Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 433: Salted Marshmallows

"It's faith!" The fish-man boy thought of the answer. "

"Those unlucky ones among the praying fishmen who were killed by the sea monsters in the holy realm should all have weak beliefs.

"The alchemy puppet I put out had no problem with its disguise. But even though it pretended to pray, it had no faith, so it was immediately recognized by the sea beasts in the holy realm and killed directly."

The tragic death of the alchemy puppet shocked the praying believers. The fish-man boy saw from the magic image that many people's bodies were shaking violently at that moment, as if they had been electrocuted.

After that, the sacred sea beast Sydney Octopus killed several more believers and had no choice but to stop the killing.

In the end, the life breath of the believers increased a lot on the spot. Some people even completed the leapfrog. But at the same time, the fishman boy also noticed that there were still some people who were believers, and there was not much improvement in their life aura.

Although he had seen such a situation once, the young man still showed a little surprise.

Generally speaking, spiritual practice is a process of accumulation. It emphasizes that quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, or that accumulation leads to qualitative changes. But the scene before him broke this rule.

But in fact, this is just an appearance, and the truth does not conflict with the laws of practice.

"It's divine power." The fishman boy sighed.

God is the pinnacle of life in this world.

The power of God is omnipotent.

This is not rhetoric, nor is it an exaggerated compliment, but a fact.

Divine power is the highest energy source known and can perfectly replace all energy sources such as mana, magic energy, elements, electricity, etc. Divine power is good at all aspects, including healing, damage, teleportation, creation, etc.

Divine magic is a method of using divine power, which is more capable of exerting the effects of divine power.

"Believers held blood sacrifices and prayed to the Charming Blue God. They also received feedback from the divine power, and their strength jumped up."

This situation is normal.

Once a large-scale sacrifice is successful, it is likely to attract the attention of the gods. Usually there is a gift from God. There are many ways of God's gift, such as raising the extraordinary level of certain beings, rewarding items, the most advanced ones are artifacts, and there are many cases of resurrecting the dead.

According to what the fishman boy knew, he remembered two classic examples.

One was that the elf king had no son to inherit the kingdom, so he held a large-scale sacrifice. He became pregnant on the spot and eventually gave birth to an excellent heir.

The dwarf tribe was caught in a war, and the tribe leader held a ceremony to pray to the gods for peace. The sacrifices he paid were really too many, and the gods took action, changing the mood and thoughts of both sides of the war. The two tribes were truly at peace, and there was no more war. To this day, these two tribes have become the strongest alliance in the dwarf kingdom.

Gods are omnipotent, the difference is the price.

Taking creation as an example, the price paid by the gods is very different between completely creating a creature and transforming it on some basis.

"These fishmen, naga and other believers have received divine feedback and gained a leap in strength."

"But not all believers are like this. Some are not firm in their faith and are directly killed by the sea monsters in the holy realm!"

"The sacred sea beasts should have been deliberately deployed. The main purpose is to screen the believers. At the same time, in order to prevent leaks, hasn't the Charming Blue God already fallen into a deep sleep? His situation is quite unfavorable."

For a moment, the fish-man boy was filled with inspiration and connected the clues one by one.

The fishman and other Charming Blue believers teleported out again while the fishman boy was thinking.

The fish-man boy continued to think: "The situation I teleported in is different from theirs."

"The fairy tale of the mermaid is at work. And these believers rely on the power of the magic circle outside the nest."

"The Mermaid's Fairy Tale is the main artifact of Charming Blue God. There is no doubt that it is much higher than the magic and divine array outside, as well as the standard of this sacred sea beast. Therefore, it can also absorb divine energy here. "

Since Charm Blue believers can level up, it proves that they have divine power infused into their bodies.

Since there is divine power coming, it is natural for the mermaid fairy tale to absorb it.

As for the relevant evidence, the fish-man boy obtained it a few days ago - a large amount of pearl foam has been added to the mermaid's fairy tale!

"This artifact seems to have the ability to actively absorb the magical blue divine power from the outside world. Especially when the divine power is lacking, this instinct is even more powerful. It is like a person in a hungry state, seeking food."

The most direct evidence for the fishman boy's speculation was in the previous naval battle on Eye Island.

At that time, the bishop of Charming Blue God used relevant magic to disguise the key fishman. As a result, when the fish-man sneaked above the Deep Sea Monster Fish, the magic was suddenly cracked, revealing his true form, and was hit by the Golden Shining's light cannon. This series of accidents eventually led to the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group becoming the biggest behind-the-scenes winner in the Battle of Eyes Island.

After the war, when the survivors reviewed the situation, they each expressed their own speculations about the situation.

"The reason why the magic was cracked is probably because the mermaid's fairy tale absorbed the divine power that maintains the magic."

