleviated as his life level increases. I think this problem will disappear on its own without us."

But Zong Ge looked at her and denied: "This is exactly the problem, President Zidi. As the big man's IQ gets higher and higher, his understanding of things and the outside world will change. How can he How does he look at his own situation and us? Will he be dissatisfied with his treatment? Will he still rely on our group leader? One day, he will become a saint and our strength is lower than him. What will he think? "

After asking some questions, both Zidi and San Dao fell into silence.

Zi Di was shocked at this moment: "Yes, why didn't I think of this?"

She tested the big man's bloodline and deduced that the big man's IQ problem would resolve itself, but she never thought there would be subsequent troubles.

"It's not just me, even the leader didn't think of it. This really shouldn't be..."

"No, this is because we know the blood core, so we don't think it will be a problem!"

Thinking of the blood core, Zidi instantly calmed down.

Even if the big man's bloodline is legendary level, so what if it's god level?

With the blood core, are you afraid that you won’t have a god-level bloodline?

The blood core gives the dragon boy and Zi Di endless confidence, and they are not afraid of the growth of the big man.

“But details still need to be considered.”

"Although the leader's Flame Dragon King bloodline is legendary, its concentration is not high, and his cultivation speed is inferior to that of the big man."

"The safest way is to actively suppress the growth rate of some big men."

Thinking of this, Zidi looked at Zong Ge again.

Zong Ge nodded slightly to her: "It seems that you have already thought of it. We are going to the royal capital now, and the leader is still missing. We can't let the big man grow up like this. Don't forget that he is crazy! Once he becomes a black man, Iron level, if he goes crazy again, the branch team will be unable to suppress it!"

Zidi was silent.

San Dao also fell silent.

No one wants to suppress the big man, but reality is forcing them to do so.

Zong Ge was impatient, looked at Zidi and urged: "What are you still hesitating about?"

Zidi showed a hint of bitterness: "I'm wondering why the leader is here, and how will he deal with this situation?"

Ocean nest.

The fish-man boy didn't know that his son was about to be suppressed. He was currently concentrating on observing the magical image.

The previous precision eel driller combined with the binaural detector finally allowed him to observe the situation outside the mother nest.

There was actually a joint army of underwater races outside the nest, which was far beyond the fishman boy's expectations.

Now, this army has begun blood sacrifice again.

A large number of sea beasts were driven to the altar, and were reduced to nothing by the altar and the huge magic circle.

The sanctuary-level octopus priestess shouted loudly and sang a prayer: "gulrgurluglugluglur..."

Standing next to her were two gold-level octopus men.

Under the altar, there are a large number of praying people kneeling. These believers include fishmen, octopusmen, naga, mermaids, and even huge sea giants.

In fact, from the moment the fishman boy could observe the outside world, large-scale blood sacrifices had been held six times.

Now it's the seventh time.

But this time, it was obviously different from before.

Not only was the scale larger, the sanctuary-level priest personally presided over it, but the believers kneeling around the altar had been screened and arranged in advance, and they did not choose their positions randomly before.

Such strangeness made the fish-man boy have a certain guess in his mind: "Maybe... they are going to teleport in again!"

After these two days of observation, the fishman boy has a better understanding of this underwater army.

He knew that the holy octopus priest was called Zou Zhang, and the other two octopus men, one was short with a head as big as an umbrella, was called Zhang Yuwan, and the tall one with a chin that touched his feet was called Jihua Arm.

These three people are undoubtedly the leaders of the army.

Although there are other gold levels and many other races, these people all trust these three octopus men and obey their arrangements.

Thanks to Ta Ling's subsequent translation, the fishman boy knew more.

Now he has confirmed that these undersea armies share a common belief - the Charming Blue God.

Whether it is the prayers of the octopus priests or the divine hymns depicted in the magic circle, there is only one object of praise, and that is Charming Blue God!

"The main artifact of Charming Blue God is the mermaid's fairy tale. The artifact's abnormal movement caused me and the Deep Sea Monster Fish to teleport here."

"The teleportation of those murlocs before was probably the result of the joint operation of the sanctuary priests, altars and magic circles."

The fishman boy already had a lot of guesses in his mind, and he couldn't help but ask the tower spirit: "Have you confirmed all the rubber frogs released?"

Talling responded immediately: "All six frog-shaped rubber swallowers have been released, and they are confirmed to have arrived at the designated location."

These alchemy puppets were urgently made by Zhongyong for this operation.

"Here we come." The fish-man boy's expression perked up.

