Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 456: Ship Ghost’s Self-Rescue Plan

The next day, the ship ghost once again summoned the necromancers. Throw

He talked superficially and secretly asked everyone about the progress of forging memories.

The little prince secretly shouted: "This difficulty is too high! I worked hard all night and couldn't even reach 5% of the progress."

Fin Spirit also replied: "As far as this difficulty is concerned, it is truly a high-level inheritance of the soul of the dead."

This is true for both mages, but Crying Wind's progress is even lower, only 2%.

But there is someone lower than him, and that is Cang Xu.

Cang Xu was worried that the ship ghost had tampered with the content of this inheritance, so he didn't rush to practice, he just tried to figure it out.

Since contacting the fish-man boy, Cang Xu's mood has changed a lot. Throw

Ship Ghost comforted everyone: "Forging memories is like performing surgery on one's own soul. It needs to be very precise to avoid causing damage to oneself, otherwise it will easily cause confusion in self-perception."

"Even if I, who have practiced this inheritance for many years, want to forge a complete memory on my own, it will take at least a week. Of course, this does not mean staying awake for 7 days and 7 nights, but having a normal schedule."

"Then what should we do? What I'm most afraid of is that before we succeed in forging memories, another blood sacrifice will begin." The little prince was very worried.

Fin Ling analyzed: "Although blood sacrifices are very frequent, the special blood sacrifices that can transport believers are not like this. They will be separated by a period of time."

The little prince perked up after hearing this, and hurriedly asked how long the interval was.

Fin answered him promptly.

"Two or three days at most, that's not enough!" The little prince hugged his big head, looking quite helpless. Throw

The ship ghost chuckled and said: "It's too early to despair now."

"The progress of forging memories is very slow if we rely on ourselves alone. But don't worry, I have special tools here. This alchemy device can not only help us quickly forge memories, but also create memory crystals. Using memory crystals, we can directly overwrite our original memories instead of directly tampering with our souls."

"Among the content I taught you before, there is the memory switch technique. With this spell, we can also switch between the two states of 'disguise' and 'real self' relatively autonomously. This prevents us from pretending for too long and completely becoming Another person has lost himself."

Weeping Feng frowned and secretly raised an objection: "But how can we use the alchemy device in our current state?"

Fin Ling also said: "The reason why we are able to assemble freely now is probably because of the deliberate indulgence of Zou Zhang and others. They want us to have fruitless discussions and fall into despair, thereby increasing the possibility of conversion."

For this difficulty, Ship Ghost already has a solution.

He didn't show off and said directly: "In our current situation, it is impossible to use this alchemy device openly."

"But it's different when you get to the ocean nest."

"At that time, when the inside and outside are isolated, I can break free of the imprisonment on my body and have a certain ability to move freely. I will remove your imprisonment as soon as possible, so that we can control the memory crystal manufacturing device."

After hearing this, Cang Xu suddenly had doubts in his heart.

But he himself did not have the ability to communicate secretly. Fortunately, the next moment, the little prince expressed his worries for him: "Isn't there a sanctuary-level sea beast living in the ocean nest? If we do this, I'm afraid They will all be eaten by the sea beasts from the sacred realm!”

The ship ghost looked at him: "It is better to have a holy-level sea beast with low intelligence than a holy-level porridge chapter that we face."

"In fact, the enemy we should fear most is the Charming Blue God!"

"Because the Ocean Brood was transformed by Him." Throw

"But this god fell into deep sleep a long time ago. Even if we say his name, it will not trigger a reaction."

"This ocean brood was transformed by his own hands. The sanctuary-level sea beast is his holy beast, helping him guard the ocean brood and assisting in completing the blood sacrifice."

"If He is awake, any change in the ocean nest can be grasped by Him instantly."

"If it were any other god, we would definitely die. But it happens to be the Charming Blue God who is in deep sleep. We still have a glimmer of hope!"

Cang Xu couldn't speak, but he felt enlightened after hearing this.

He thought of Matsufujima where he met Kangui and others for the first time.

On Songfeng Island, he attended the first gathering of the dead in his life. He clearly remembered the trade request put forward by Ship Ghost. Throw

One of them is to collect all kinds of intelligence about Charming Blue God, and the other is to find new ways to contact war traffickers.

For both tasks, the survivors are capable and able to complete them. So Cang Xu was very impressed.

"The Ship Ghost wants to collect information about Charming Blue God. This is obviously not his behavior alone. Behind him is the undead orthodoxy, and possibly even the will of Youshen. Those orthodox necromancers are almost all blasphemous priests. These I am afraid that the blasphemous priest has already targeted the Charming Blue God and is probably planning to attack Him."

"The Charming Blue God has been sleeping for many years due to serious injuries. For the blasphemous priests, he is a perfect target."

"As a member of the undead orthodoxy, Ship Ghost should also have some secret information, so he now has a lot of in-depth understanding of the ocean nest and this blood sacrifice."

The ship ghost began to reveal his real plan: "Now the Charming Blue God is obsessed. The ocean brood he personally transformed is guarded by holy beasts. Zhi Zhang and others held a large-scale blood sacrifice here because of the characteristics of the ocean brood. The items of the blood sacrifice will be almost perfectly absorbed and digested by the mother nest. Most of the nutrients in this part will be supplied to Charming Blue God's body."