The way of practice of priests is different from that of fighters and mages. They dedicate themselves to their faith, absorb the divine power that comes down through prayer, and are promoted. During the days when divine power is poured into the body and stored, the body and soul of the priest are changing accordingly. Eventually, it became the shape of the god of faith. It is more convenient for the infusion, storage and use of divine power. After their death, they can be transformed into the Holy Spirit by the gods and recruited into their own kingdom of God.

Therefore, when believers rise in level, they are essentially getting help from gods.

"It's like transforming fighting spirit. All it takes is a corresponding master to quickly complete the transformation of fighting spirit."

"If you do it alone, it will be very long."

In the case of clerics, it is more convenient for fighters to convert their own fighting energy.

When a fighter obtains the fighting spirit from other strong men, he must completely digest and eliminate the alien fighting spirit. But the divine energy in the priests' bodies can be perfectly converted into lower energy because it is higher energy. It is directly converted into the priest's fighting spirit or mana, etc., and there is no confusion and rejection of different energy sources at all.

After understanding this, the fish-man boy fell into sorrow again.

He originally used an alchemy puppet to spy and practice the effect of deception and disguise. If it works, then he can also disguise himself and blend into the fish-men army. This is nothing less than a way of getting out of trouble.

"The key now is, can deception and disguise be used to disguise faith?"

The fishman boy was very suspicious.

The failure of the alchemy puppet just now was actually not complete. Because when designing the disguise, the fish-man boy did not depict the content of faith.

"Theoretically speaking, faith can also be disguised. But the question is, how to design this?"

The fish-man boy was troubled.

He can deceive and camouflage the array and tamper with the appearance of the target object, but the design is about faith, which is an illusory content in the soul.

He doesn't know how to operate it!

Soon, the fishman boy figured it out: "The deception and camouflage formation we use comes from war dealers, and it has no function of camouflaging faith at all."

The core material used in deception and camouflage techniques and deception camouflage arrays is pearl foam.

This god-level material comes from the fairy tale of the artifact mermaid.

The artifacts are for the use of gods, and other extraordinary beings can hardly fully exert the power of the artifacts.

Warmonger's ability to use pearl foam has already demonstrated his ability as a legendary mage.

"In fact, even if I could pretend to believe in other gods, it would be too risky."

Use deception and disguise to deceive the Blue God?

This is more stupid than trying to do what you want.

According to rumors, the Charming Blue God fell into a deep sleep, but what if it is not the truth and he has awakened? What if she was attracted by the blood sacrifice and paid attention to it? What if she was awakened by the breath of the artifact?

When it comes to the existence of gods, the fishman boy has to be cautious.

"It seems that I have to find other more reliable ways to get out of trouble." The fish-man boy sighed, feeling depressed.

The sea serpent was relieved from her long-term depression.

"We're finally here." The sea snake girl used magic to observe the sea from a distance.

The fleet of Eight Air Pirates was heading towards her.

The death of the gold-level demon pet Sea Snake brought her huge trouble.

This is the world of the strong, where status is maintained by strength.

The shadow of the sacrificial sea snake patted its butt and left, but the sea snake girl had to deal with her own predicament herself.

She hated Tai Ying so much that her teeth itched, but in the end there was nothing she could do.

The sea snake girl could only disguise herself on the one hand and pretend that the sea snake demon pet was still an illusion. On the other hand, she secretly left her pirate group and secretly contacted reliable people, hoping to capture another gold-level sea snake and actively make up for this war. Force blank.

As for why only one gold-level snake was captured, and it had to be a sea snake, that was determined by the sea snake girl's method of subduing her and the characteristics of her bloodline.

Silver level is the upper limit for Sea Snake.

Her mental strength is only enough for her to afford a gold level, or a long silver level.

But obviously, one gold-level option is better than many silver-level options.

On the one hand, this is a qualitative change in combat power!

On the other hand, Sea Snake herself is a pirate leader, and the ocean battlefield is vast and unobstructed. Escape easily and small battle scenes are the most common. Having one gold-level one is more suitable for this kind of battlefield than several silver-level ones.

"Master Baqi is finally here." Gummy Heart sighed.

He didn't want the heroic pirate group to arrive so soon.

"Eat a piece, I made this carefully." The gummy man came to the sea snake girl and handed her a marshmallow.

The gummy man looked at the sea snake girl with unconcealed admiration in his eyes.

The sea snake girl glanced at the white marshmallow and shook her head: "I don't like sweet things."

"I know, I know." Gummy Human said, "This is a salty marshmallow I developed specially for you."

The sea snake girl sighed inwardly, reluctantly took it and took a bite. It was indeed salty and quite delicious.

But her current focus is not on this aspect at all: "Master Baqi is here, let's get off the boat and go greet him."

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