Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 469: Interest brings enemies and friends

After hearing what his father said, Master Zhongbei was so anxious that he almost stared. Crazy

What happened to my father that he actually pushed out an endless gold mine?

Cai Jing stared deeply into the big cup, pointed at the latter, and then laughed loudly and said: "I am indeed right, it is indeed a pleasure to work with you."

"But you don't have to doubt it. The reason why I asked you to cooperate is very simple."

"As long as you get closer there, you will understand."

Master Caijing said, pointing to the secret door of inheritance behind him.

Master Dabei did not move, but looked at his son.

Of course there is a tacit understanding between father and son. Crazy

The Zhongbei mage started slowly and walked to the secret door of inheritance.

He suddenly stopped, his expression changed slightly, then turned around and reported to his father eagerly.

"I received a secret message. You should be able to receive it after you open the door and get closer to it."

"Master Prosperous Hybrid hopes that we, the latecomers, can place a brand new magic potted plant in the secret door of inheritance while taking away the magic potted plant, and arrange a new inheritance so that it can continue to be passed down."

After hearing this, the cup mage's eyes flashed slightly: "This is indeed the way the druids behave."

This inheritance is like a cabin in the forest.

It welcomes and is willing to help all travelers who enter the lodge to stay. At the same time, it also hopes that every traveler who stays can do something for this cabin. For example, before leaving, split a pile of dry firewood and leave it behind. In this way, when it rains in the future, people who come here can directly light a fire to keep warm. Crazy

This is to encourage everyone to relay each other and achieve mutual benefit.

"Good news, father!" Zhongbei Mage beamed with joy, "This information also tells me that as long as we put a brand new magic potted plant in it, and this potted plant is recognized by the Secret Sect of Inheritance, we will be able to obtain the Prosperous Hybrid Master. The specific location information of an inheritance!”

Master Dabei couldn't help but raise his brows when he heard this and looked at Master Caijing again.

Everything is clear.

For a moment, he figured out Caijing's unspoken intention, and his guard against Caijing quickly diminished.

The Master of the Middle Cup came back, looking excited.

He said to Master Caijing: "This matter has a lot to do! We continue to use the freezing technology, cultivate a large number of magic plants for grafting, and we can always get a potted plant that meets the standards. Stuff it in, and we can get a second potted plant. Pass on the location information." Crazy

But on this matter, Master Caijing has a different point of view: "We used the icing technology before to take advantage of quantity. In fact, we were just trying to make up for it and got through. According to my speculation, we need to cultivate those that meet the standards of Master Prosperity and Hybrid Grafting magic plants is much more difficult than opening a secret door. If we use the previous method, the possibility of success is not high."

The Zhongbei Mage was slightly startled, and then his face showed a thoughtful expression.

Master Caijing’s analysis makes sense.

Zhongbei's enthusiasm did not diminish at all, and he continued: "If this is the case, we can only carry out long-term research and development. I believe that with the strength of both of us, as long as we cooperate sincerely, we will be able to cultivate products that meet the standards in the future. Of magic plants.”

In the opinion of Zhongbei Mage, this is totally worth the investment! This is the legacy left by a legendary figure.

And they had succeeded once. Although they only harvested one magical grafted plant, this result alone was worth a fortune and made them a huge profit.

But when Master Zhongbei said this, Master Caijing smiled slightly and shook his head. Crazy

Master Zhongbei looked puzzled. He didn't understand what Master Caijing meant.

His father, Master Dabei, warned in a gentle voice: "Fool, why should we be led by dead inheritance information?"

"Master Prosperity Bastard's arrangement is indeed very understanding of people's hearts, but after all, he is a druid, and he is still a bit innocent."

"This is indeed a clue, but the price is very high. We don't have to follow his arrangement. We can find other clues on our own and deduce the locations of other inheritances."

"In this regard, Master Caijing, you must have very profound insights!"

Master Zhongbei couldn't help but cast his burning gaze on Master Caijing.

Master Caijing said calmly: "To put it bluntly, it's actually very simple." Crazy

"According to records, Master Bastard has traveled all over the world. He is a legendary figure. Wherever he goes, there will be turmoil, and he will almost always leave profound historical records."

"This greatly facilitates our search for clues. Many times, we just need to follow the clues."

Master Zhongbei frowned slightly and said: "Master Prosperous Hybrid has indeed traveled all over the world. As far as I know, he has even entered Dragon Island and all the strange elemental realms. But if we want to search for inheritance, the whole world is unavoidable. It’s a bit too broad.”

Master Caijing continued: "In the early stages of Master Mongrel's journey, the possibility of him leaving a legacy is very small."

"Generally speaking, he gains insights during his travels. When his insights accumulate to a certain level, he will stay in one place and conduct short-term research. Only after he has achieved results will he leave a legacy."

"Just like this inheritance we obtained, Master Prosperous Hybrid came to this desert island to settle for a period of time after traveling to the Ice Sculpture Kingdom. He named this island Huaqu Island. The island took the results and kept them here, laying out the legacy. That's his style."