In the magic image, the sanctuary priest raised his arms and sang a hymn loudly. The aura of the sanctuary level magic was surging. After passing through the magic circle to amplify its power, it finally gathered on the altar.

The altar burst into dazzling light, illuminating the believers kneeling under the altar.

The light transferred and disappeared, and a large number of believers disappeared. At the same time, a large number of sea beasts also disappeared.

The next moment, violent spatial fluctuations occurred inside the ocean nest, and the believers and sea beasts that had disappeared before were teleported in.

"It's exactly what I guessed!" The fish-man boy was secretly excited.

Such movement immediately awakened the sacred sea beast sleeping in its nest, the Sydney octopus.

The octopus immediately hunts the prey brought to its mouth.

For a moment, the sea water surged, and the surrounding area was saturated with blood.

The believers huddled in every corner, trying to avoid being involved in the fight.

"Get started!" The fish-man boy gave the order, and the six frog-shaped rubber swallowers that had been deployed everywhere quickly activated.

They select the target and swallow it directly.

Blessed by deception and camouflage and counter-reconnaissance prophecies, these rubber swallowers were disguised as seawater. Only in the eyes of an informed fishman boy can their mutilated frog-shaped appearance be seen.

In the eyes of the other believers, they saw the sea water surging, causing the surrounding believers to disappear inexplicably and mysteriously.

None of the six swallowers failed, and all successfully swallowed their targets.

On the one hand, this is because these swallowers are all black iron level, and the target they choose is bronze level, which has a level advantage.

On the other hand, it is also the blessing of deception and camouflage that makes the Swallower's surprise attack impossible to defend against. The troubled target's attention was focused on the sacred sea beast.

Even their disappearance was not discovered by all believers.

After the Swallower captures the target, he immediately returns.

Today's Deep Sea Monster Fish is no longer a reef, but has the appearance of a pile of pearls.

Even if it opened the landing cabin and allowed the Swallowers to enter one after another, neither the sea beasts nor the believers noticed anything strange.

The fishman boy was already waiting in the landing cabin.

The swallowers lined up, came to him one after another, and spit out the unconscious target.

These targets have been selected and are all fish people.

The murloc boy raced against time to use blood cores on these murlocs, and quickly absorbed multiple murloc bloodlines.

"Yes, it seems I'm lucky!" The fish-man boy suddenly flashed with joy.

He gained knowledge about the fish-man language from a certain fish-man bloodline!

Now, he could understand the fish-man's conversation.

The information contained in the extraordinary bloodline is not only spell-like, but also racial information, environmental information, etc., and of course language.

"It's a pity that there are no octopus people..."

The fish-man boy absorbed five fish-man prisoners and took the sixth one into the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

He quickly came to a cabin and handed the fishman prisoner to Taling.

After the tower spirit scan, the fish-man boy used his blood core again to absorb the last fish-man prisoner into ashes.

The tower spirit took the data of the murloc prisoners, controlled the deception and disguise array, and blessed a silver-level alchemy puppet.

Soon, the alchemy puppet looked like the sixth fish-man prisoner.

Of course, from the perspective of the knowledgeable fish-man boy, this puppet looks like a chaotic assembly of puppets and fish-men, and there are still many flaws.

"Put it out immediately!" The fish-man boy took the risk.

The disguised alchemy puppet was first swallowed by the swallower, who then re-entered the mother nest like sea water.

The hunt for sea beasts in the sanctuary is at its climax. The believers are extremely nervous and their attention is severely restricted.

The Swallower opened its mouth, and the disguised alchemy puppet swam out and gathered with the believers in another corner. Those believers glanced at it briefly and then set their sights on the sacred sea beast again.

"The first step was successful." The fish-man boy was convinced.

He tried this mainly to verify whether the deception and disguise technique could deceive the magic circle and the sanctuary priest outside.

If he can be deceived, it means that he can also temporarily leave the nest through this method.

"The next step is to hope that it can be teleported out." The fish-man boy looked at the magical image with anticipation.

The hunt of the Sydney octopus was over. It greedily sucked all the blood into its belly, and then slowly approached the believers.

The believers were trembling and began to pray.

The huge snow-white octopus tentacles float slowly around the bodies of the believers.


The tentacles shot out suddenly, tied up one of the believers, and then retracted with lightning speed.

The next moment, the believer was directly eaten by the holy octopus.

The fish-man boy has a face as thick as the bottom of a pot.

The believer who was just swallowed was the disguised puppet he put in.

His attempt failed completely midway.

"Wait a minute, I think I understand!" A flash of lightning flashed in the fish-man boy's mind, "I know the rules of this Sydney octopus in choosing its targets."

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