Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 527: Mianli Zang: The waves behind push the waves ahead.

"Master Mianli Zang, in fact, the Dragon Power Cavalry potion business we are currently cooperating with is very similar to the tea business..." During the conversation, Zidi changed the subject of the conversation from tea to Long Power. Riding on the magic potion is very natural.

She then talked about the current situation of Dragon Power Riding Potions, future prospects, large profits in the future, and so on.

When Zong Ge heard this, he couldn't help but secretly said that it was wonderful.

What Zidi did was undoubtedly a clever entry point. Although they haven't talked about the mysterious forces yet, Zonge can already foresee it.

Mianlizo also had this realization while drinking tea.

He had a smile on his face, but his eyes were unwavering, waiting quietly for Zidi to start the real topic.

However, Zidi was not in a hurry to do so. Instead, she proposed to modify some of the previous cooperation details between the two parties on Dragon Rider potions.

Firstly, Zidi wanted to test Mianrizang's negotiating skills through such negotiations; secondly, she used her familiarity and preparedness with the details to greatly consume Mianrizang's negotiation energy and patience.

Especially the latter, patience in business negotiations is an important factor affecting the outcome.

But what Zidi didn't expect was that Mianli Zang was also quite familiar with these details! No matter which item Zidi proposed, Mianli Zang could accurately judge it, and the objections he expressed were also well-founded.

"He actually knows these details so well. At the beginning, I determined the content of the cooperation with Master Kongpan. Matarizo's rebuttal was so well-founded. This is by no means something that can be done by memorizing these details. He must have communicated with Kongpan. I passed." Zidi's heart sank slightly.

"Perhaps, the reason why he arrived late is that from the moment we took the initiative to visit, his communication was empty."

The dignified patriarch of the Utojian family made such extensive preparations for this negotiation, which made Zidi's psychological pressure even greater.

Zi Di concentrated her mind and started a debate with Mianli Zang on these details.

When they arrived here, Zongge, who was watching, discovered that there was a huge difference in the negotiation styles between the Ax Gang leader and Mianli Zang.

The leader of the Ax Gang has a strong attitude. Once he insists on certain terms, he will never let them go without any possibility of retreating. However, Zidi used clever names and deliberately used various concepts to successfully stun the leader of the Ax Gang and successfully protect her own interests.

Mianli Zang is different.

He always smiled and spoke very kindly, even a little softly. In comparison, the silver-level Zidi seemed a bit aggressive.

Matsurizou will not be domineering and stick to a certain bottom line, but whenever he loses some interests, he can always use it as an excuse to usurp some interests in other aspects.

In short, dealing with him is like kneading a piece of dough.

It seems that the dough can be bullied, but in fact when Zidi presses it hard, the dough will always bulge in another place, occupying Zidi's profit space.

"Mianli Zang is even harder to deal with than the leader of the Ax Gang!" Zong Ge had a deeper understanding.

However, as time went by, Zidi gradually gained the upper hand with her outstanding eloquence and more skilled business negotiation skills.

"As people get older, their brains get worse. Alas..." Mian Lizang smiled bitterly and rubbed his temples, "Master Yaoma, what did you just say?"

"I forgot again, sorry."

"No, I mean, what was your last question?"

Mianli hides in retreat, always letting Zidi's advances come back without success.

He is a gold-level strongman. Facing a silver-level opponent, using such a trick seems a bit rogue, but he does not have any psychological burden when using it.

This is his style of doing things, and this is what makes him difficult to deal with!

Zidi became more and more frustrated. She felt that dealing with Mianli Zang was like hitting a ball of water with her fist. She couldn't focus on it and the attack was quite suffocating.

But in terms of expression, Zi Di didn't show any signs of it.

She also knew that Matsuri was trying to wear down her patience.

Continue to negotiate.

There are more tricks hidden in Mianli.

"Oh, it's snowing." Faced with the aggressive Zidi, Mianrizang suddenly changed the subject.

The two looked at the window and found that sporadic white snow had begun to fall outside.

Matarizo looked at the two people opposite him and said amiably: "You may not know that the weather in Igloo City is so bad."

"According to my experience for most of my life, even though the snow is very small now, it will get heavier and heavier."

"My study room doesn't have any heating facilities. I am the leader of the clan, and I have to pay attention to the impact of every move I make. So, do you need a blanket?"

"It's snowing heavily. It will be cold sitting in the study."

Faced with such concern, Zidi and Zongge really couldn't say anything.

Zong Ge shook his head and said no, while Zidi smiled and said that if there was a blanket covering his legs, it would be very warm.

Mianrizang stood up, took out a blanket from the cupboard, and handed it to Zidi himself.

Who knows how a ghost can be afraid of the cold.

"I'll give you some tea. I'm right. This study has this problem."

"Hey, I'll get a blanket too. I'm old and my bones need to be taken care of."

