Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 481: The Heir of Experience

A small stream gurgled past the brown wooden house, and the water was crystal clear. shaggy dog

A rainbow of seven colors hangs high in the sky.

Anqiu has become a snow peak in the distance.

Everyone from the Bayonet Gang has arrived at the wooden hut.

Here, Spring Boxer slowly opened his eyes and gradually woke up: "Where am I?"

Bing Xiao stood beside his bed and answered him.

Ice Owl then asked Springfist: "How do you feel?"

Spring Boxer still looked a little dazed: "I seem to have had a dream. In the dream, I was in an army fighting against a group of ice and snow direwolves."

"The strange thing is that the fighting spirit I use are all the ice and snow fighting skills of the gang leader."

Ice Owl nodded: "This is Fujituro's combat experience. You became his coffin bearer, and now you have placed his ice coffin in Anqiu. In the next period of time, you We will gradually receive many of his combat experiences, including how he uses fighting skills, how to practice, how to lead an army in battle, etc."

"That's what it means for him to appoint you as a pallbearer."

Springfist's eyes widened, amazed at the secret.

Immediately, his face showed a sad look again. He missed Fujituro very much, who took great care of him. Even in his death, Spring Boxer was still cared for by Fujituro.

"Live well with Fujituro's experience and work hard to become stronger. Only by doing this can you live up to Fujituro's earnest hope for you." Ice Owl encouraged Spring Boxer.

Spring Boxer asked: "When will the gang leader be resurrected?"

Bing Xiao hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to tell the truth: "Unfortunately, he may never be resurrected. When you start to absorb Fujituro's lifetime experience, it means that his soul has begun to live in Anqiu." Dissipated. These precious combat experiences come from his memory, and memory is stored in the soul. A soul without memory will forget who it was during life."

Spring Boxer suddenly opened his mouth wide and said hurriedly: "Then I would rather not have this kind of combat experience. I want to help the master's resurrection!"

Bing Xiao shook his head: "This is not something we can do if we want to do it. In fact, I have never heard that anyone I am familiar with has been resurrected in Anqiu. In my opinion, Anqiu's real The meaning is to preserve the combat experience of the ancestors and transmit it to the next generation of successors. You are the coffin bearer selected by Fujituro, that is, his successor. So in the future, the better you live, the stronger you become. , it proves that Fujituro's choice is more correct, do you understand what I mean?"

Spring Boxer shed tears silently. After a moment, he nodded heavily and accepted this cruel reality.

Ice Owl sighed, patted his shoulder, and led him out of the cabin to the green grass in front of the cabin.

There, Aosu gathered the others and introduced to them that "Spring Boxer had just gained the fighting experience of Fujituro's lifetime".

This caused everyone to scream. shaggy dog

"Is there such a magical thing?"

"Being able to share one person's combat experience with another person saves so much time."

"The heir can spend all his time practicing. These excellent combat experiences can turn a rookie on the battlefield into a veteran or even stronger on the battlefield in an instant."

Everyone was talking about it.

Lan Zao felt a suspicion in his heart, and he thought of the memory-making device in the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

As one of the survivors, Cyanobacteria also knows the function of the memory crystal.

He secretly thought: "Compared to the memory crystal, Anqiu's role is more like the Grand Arena Medal in the hands of the captain."

Cyanobacteria naturally generate some associations.

In fact, the essence of these three is related to the soul.

The survivors obtained the memory-making device from the war dealer, and speculated that the alchemy device was probably purchased by the war dealer from the undead faction.

The memory creation device comes from the necromancers, Anqiu, the kingdom of the god of duels, and the Grand Arena medal comes from the demon god Wrathtan.

Whether it is a necromancer or a god, they can all dig out the secrets in the soul. It is not uncommon to extract combat experience from the soul.

After Ice Owl finished introducing what happened to Spring Boxer, he glanced at everyone else meaningfully and said, "You can do this too."

This statement surprised everyone. shaggy dog

The leader of the human race quickly asked: "Master Ice Xiao, what do you mean?"

Bing Xiao explained in detail: "Although there are only 38 tombstones on Anqiu, many people have been buried here in the past time. But when their bodies and souls completely dissipated, they The tombstones also disappeared.”

"It's hard for us to imagine how much powerful combat experience Anqiu contains."

"And these experiences are not like elemental crystals, which are completely consumed after being used. Instead, they are like the knowledge in books, which can exist here for a long time."

“We who are in the Kingdom of God can also draw on this knowledge and experience.”

"And there is only one prerequisite to achieve this step."

