Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 480: The Kingdom of the God of Duel

Everyone present knew Anqiu's name. thief

Facing the question from the leader of the human race, Bing Xiao looked indifferent, nodded slightly, and admitted on the spot: "Yes, it's that Anqiu."

For a moment, everyone exclaimed, and everyone's face was full of excitement and surprise.

The legends about Anqiu and the heroic duel are well-known in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom.

"I didn't expect that I could enter Anqiu?! I have a connection with such a legendary place!" The leader of the human race murmured, his disguise was very good, and he was worthy of being a long-time traitor.

"This is really great!" Xiong Saw roared excitedly.

He advocates heroic duels. When he was fighting the dragon boy, the demon hybrid leader secretly exerted his power outside the field and tried to harm the dragon boy. However, he was noticed by Xiong Zao and smashed his magic eye.

Lan Zao also opened his mouth slightly, his face full of shock. thief

He is not very good at disguising his appearance, and he also plans to enter Anqiu. But this time when he entered Anqiu, he did not get any reminder from Shuang Tu.

He was just in the middle of the fight and got caught up in it.

When he reacted after the battle, he found that he had already entered!

Before that, he and Spring Boxer had the same idea, thinking that they should take a boat all the way to Anqiu. I didn't expect it to come in like this.

"Oops, in this case, I don't know the way to Anqiu at all. Even if I return to the mercenary group in the future, I won't be able to report to the leader."

Ice Owl looked at Springfist, who still looked excited even though he knew the inside story.

Ice Owl: "You are Fujituro's coffin bearer, so you only need to carry the ice coffin and follow me closely." Thief

He took care of Spring Boxer and then warned the others: "As for you, you don't have the identity of Spring Boxer. You must step on my footsteps accurately and not make a mistake in order to follow me."

"Anqiuli is safe and it is not difficult to do this."

"If anyone makes a mistake, he is a hidden enemy. The others must kill him as soon as possible to eliminate the evil!"

Everyone was awestruck and quickly obeyed the order.

Anqiu is covered with snow, and the Ice Owl walks through the snow, its footprints clearly visible.

Everyone followed his footsteps and lined up, following closely one by one. They were on guard against each other and no one left the line.

Fujituro didn't have such restrictions. He was carrying the ice coffin. Every time he took a step, the scenery around him changed suddenly. thief

The ice peak that was originally seen in the distance expanded in everyone's field of vision in just five or six steps.

After walking five or six more steps, they had crossed tens of thousands of meters and arrived at the foot of the ice peak.

Ice Owl stepped onto the ice peak, and everyone followed his footsteps. They only took two or three steps to reach the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain is a flat surface with many tombstones standing on it.

Behind each tombstone is a dug rectangular burial pit.

The leader of the human race had a sparkle hidden in his eyes. He quickly counted and found that there were 38 tombstones in total.

He was extremely excited: "This represents at least 38 gold-level experts!"

Ice Owl looked extremely serious: "Now, you don't have to step on my footsteps."

"But you all have to stay where you are. Whoever dares to move around will be the mortal enemy!"

Then, he nodded to Springfist: "Follow me."

Xiong Saw and the others stood still, not daring to move, and watched quietly as Spring Boxer carried Fujituro's ice coffin to Fujituro's tombstone.

On the translucent tombstone made of ice, Fujituro's name and portrait are engraved.

The portrait is lifelike.

"Why is a third of the gang leader's tombstone missing?" Spring Boxer asked. thief

Ice Owl squatted down, wiped the tombstone, and sighed: "This represents the degree of mutilation of the body. If the time limit is exceeded, the tombstone will disappear completely. By then, even if you bring the ice coffin, there will be no place to bury it. !”

Then, Spring Boxer followed Ice Owl's instructions and placed Fujituro's ice coffin into the corresponding burial pit.

"Old gang leader, will the gang leader really be resurrected? When will he come back to life?" Spring Boxer asked expectantly.

The rest of the people couldn't help but hold their breath and pay close attention to him.

Resurrection is difficult even if it is difficult; it is not difficult even if it is not difficult.

This is a world where gods exist.