"Most of the harvest is absorbed by Him, while a small part is retained and blessed by the Holy Beast, Zhu Zhang, and other devout believers." Throw.

"Even if it is only a small part of the harvest, it is still an unimaginable improvement for most extraordinary people."

"If we act alone, it will be almost impossible to complete the task of forging memories. You have all experienced the specific difficulty firsthand."

"So, if we want to save ourselves this time, we have to work together! After we teleport to the ocean nest, we will have a short period of time to act."

Crying Wind was a little confused: "You are referring to the time when the sea beasts in the sanctuary hunt those sacrificial sea beasts?"

"Not bad." Ship Ghost nodded slightly.

This part of the information he obtained through speculation was verified by the information collected by Fin Ling. Ship Ghost can even roughly estimate the specific length of this period of time.

The ship ghost continued: "According to my estimation, we still have a little time to complete a complete forged memory." Throw

"So we need to hold back the sacred sea beasts."

"Fortunately, by that time, we had recovered part of our combat effectiveness and could use our summons to engage in a war of attrition to buy us critical time."

"At the last moment, as a gold-level person, I can barely fight against the sacred sea beast."

"In order to save as much time as possible, we need to discuss with each other, work together, and forge a false memory. Each of us completes a part, and the results of each are superimposed on each other, which can make the overall progress increase dramatically. In the end, I will do it myself. Organize and improve.”

The little prince made a glaring gesture: "So, all of us share a disguised memory? Is this really okay?"

"Don't worry." Ship Ghost said in a positive tone, "As an undead orthodox, I have long been informed of the blasphemous experiences of many teachers. Even if it is a normal god, it is impossible for him to check all the memories of every believer. Of course. , in a large-scale festival, several believers have the same memory at the same time, which is still a huge flaw."

"But the Charming Blue God has already fallen asleep. A sleeping god cannot detect this flaw. I have said before that the Charming Blue God's sleep is our greatest chance of survival."

"So, as long as a false memory covers all of us, it can pass the test of faith."

Speaking of this, Ship Ghost said with emotion: "Charming Blue God is the best at deceiving and disguising among the gods. Now it seems that fate is really strange and ironic. Charming Blue God, who is good at deceiving and disguising, will be deceived and deceived by us!" "

These words aroused the fighting spirit of the necromancers.

Crying Wind even laughed, his tone full of expectation: "Deceiving a god who is good at deception and disguise? It's really exciting!"

The ship ghost sighed, glanced at everyone around him and said: "Everyone should be quite clear about the current situation. In short, before we do not receive any support or a particularly serious accident occurs, this is the only chance we have to survive. I hope everyone will try their best to grasp it!"

The necromancers obeyed orders sternly.

Cangxu is naturally no exception. Throw

His expression was very firm, but secretly his thoughts were agitated.

Although he did not get new inheritance content from this gathering, he also gained a lot.

Because he figured out why the ship ghost violated the principles and took the initiative to teach some of the contents of the high-level undead inheritance.

Cang Xu was previously worried that the ship ghost would do some tricks in this inheritance content. Now it seems that this possibility is not high.

Because he needs the necromancers to work together to create a complete forged memory. If he takes action in this regard, the ship ghost will not only harm other people, but also himself.

But Cang Xu remained very skeptical about the other words of the ship ghost.

"If we need to delay time at a critical moment, the ship ghost will probably sacrifice others without hesitation!"

"He will definitely use the first fake memory he creates on himself!"

"Can the same forgery really help other people? Could it be a lie deliberately created by the ship ghost? He wants to use this lie to make everyone serve him, and in the end only he will benefit?"

"Sharing a fake memory with so many people is risky. If I were a ship ghost, the safest and safest way to survive would be to give up and sacrifice others and only save myself!"

After the battle on the Styx, Cang Xu knew the nature of the ship ghost very well.

Ship Ghost will use various means to survive.

"It's just that others are still kept in the dark."

It has to be said that Ship Ghost's methods are very subtle and his performance is also very good at ordinary times, which has benefited the little prince, Fin Spirit, Crying Wind and others a lot. Throw

These three people surrounded Shipgui, and until now, they had no doubts about him.

"What a bunch of naive fools! It's hard to imagine that they are all necromancers." Cang Xu sighed.

In this case, he could not unite others to jointly defend against the ship ghost.

"If it hadn't been for the battle on the Styx, I wouldn't have such a thorough understanding of the nature of the ship ghost."

"Perhaps there is another reason. That is that Ship Ghost and I have a lot in common. We are both cold-blooded and can calmly analyze the pros and cons!" Qianqiong couldn't help but think of not long ago, when he was struggling hard, his thoughts were fighting fiercely, and he finally decided to Gain hope of survival for yourself by selling secrets.

"If the leader hadn't appeared in time..."

A feeling of fear and bitterness emerged in Cang Xu's heart again. Throw

And then, the communication between Cangxu and the fish-man boy caused Cangxu's view to change drastically.

Cang Xu realized that this danger contained extremely huge opportunities!

Therefore, when the ship ghost dismissed everyone this time, Cang Xu returned to the ship ghost's shack.

"Lord Kangui, I thought about it and feel that if we all master the operation method of the memory crystal production device, it will be more beneficial to our plan this time!" Cang Xu said.

The ship ghost looked at Cang Xu in surprise.

The way Cang Xu communicated with him at this time was the secret way they communicated before!

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