Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 467: The inheritance door opens

At the foot of the snow-capped Splicing Mountain, the town of Grafting is gradually hidden in the dim light of the setting sun.

In the center of Grafting Town, in the ice-filled house of a gold-level mage, Zidi and Zong Ge were making their last attempt.

Zidi successfully cast the spell, and the scattered spell light adhered to the square metal door.

The metal door buzzed with the glow of the spell.

Zidi gritted her teeth and tried her best to maintain the spell.

Zong Ge took a deep breath and jumped out suddenly. The muscles of his arms were activated in an instant, and the golden hacksaw held tightly in both hands produced a piece of light and shadow in the air.


The Golden Flower Hacksaw slashed fiercely at the metal door. Under the strong reaction force, it bounced slightly for a short distance, and then was pressed down hard by Zong Ge.

The golden hacksaw was pressed against the metal door, its teeth turning violently, gnawing at the metal door.

A large number of sparks were inspired, and after flying and hovering in the air, they all swept down and hit the metal door.

Bang bang bang...

The crisp sound of sparks colliding with the metal door, and the violent noise of the hacksaw grinding the metal door, mixed together and impacted the eardrums of Zidi and Zongge.

Time passes bit by bit.

Not long after, a flash of bright red blood suddenly flashed across Zong Ge's body.

The orc snorted and had to take a step back, retracting the golden hacksaw.

Zidi had no choice but to slowly stop the spell she was maintaining.

After the brilliance of the spell and the flying sparks slowly dissipated, the exposed metal door was actually intact, without even a trace of damage.

Zidi sighed: "Oh, it still doesn't work! This is already our strongest attack method."

In the attack just now, she used a silver-level spell scroll to assist Zonge.

Zonge mainly attacks, and his weapon of choice is the golden flower hacksaw. This weapon is great for cutting into hard objects.

But in the process, the bloody light on Zong Ge broke out, interrupting his infusion of fighting spirit and almost causing him injury.

Zidi looked at Zong Ge: "The method planted on you by the leader of the Ax Gang before his death needs to be removed as soon as possible. Have you noticed that it is activated more and more frequently."

If this method hadn't happened, Zong Ge would have been able to hold on longer.

But it doesn't help much in cracking metal doors.

Zong Ge stared at the metal door and said in a calm voice: "Even if there is no blood feud to stop me, we will definitely fail this time. The defense of the metal door is incredible, and it deserves to come from a legendary figure."

The two of them have now figured out the information about the metal door.

They know that this is what Master Prosperous Hybrid left behind, hiding his inheritance!

This is the answer Zidi obtained from the information and notes left by Jia Bing.

After Jia Bing accidentally discovered the inheritance, he rented the house and transformed it into an alchemy laboratory.

He tried many methods here to crack the metal door, but all failed.

This is why he specially placed the alchemy laboratory in the center of the town. Because the metal door is right here!

Generally speaking, when mages set up alchemy laboratories, they will choose areas with fewer people and rich natural resources.

As long as they touch the metal door, no matter who they are, they will be able to obtain a message left by Master Prosperity and Bastard.

The information details the test criteria.

As long as the grafted and cultivated magic plants meet this standard, the metal door can be opened.

This was the right path that Jiabing tried first.

But he failed.

Although Jia Bing is an alchemist and is still gold-level, he is good at alchemy puppets and is not good at cultivating magic plants.

Although he is not a layman, he obviously cannot meet the standards of a legend.

Jiabing never gave up and kept trying new methods. His latest plan was to use acid to corrode metal doors, so when Zidi first arrived here, she saw the unfinished potion left on ice, which was exactly the type of acid corrosion.

"If the last attempt fails, then let's go." Zong Ge said.

Zidi nodded without hesitation.

This was what they had agreed upon.

This time, it was not easy for them to seize Jiabing's inheritance. There is no hope of cracking the metal door.

Zi Di and Zong Ge could only stop rationally.

However, before leaving, they used the array tiles, consumed the pearl foam, and added deception and camouflage to the metal door.

In Jia Bing's diary, Zidi learned that Jia Bing did not disclose the information about the metal door to others.

His specific plan was to do it himself first, and if he could steal it, that would be the best. If that doesn't work, he will ask for help from others.

Therefore, the forces of Jia Bing's group still don't know the situation of the metal door.

If they knew, Zidi and Zongge would never use deception and disguise.

The situation of adding ice is very similar to Cai Jing Master.

Both of them discovered the inheritance of Master Prosperity and Bastard, and both wanted to secretly dig into it.

Adding ice is even worse.

He was killed when he made no progress. His entire inheritance was subsequently taken away.

In comparison, Master Caijing's luck is better.

Although he was disturbed by the Eight Qi and exposed the secret of the inheritance, he adjusted his strategy in time and invited the large and medium cup mages to help, which accelerated the progress several times!

Now, it's time for them to try again.

A row of potted plants was placed in front of the metal door.

A scene similar to before appeared again.

Concentrated curved light rays were detected from the center of the five fingers. The light penetrates into the potted plants, constantly absorbing nutrients from the grafted magic plants.

These magic plants withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and some collapsed directly.

Cai Jing, Da Bei, Zhong Bei and others held their breaths and became more and more nervous as they watched. Because at the last minute, there was only the last yellow light left.

The light penetrated the magic plant, and the energy drawn from it flowed back to the five-finger badge along the light.

"Not good." Zhongbei suddenly shouted.

The last magic plant showed signs of instability and seemed to be about to collapse at the next moment.

Da Bei immediately took out a tube of potion from his arms and sprinkled it directly on the magic plant in the pot.

This is a blood vessel stabilizer!

The magic plant on the verge of collapse received the help of the magic potion and stabilized again.

But the good times did not last long. Ten seconds later, it showed signs of collapse again.

The big cup once again spilled a tube of blood stabilizer to help Mozhi hold on.

In about ten minutes, more than twenty tubes of medicine had been spilled from the large cup. The high price made him feel chilly.

After paying such a heavy price, the magic plant finally stabilized.

The yellow light seemed to be full and slowly retracted, making the emblem with its wide-open fingers even more dazzling.

Colorful brilliance radiates from the badge, covers the surface of the metal door, and then quickly penetrates.

The brilliance was not strong and quickly dissipated.

The next moment, Cai Jing, Da Bei and others saw the metal door slowly disappear, revealing a small interior space like a safe.

"We made it!"

"Is this a legendary inheritance?"

Cai Jing and others didn't care about celebrating, they all cast intense searching eyes.

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