There are many people who have successfully resurrected using divine resurrection techniques. thief

According to legend, Anqiu is a magical place that can resurrect people.

Ice Owl sighed: "Resurrection... can only be said to be possible. Even the most complete corpse may not be 100% resurrected."

"But if you bury Fujituro, you will definitely gain a lot."

Spring Boxer was stunned: "We can't be sure about resurrection? What is the specific possibility of resurrection?"

Bing Xiao did not answer, but waved: "Now is not the time to discuss this issue. Come to me, kneel down, and pray with me."

Spring Fist could only turn around and walk towards Ice Owl with confusion.

In the process, his steps suddenly stopped. He saw the tombstone of the leader of the Ax Gang and couldn't help but be surprised: "The bald man also has a tombstone here? So, he is also a saint of Anqiu?" Thief

"It's strange. There are many cracks on uncle's tombstone."

"What?!" Ice Owl's pupils shrank sharply, and after looking at the tombstone of the leader of the Ax Gang, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

He knew what the crack meant.

"The leader of the Ax dead?!"

"Wait, Jia Bing and Lin both lost their lives?!"

Ice Owl had just focused on Fujituro's tombstone, but now he glanced around and suddenly found cracks on all three tombstones.

These cracks are not obvious and can only be seen if you look closely. thief

But Ice Owl knew that even a slight crack meant that the saint corresponding to the tombstone had lost his life. Over time, these cracks will increase until the entire tombstone cracks and crumbles.

"In the end what happened?!"

"These three people were closely related when they were in the service. According to the scene of the crack, they were probably killed at the same time!"

"This shows that they probably died on the same battlefield. Who was the murderer?"

"These are three genuine gold-level ones, and they are also gold-level ones that have been on the battlefield for a long time!"

Bing Xiao suppressed the shock in his heart and barely maintained his indifferent expression: "Next, touch the tombstone with your hand and recite the prayer with me."

"Great God of Duels, praise you, praise Anqiu, this extremely sacred land. Today we came to your kingdom of God and brought back your sacred warriors." Thief.

"We pray to you that the fallen saints may find true tranquility and peace."

"Please look after our new warriors and give them, like me, a strong and brave heart so that we can learn from the successes and mistakes of our predecessors and learn from them."

“In your name, we pray to move forward stronger and wiser, understanding what our ancestors have experienced and reflecting on it as our own learning. Please grant us the courage, strength, and wisdom to navigate life’s journey success."

"Please guide us on the road to peace. We would like to praise the lofty and sacred place of Anqiu and move forward together towards light and peace."

"Endless praise to you, the great god of duels, Anqiu, the sacred and wonderful place!"

Along with the prayers of Ice Owl and Springfist, a solemn and sacred atmosphere spread quickly. The rest of the people stared intently, feeling in awe and at the same time more curious.

"God of Duel? Is there such a god in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom?" Thief

" actually the kingdom of the god of duels?!"

"Their special sacrifice on Huaqu Island was to lead the Kingdom of God? This is too outrageous. I actually stepped into the kingdom of gods!"

Lan Zao felt even more embarrassed: "So the truth about Anqiu's resurrection is that he is the God of Duels? So, in order to resurrect Miss Zidi, she must at least convert and become a Saint of the God of Duels?"

"This, this is too difficult..."

As an excellent traitor, the human leader paid close attention to the names on the tombstones and tried to remember them.

"Long Meng...the number one gladiator in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom is actually a Saint of the God of Duel?"

"Meilin, is that the mermaid mage in the first navy of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom?" Thief

"Violent Root, who is this? I've never heard of it."

The leader of the human race saw many familiar names and also found strange people.

He didn't know what the cracks on the tombstones meant, but he tried to remember the names on the 38 tombstones.

"If nothing else, this information alone is of great value!" The human leader was excited.


After Spring Boxer finished praying, he was about to stand up when his eyes suddenly rolled up and he fainted inexplicably.

When everyone was surprised, Ice Owl picked up Spring Boxer and said, "Don't worry, this is normal. Now follow me down the mountain. We have a temporary settlement at the foot of the mountain."

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