Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 528: Not asylum but cooperation! (Supplement 7/11)

During business negotiations, Mianrizang took the initiative to attack for the first time.

The time to test Zidi has arrived!

Zidi is well versed in negotiation and knows that she must not be anxious or lose control at this moment.

She didn't explain immediately, but took a sip of tea calmly. Then, under Matarizo's interested gaze, he leisurely put down the teacup.

Then, she said: "As Master Mianrizang said, our regiment's situation is indeed like this."

"To be honest, before this, there were three more gold-level ones who planned to ambush us."

"They are the leader of the Ax Gang, Lin from Ice Gun City, and Jia Bing from Grafting Town."

"The situation in that battle was the most vicious. Looking back now, it makes me feel cold."

Zidi did not explain the details of this battle clearly, so saying this would arouse Mianli Zang's attention.

This is a card from the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

The cards are huge!

Zong Ge is looking forward to this.

However, there was no surprise or shock in Matarizo. He smiled and said gently: "Three gold-level people joining forces, indeed, just imagining it makes people feel cold all over."

"Your regiment's actual combat capabilities are also surprising."

"However, I think this kind of unconventional method may be relatively rare. It can be used only once or less, and it may not even be seen in the light?"

"If that's not the case, I can't figure out why the captain of the dragon suit didn't use it in the duel with Fujituro?"

"Or, the conditions for using this method are very harsh and difficult to meet in actual combat?"

Zong Ge's heart sank, Mianli Zang didn't behave as expected at all, he had known the news for a long time.

But before, he didn't mention it at all. He had been waiting for the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group to reveal this card.

"This old fox..." Zong Ge cursed in his heart.

He immediately understood that Mianli Zang's deliberate flaw inspired Zidi to open the card.

However, he had been prepared for this card to have almost no effect, and even used it to affect the mentality of Zidi and Zong Ge!

An imperceptible light flashed in Matsurizou's eyes, and he added: "Oh, by the way, maybe you two don't know yet. Not long ago, your group's branch in Snowbird Port was attacked by mysterious forces. attack. Your regiment’s flagship and alchemy workshop were both attacked, and it seems that the losses were considerable!”

"What?!" Zidi whispered and stood up subconsciously.

Zong Ge's complexion instantly darkened.

Woo woo woo...

The strong wind mixed with the blizzard beat against the windows.

After Matsurizou said this, he looked out the window with a calm attitude.

The heavy snow outside the window has obscured the normal view, and the white snow covers the roofs of many igloos.

Zidi didn't expect that Mianli Zang's active attack was not a one-time attack, but a set of combos.

When they heard that the Snowbird Harbor branch had been attacked, their mentality was inevitably shaken.

At this moment, Zidi and Zongge were completely at a disadvantage.

They deeply felt the power of the Satoma family. This power is most vividly reflected in communications at the moment.

After a moment of silence, Zidi took a breath, looked very candid, and stared at Mianli Zang: "We are actually very wronged. We have no idea why this group of extremely powerful enemies are targeting us in this way. It is precisely for this reason that we came here this time. Go to Igloo City and seek in-depth cooperation with your family."

Matsurizou smiled slightly: "Miss Yaoma, are you sure you are here to seek cooperation and not seek asylum from our clan?"

The tone is light, but the words are sharp.

If Zi Di doesn't handle it properly, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group will be completely reduced to a lower position, and the Utojian family will become a upper position.

If this negotiation continues, this superior-subordinate relationship will even develop into a subordinate relationship, causing the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group to completely lose the initiative.

Zidi's face was calm and her voice was steady: "If we were just a mercenary group, we must be seeking the protection of the nobles when we come to visit you this time."

"But, we're not."

"Since the patriarch knows our information so well, I believe you also understand our true identity."

The smile in Mianrizang's eyes faded, and more smiles appeared on his face.

This time he didn't speak. Just like Zidi did just now, he took a sip of tea, then leaned on the back of the chair and looked out the window with a leisurely attitude.

Outside the window, the sky was dark and stormy. I couldn't even see the igloo across the street.

Just like Mianli Zang can't see the background of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group!

That's right, what Matsurizo is really afraid of is the background of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

There have always been rumors that the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is actually a group of military escort smugglers. Their appearance was so sudden, and their behavior was far beyond ordinary. This rumor can perfectly explain all the strangeness.

Including the actions of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group in Snow Bird Port, especially their business layout, and how easily they came up with the Dragon Rider potion to open up the kingdom's market... Mitsurizou personally prefers this explanation.

However, according to the capabilities of the Utoma family, they could not find out which arms manufacturer was behind the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

You must know that a being who can manufacture arms on a large scale and has the ability to smuggle weapons cannot be just a gold-level person.

