Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 468: Crying Beauty + Yang Guanhua

The metal door of inheritance finally opened. martingale

Master Caijing, Master Dabei, and Master Zhongbei finally saw the scene inside the inheritance gate.

There is only one potted plant placed in the huge space.

Nothing else.

The inheritance left by the famous Master of Prosperity and Bastard turned out to be unexpectedly shabby.

"Is this the only one?" Master Zhongbei said disappointedly.

His fathers, Master Dabei and Master Caijing, don't look very good either.

Especially Master Cai Jing. martingale

He invested a lot of time and energy here, but now it seems that the results are not much.

Compared with him, Master Dabei's mentality is more peaceful: "This potted plant seems to be the Crying Beauty, but it is not exactly the same as the record."

There is a flower planted in the pot.

The flowers are in the shape of buds and are not in full bloom. The flower bones are plump and firm, hanging slightly. The petals are ice blue, flashing with fluorescent light.

Judging from the flowers, this is a crying beauty.

It is a magical plant of the water system.

But from the perspective of plant rhizomes, there are big differences between it and Crying Beauty. martingale

The rhizome of Crying Beauty is dark green and slightly low and curved. The curved S-shaped arc resembles a graceful and beautiful body. Coupled with the hanging flower bones and two huge leaves, it looks like a beauty in the flower covering her face and crying.

This is where the name Crying Beauty comes from.

But now, in the potted plant inside the inheritance gate, the rhizome of the Crying Beauty has been completely covered, and it is covered with a large area of ​​orange petals.

These petals are arranged closely with each other, layer upon layer, as if woven into an orange dress. The skirt trailed to the floor, quite gorgeous.

For a moment, the three mages focused their attention on this special floral dress.

Master Zhongbei said with emotion: "Now I seem to understand the reason why Huaqu Island was named. Isn't this island named after Prosperous Bastard?"

These words immediately made Master Caijing's heart move slightly. martingale

He narrowed his eyes and carefully identified: "The orange skirt-like petals seem to come from the sunflower."

Sunflower is also a magical plant, belonging to the light and fire systems.

Master Dabei nodded slightly and agreed with Master Caijing's statement. He then tried to analyze: "This should be a magic plant specially grafted by Master Prosperity Hybrid."

"There are two main subjects, one is the crying beauty, and the other is the Yang Guanhua."

"Crying Beauty is a water plant that can absorb and secrete a large amount of water vapor. This plant is very delicate and often causes rot and necrosis of its roots, stems and leaves due to excessive water vapor secreted by itself."

"The sunflower likes sunlight very much and is a sun collector among plants. But it is not smart. The petals will be burned and injured because it retains too much sunlight, and eventually it will dry up and die."

"Both of these are magic plants that are difficult to cultivate."

"But Prosperity Hybrid Master seems to combine the two perfectly."

"The flower skirt composed of the petals of the crown flower absorbs and stores a large amount of sunlight. The light and heat dissipate the heavy moisture contained in the crying beauty itself. At the same time, the water vapor of the crying beauty will also moisten the petals of the crown flower, cooling it down and preventing It’s sun-dried.”

"Master Prosperous Hybrid is very good at cultivating magic plants through grafting. Looking at it now, the inheritance he left behind is full of profound meaning. This magic potted plant is completely consistent with his style."

Master Dabei's analysis was recognized by the other two.

Zhongbei said: "Whether it is the Weeping Beauty or the Yangguanhua, they are both valuable magic plants. Now the grafting of the two is very stable and has the possibility of large-scale cultivation. Once large-scale cultivation, The profits are huge!”

Master Caijing said: "Druids are different from us mages. They do not teach knowledge itself, but arrange tests, focus on practice, and encourage others to understand on their own. This magic potted plant should be the stage of the prosperous hybrid master The fruit of sex. But how much knowledge you can gain from this fruit depends on your personal understanding and ability."

Master Caijing analyzes it from the perspective of personal style. martingale

As the three of them talked, the wisdom of the mages was clearly revealed.

With just one word from you and one from me, I can analyze the scene in front of me in detail.

After confirming that there is no danger or ambush, the next step is to collect the magic potted plants.

Master Dabei took the initiative to give in and gave this opportunity to Master Caijing.

This time the excavation of inheritance has always been based on Master Caijing. At this point, Dabei Master can carry it clearly and has a strong sense of proportion.

Master Caijing was secretly satisfied with his action.

However, when Caijing approached the secret door of inheritance, he suddenly received a secret message. martingale

"It turns out that the inheritance of Master Prosperity and Bastard does not end here!" Cai Jing's eyes flickered for a moment, keeping her calm on the surface, and reached out to take out the magic potted plant.

He did not tell the secret message for the time being, but carefully looked at the magic potted plant in his hand.

He first discovered the extraordinary feature of this flowerpot.