"Look, the snow is getting heavier and heavier."

The snow outside the window turned out to be very heavy as expected by Matarizo. At the same time, the cold wind was blowing so hard that the window glass trembled slightly.

The rhythm of Zidi's negotiations was disrupted again and again.

"This enemy is very difficult to deal with." Zongge felt that Mianrizang was like the kind of enemy general who was good at using feints and creating confusing formations.

Whenever our main force attacks with all its strength, it always falls short, which is a very uncomfortable feeling.

Zong Ge looked at Zidi again, worried that the latter would be impatient.

But Zidi's performance was much better than Zongge imagined.

From beginning to end, she kept smiling and did not speak faster, showing amazing patience and restraint.

Zidi's performance made Matari Zangtou look at her with admiration and directly invited her: "I wonder, Master Yaoma, have you ever thought about changing your living and working environment?"

Zidi was stunned.

Matsurizou hurriedly patted his forehead and blamed himself: "I am old, blame me, I said the wrong thing."

He then said meaningfully: "However, being able to drink seven or eight cups of tea calmly is not something ordinary people can do."

"Oh, my old habit has returned. When I see talented people, I always want to recruit them into the family."

"I hope the leader of the Dragon Service Team will forgive me."

Zong Ge quickly expressed his understanding.

Unexpectedly, this moment seemed to open up Mianli's chat box.

He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Well, sometimes, I really envy young people like you, who are always so energetic and energetic."

"I have been the patriarch of the Utorama family for many years. I have been exhausted until now and I can't hold on any longer."

"The Utojian family seems to be prosperous, but it is difficult to maintain this prosperity. The effort and cost are far beyond what outsiders imagine."

"I went as far as I could for this. Even then, I didn't do a good job."

"I neglected the training of the younger generation, so that the next generation only has the gold-level fighter Yue Qian!"

"You two must also know that the bloodline of the other world can indeed bring extraordinary spiritual advantages to people, but it also has a famous disadvantage of having poor heirs."

"That's why I try every possible means to attract foreign talents."

"But it is not easy to do this well. Talents are rare. Even if they are admitted into the family, excellent management is required to let the talents fully shine."

"So, I also envy the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. Your group has only been established for a short time, but it has attracted so many foreign talents."

"Needless to mention the captain of the dragon uniform and the deputy captain of the lion flag. Silver-level backbones like Chi Lai and Kuan Shi can be easily obtained."

"After this negotiation, I discovered: The value of Master Yaoma is not just a silver-level mage's combat power!"

"There is also a tonifying spring...she is a great talent in alchemy, and her future is definitely promising!!"

Mian Lizang complimented the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, and Zidi and Zong Ge were greatly alert.

Mianli Zang took back the subject again: "The family motto of our clan is to hide wealth in the sky and stand tall in the snow and wind. But it is not easy to stand in the wind and snow."

“The bigger the igloo, the greater the wind and snow it has to withstand and face.”

"It's very cold at high places."

"It's like a noble group. Because you, the leader of the dragon suit, killed Fujituro in public, you became famous and became famous all over the country."

"Dragon Rider's magic potion is a brilliant business move. It's making a lot of money every day, and the market response is extremely enthusiastic."

"Such an exuberant attitude has pushed your group to the forefront of some kind of controversy, triggering an attack by mysterious forces."

"First they were ambushed in the Cold Wind Valley. Then, the caravan transporting the potion was destroyed. To be honest, although the two gold-level ones fought fiercely with each other, their motives were really suspicious."

"Being targeted by gold-level forces, your group's situation is really worrying."

The atmosphere in the study suddenly became solemn.

Mianli Zang's sudden attack directly revealed the plight of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. It was like an enemy who always played feints and suddenly took the initiative to attack. Although it was not a fatal blow, it did attack the weak point of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

Even Zong Ge noticed the sharpness of these words!

If Zidi responds improperly, she will definitely be at a disadvantage, and the pace of subsequent negotiations will be controlled by Mianrizang.

Zidi and Zong Ge quickly looked at each other and noticed the solemn expressions on each other's faces.

Little did the two know that Mianli Zang was also helpless.

This was the first time he had encountered someone who was more patient than him and had better negotiation skills than his opponent.

Master Yauma's appearance is still young, which makes Matarizo uncontrollably appreciate the former's talent. If he were to know Zidi's true age, he would definitely be shocked.

In addition, it is also very bad to always use various excuses to avoid the attacks of juniors.

Matsurizou also wants face, even though he doesn't want much.

Matarizo always laments that he is getting old, but this is not a complete disguise. Facing the young dragon man and Master Yaoma, he did feel a sense of desolation, as if the waves behind him pushed the waves ahead.

Therefore, after a lot of energy and patience were consumed by the previous detailed negotiation, Matarizo couldn't bear it anymore and chose to take the initiative.

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