The Zhongbei Mage suddenly had a clever idea and blurted out: "I thought of it!" Crazy

"Splice Mountain!"

"Master Prosperous Hybrid once stayed on the Splicing Mountain for a while. The current Grafting Town at the foot of the mountain also came from him."

Master Caijing smiled, nodded and added: "Master Prosperous Bastard also went deep into the hinterland of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom and entered Anqiu. He didn't come out until more than ten days later. The possibility of him leaving a legacy there is also very high."

Master Zhongbei looked hesitant: "Anqiu... This is just a rumor. However, Master Feng Sheng·Mongrel was indeed invited by the royal family. However, there is no clear record of whether he entered Anqiu."

"We have to search for the inheritance left by the master in Anqiu. The difficulty is too high."

"The royal family does not allow us to go there. It is one of the most important forbidden areas in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom!"

"At the same time, we are not sure whether Master Prosperous Hybrid has left a legacy there." Crazy

The Zhongbei Mage belongs to the Alchemy Guild and is still in awe of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom.

Master Caijing has a different view: "We have now started one of the inheritances left by Master Prosperous Hybrid. From this harvest, we can see that we are likely to benefit a lot."

"The huge profits we earn can help us develop greater power. Given time, we can definitely negotiate with the royal family."

"As long as the strengths are equal and the interests are sufficient, there is nothing that cannot be discussed."

Master Dabei nodded: "It is indeed possible. As one of the elders of the Alchemy Guild, I can also use the guild's channels to facilitate negotiations with the royal family."

"Of course, before that, we'd better confirm that Master Prosperous Hybrid really left a legacy in Anqiu."

Master Zhongbei looked dazed after hearing this. Crazy

Master Dabei looked at Master Caijing and said in a serious tone. "Please forgive my presumption, Master Caijing. Now I formally invite you to join our guild in the name of the elder of the Alchemy Guild, is that okay?"

When Master Zhongbei heard this, his mouth suddenly opened wide.

He clearly remembered: Master Caijing was exiled and expelled from the Alchemy Guild. Father's direct invitation is tantamount to making the decision on behalf of the guild. Is this really possible?

Although the Zhongbei Mage has reached middle age, he is still much immature, especially compared to the Big Cup Mage and Caijing Master.

The latter two are old and mature, and both can understand what each other wants. Sometimes a word has multiple meanings. It is difficult for the medium cup mage to keep up with their rhythm, let alone understand their true intentions.

Master Caijing nodded slightly, telling lies with his eyes open, but with a serious expression: "In fact, I have always had a strong impression of the Alchemy Guild. It would be an honor for me to join it!"

"It's just a matter of time. It may not be convenient recently." Crazy

The cup mage nodded.

Zhongbei became anxious again when he heard that the two seemed to have reached an agreement. He felt that his father had boasted a lot, and Master Caijing believed it.

In fact, what he knew was that the Alchemy Guild had a very bad opinion of Cai Jing, and his father was just one of the many elders in the guild, and was not someone who was so powerful that he could personally represent the entire guild.

"Oops! What should we do if my father fails to convince the Alchemy Guild and breaks his promise to Master Caijing after he returns?"

Master Dabei and Master Caijing are full of confidence that this matter can be accomplished.

Everything is a benefit!

Previously, Master Caijing made counterfeit medicines to benefit himself and harmed the Alchemy Guild's income. Therefore, he was not tolerated by the mainstream and was expelled and exiled. Crazy

Now, lured by the inheritance of Master Prosperity and Bastard, the Alchemy Guild of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom will definitely put aside its "festival" and attract Master Cai Jing for joint development.

This is also the reason why Cai Jing chose to continue to cooperate with Da Bei and others.

On the one hand, he needs land and talents to grow grafted magic plants on a large scale and earn stable profits. On the other hand, the inheritance of the Prosperous Hybrid Master should be in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom. He needs to go into the hinterland to have a chance to continue to explore the inheritance.

It's time to turn enemies into friends!

Da Bei and Cai Jing looked at each other, determined to deepen their cooperation, and they became more pleasing to each other.

Da Bei finally stared at the secret door of inheritance and said: "Although this place has been exposed, in order to buy time, we should destroy this secret door of inheritance."

Cai Jing shook her head slightly: "I have tried many methods before, and the possibility of destroying the secret door is unlikely. A more practical approach is to eliminate the inheritance information here. This information is a very obvious reminder to those who come after me. ."Crazy

The mages are not druids, and have no empathy for the arrangements of Master Prosperity and Bastard. In order to protect their own interests, they planned to destroy this secret door without any scruples or hesitation.

But at this moment, an extremely strong aura suddenly approached.

The expressions of the mages all changed.

By the time they realized there was an attack, it was already too late.


A violent explosion occurred, and Huaqun Island seemed to tremble.

The attacker floated in mid-air, overlooking the smoke billowing below. Crazy

When he attacked, the aura of the holy realm could no longer be concealed and was revealed!

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