There are about three kinds of magic and five kinds of magic that are blessed on this flowerpot. The enchanting technique is used, and almost all the spells and divine spells are constant.

This is not surprising. Prosperous Bastard is a master druid who specializes in both divine arts and spells.

The soil in the pot is loam.

This is a sacred object of the Fertile Earth Sect and is very famous. martingale

Just like what its name means. The fertile soil contains extremely huge geographical advantages. Almost any crop can be planted on it and a bumper harvest can be obtained.

Finally, Master Caijing began to delve into the magical flowers after grafting.

He couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is simply a work of art."

The Master of Prosperity Hybrid skillfully grafted two different bloodlines together, not only achieving a balance, but also achieving mutual benefit.

The master selected two magic plants and grafted them. Although a variety of magical arts and spells are used to bless the flower pots, there is almost none that actually involves the extraordinary power of the grafted plants themselves!

This means that apart from this flowerpot, this grafted magic plant has a strong ability to survive on its own.

Comparing the two, the grafted magic plants that Cai Jing and others had cultivated on a large scale before had to be refrigerated to survive for a short period of time. martingale

The gap between the two parties is really too big!

The simple and clear design style of Prosperity·Mongrel Master makes the previous works of Cai Jing Master and others look like the childish graffiti of a child.

After exploring for a while, Master Caijing handed the magic potted plant in his hand to Master Dabei for inspection.

Seeing this scene, Master Zhongbei was so excited that he almost screamed.

Just now, he was a little worried.

After all, this inheritance excavation was led by Master Caijing. Zhongbei and his father were only invited to join in midway.

Although the father and son made contributions, it was very reasonable for Master Caijing to not share it with them after obtaining the final successful inheritance result, but to provide corresponding compensation. martingale

But the reality is that Master Caijing directly handed this magic potted plant to Master Dabei for inspection.

The significance of this move was extraordinary and made Master Zhongbei excited.

Master Dabei quickly thanked him, took the potted plant, put it in front of his eyes, and examined it carefully.

After a while, he said: "This confirms our previous guess."

"Just like what you said before, Master Cai Jing."

"Master Prosperity Hybrid only left us one result. It is closely related to the grafting technology we used during the previous assessment. But this result is obviously much higher than the total of our previous grafted creations."

"How much knowledge can be gained from this result? It's impossible to say. It depends on our respective understanding and abilities." Martingale

"In comparison, I also prefer the inheritance left by the mage. What is passed down is knowledge, which is far more straightforward than this."

From this point we can see the difference between mages and druids.

When a mage pursues knowledge and leaves a legacy, it is usually the knowledge itself and ensuring that the knowledge is accurate. 1 is 1, 2 is 2, no ambiguity is allowed.

Druids usually practice both divine arts and spells. They focus more on understanding and feeling than their mages. They encourage people to feel present and seek the meaning of life itself. Obtain their own improvement in their respective practices. As for how much it can be improved to? That is natural selection, the evolution of life, and fate. No need to push too hard.

Zhongbei looked at the magic potted plant in his father's hand and said excitedly: "In fact, even with the worst realization result, we still got a steady stream of gold mines. As long as this kind of grafted magic plant is planted on a large scale, the profit will be very huge. Astonishing."

Master Caijing added: "So next, we can cooperate. Let's cultivate this grafting magic plant together!"

Both the father and son of Big Cup and Middle Cup looked astonished. martingale

Caijing looked at the two of them and continued: "You also know that although I am revered as a master, I am actually just a wandering mage who is not tolerated by the mainstream alchemy world and has been expelled by the authorities. But you are different. You have connections in the country and you have certain strength, so you can build a large-scale cultivation area in the hinterland of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom."

"You have also participated in this inheritance of the prosperous hybrid master and contributed a lot. Without the icing technology you provided, we would not have been able to succeed so quickly."

After hearing this, Master Zhongbei was so excited that he almost danced. He never expected Cai Jing to be so generous, which meant she wanted to share it completely!

Originally, he thought that Master Caijing would lend the magic plant for a short period of time at most. I didn’t expect the latter to be fully shared. The father and son of the medium and large cups definitely made a lot of money this time.

Suspicion arose in Da Bei's heart, and he deliberately gave in on the surface: "Master Cai Jing, please don't misunderstand us, father and son. We will never touch anything that shouldn't be touched, and we won't have the slightest intention of coveting it. What do you think about this? My opinion is too modest. With your strength, you can completely stay away from the Ice Sculpture Kingdom and find suitable cultivation bases on countless islands. You can be treated as a guest wherever you go and from any force."

ps: The allergy is very uncomfortable. I wake up from itching four or five times every night. It was difficult to guarantee sleep. Fortunately, after several consecutive days of injections, the situation gradually improved. It is expected that the updates this week will not be good, but I will insist on updating every day, try to save the status, and prepare for the next update.

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