"That is - convert to believe in the God of Duel!"

The Bayonet Gang was speechless for a while.

"If you want me to change my faith..."

"How is this possible?"

Conversion is quite difficult.

Some of the people present have only believed in one god since childhood, and their beliefs are very firm.

But there are also some people who have general beliefs and don’t care about adding another belief. It’s not a big deal.

The leader of the human race showed emotion on the surface, but in his heart he completely understood the intention of Bing Xiao in calling everyone to say these words. shaggy dog

"He wants to use faith to screen talents and guard against possible traitors."

"Although I successfully sneaked into Anqiu, my current situation may be a bit dangerous!"

The leader of the human race and Shuang Tu are members of the same organization. However, due to the urgent situation at that time, the human leader was always located in the stronghold of the Bayonet Gang. This prevented effective communication between the two.

As the mastermind behind the scenes, Shuangtu united most of the silver-level forces to besiege the Bayonet Gang. And at the critical moment, expensive things were used at any cost, so that when Anqiu of the Kingdom of God was summoned, its power surged, drawing in all the people inside the Bayonet Gang's stronghold and within a certain range outside.

Therefore, entering Anqiu was also an accident for the human leader.

"This is an important secret place for the enemy. It's difficult for me to get in, and I'm afraid it's even more difficult to get out!" Bu, the leader of the human race, has already come to his senses.

With a smile on his face, Bing Xiao glanced around the Bayonet Gang and said in a gentle tone: "I'm not forcing you to convert, but I'm just reminding you: we will live here for a while."

"And during this period, even if you don't believe in the God of Duel, you will still gain some combat experience because you are in the Anqiu Kingdom. Don't be too surprised when these situations occur."

"The point is, if you believe in the God of Duel, the efficiency of this experience infusion will become higher. The deeper the belief, the more combat experience you can draw from Anqiu, and the greater the benefits you will get."

"It's even possible that you can become a Saint of the God of Duel and be eligible to be buried in Anqiu after your death."

"You also know the legend. Although there is only a certain probability, it is indeed possible for the warriors buried here to be resurrected!"

It was quiet.

Everyone actively digested and absorbed the meaning of these words.

After Bing Xiao finished speaking, he dismissed everyone. shaggy dog

The Bayonet Gang began to practice impatiently around the wooden house.

After a week of inspection, Ice Owl returned to the wooden house.

In the wooden house, he faced the ice peak at the window, knelt down to pray, and told about the cracks on the tombstones of the Ax Gang leader and three other people.

"Perhaps others have already noticed this situation."

"No matter what happens, the bodies of the Ax Gang leader and others should be recovered as much as possible. However, this is no longer something I can intervene in."

Ice Sculpture Kingdom, Snow Rabbit City, in a high-end hotel.

Zi Di looked at the three corpses in front of her with a complicated expression: the Ax Gang leader, Lin and Jia Bing. shaggy dog

These three corpses are all gold-level materials.

When Zong Ge brought them back, Zidi had already carried out emergency treatment. While processing it, she had already discovered some strange things.

After arriving at Snow Rabbit City, Zidi thoroughly disposed of the three corpses and confirmed that there were abnormalities in the three corpses.

"After most people die, their souls will be led away by the gods they believe in. Even if they are not led, they will fall into the abyss. In short, the soul will soon be separated from the body."

"But these three people are not like this. They all have traces of divine magic on their bodies, causing their souls to be trapped in the corpses. Although the souls are dissipating, the speed is very slow."

"Perhaps Fujituro's situation is the same as theirs."

Zi Di naturally thought of Fujituro. shaggy dog

Because she also experienced the dock battle at Snowbird Harbor.

At that time, a rocket assault boat ran aground midway. In order to save Fujituro's ice coffin on the rocket assault boat, Ice Owl and others had already arrived at the pirate ship of the front company, but they still turned back until they retrieved the ice coffin. give up.

The body of Fujituro is sealed in the ice coffin. Although Fujituro is dead, he still has great significance to the Bayonet Gang.

After Zidi contacted her now, she immediately guessed: Fujituro's situation might be similar to these three!

"In other words, the reason why we were attacked should be that the leader killed Fujituro?"

"Fujituro seems to be just the leader of the Bayonet Gang, but secretly he should be a member of another large organization."

"And the members of this organization should all have the same beliefs!"

As for the specific belief, Zidi is not sure.

She thinks the most likely one is the Snow God of War.

This god is one of the main gods of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom. Although he has the vocation of God of War, he is more focused on fighting in the snow.

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