At least it's a sanctuary!

As for the Holy Domain level, it is already the strongest in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom.

More importantly, not only could the Satojian family not find out the background of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, they didn't even have any clues.

"Perhaps there is no arms dealer behind them at all!" an elder of the Utama family speculated.

"But how is that possible?!" Matsurizou scoffed at this speculation.

Where did the Dragon Service group come from?

The identity of the dragon suit and lion flag are all fake. There is no certification from the mercenary guild!

The Utorama family tried their best but could not find out the true identity behind it.

It would be fine if it was just an ordinary silver level.

But they are not!

A dragon suit can kill gold level with silver level. Such an achievement is rare to see in a century.

A lion flag, although it is silver-level, has a golden luster due to its fighting spirit. In other words, half of them are already at the gold level.

Is this an ordinary silver level?

What kind of force can produce such a silver level?

Even the Satoma family that he controls will never be able to reveal what Watarizo knows!

Looking at the traces of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, they came to Snake Island, Double Eye Island, and Songfeng Island all the way through sea battles. They were not stumped once, and there was no battle that caused them heavy losses or injuries.

On the contrary, they are changing and developing with each passing day, and the size of their team is swelling like a balloon. ???

Within a few months, this kind of development was too fast. Could it be just a mercenary group?

It is obvious that there is a powerful force behind them helping them. They themselves have many hidden cards and super-standard fighting methods. So, they came all the way to the Ice Sculpture Kingdom.

Not long after they arrived at Snowbird Harbor, the good guy took the underground overlord of Snowbird Harbor and killed the leader of the Bayonet Gang in public. The entire Bayonet Gang was taken down.

The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group also became famous throughout the kingdom due to this battle.

What kind of trick is this?

This routine is too familiar to Matarizo.

In a country like the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, which has a strong dueling atmosphere, most people who have actual combat capabilities and a desire for fame and fortune will choose heroic duels to make a name for themselves.

Isn’t this why Yunzhong became famous?

Didn't Meilin of the First Navy rely on his winning streak in duels to prove that he was worthy of the position of general?

Didn't that terrifying Long Meng, recognized as the strongest gold-level man, prove himself in the duel?

Watarizo believes: "When the dragon suit publicly challenged Fujituro, the public thought that the dragon and lion mercenary group was the weak side. But in fact, the bayonet gang was the carefully selected prey!"

With this idea in mind, when Watarizo looked at the duel images of Ryufu and Fujituro again, he felt more and more false. The scene in which Dragon Server defeated Fujituro "with great difficulty" in the end was so fake!

Later, he learned that after the dragon suit counterattacked and killed three gold-level players, it was further confirmed that the dragon suit's victory over Fujituro was probably a performance of profound skill.

It is precisely because of this kind of combat power that Mitanorizo ​​immediately arranged this interview when the two of them visited.

This is the world of the strong.

Mianrizang feels that he must give full respect to Zong Ge, Zidi and his party!

Zidi mentioned the background of the arms dealer, causing Mianli Zang to fall into silence for a while.

After looking at the snowy scene outside the window for a while, the contemporary patriarch of the Utopia family looked at the two of them and said: "Since you have a profound background and great methods, why do you take the initiative to visit me and seek help from my clan? Without us, Utopia family, you can also deal with strong enemies, right?"

Zidi spread her hands and said with a wry smile: "Master Mianli Zang, you know: we are here to do business. So first use the dragon power to ride the magic potion, first open the market, establish sales channels, and then sell arms later. .”

"The captain and deputy captain are carefully selected. Our captain can defeat the strong with the weak, and the deputy captain is quasi-gold level. It will be very inconvenient for us if we send gold-level combat forces here. Acting.”

Perfect explanation!

Having said this, Zidi couldn't help but feel happy that the arms dealer's excuse was really perfect and practical.

I don’t know who the wise man came up with for them.

Zidi continued: "So, as I said before, I take the initiative to visit you this time to seek cooperation, not asylum."

"Cooperating with the nobles is actually outside our plan. I prefer to believe that this is a wonderful encounter of fate. If we can use the hands of the nobles to tide over this difficulty, this is the most ideal. I believe that we can continue Any future cooperation will definitely have higher prospects and benefits at a higher price.”

"Oh, tell me more specifically?" Mianli Zang said.

Zidi directly took out a piece of information, put it on the coffee table, and then pushed it in front of Matarizo.

Matarizo held the teacup in one hand, took it over with the other, and used his mage's hand to help turn the pages. After reading a few pages, his expression gradually changed.

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