Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 541: What happened the second time?

The metal hatch closed again.

Cang Xu continued to be vigilant.

After all, this was only the second time the fish-man boy had done something like this. Once memory confusion occurs, not only the Deep Sea Monster Fish will be at risk, but more importantly, the boy himself.

"Although the Deep Sea Monster Fish is a gold-level magic ship, it is nothing compared to the captain!"

The one Cangxu cared about the most was always the fish-man boy.

After a while.

God's gift happened again.

Cang Xu stared slightly in surprise again: "What's going on?"

"The fluctuation of divine power during the second prayer was actually greater than before."

The metal hatch opened, and the fish-man boy walked out, his steps steady and his expression still a little weird.

Cangxu was alert and exchanged commands with the fish-man boy.

After confirming that the boy was in good condition, the old undead mage breathed a sigh of relief: "Master, this time..."

The fish-man boy coughed: "This time, my priesthood level has been promoted to Silver level!"

"?!" Cang Xu was stunned for a moment.

As one of the three extraordinary beings, clergymen also have extraordinary levels.

Like fighters and mages, the lowest level is bronze level, then black iron level, silver level, etc., all the way up to god level.

Cang Xu tried to analyze: "This is actually understandable."

"Although the extraordinary level of a priest has nothing to do with the teaching position."

"But generally speaking, in real life, the more senior the teaching position, the higher the level of transcendence."

"As a priest, it is normal to have a silver-level extraordinary level."

After being teleported back for the second time, Cang Xu got close to Zou Zhang and other members of the Charming Blue Sect, and learned a lot about the enemy from them.

In the Charming Blue Sect, monks are usually at the Bronze level, missionaries and priests are between the Silver and Black Iron levels, and priests and bishops are at the Gold and Sanctuary levels.

Monks, missionaries, priests, priests, bishops, etc. are all sectarian positions, referred to as clergy.

The relationship between clergy and these teaching positions is almost the same as the relationship between magician and professional titles such as alchemist, pharmacist, and battle mage.

Let's compare the fighters. Depending on their fighting skills and fighting spirit, they can serve as soldiers, knights, mercenaries, thieves, killers, etc.

At this point, Cang Xu changed the topic: "But, Captain, you have gained so much from praying for the second time."

"You know, I have prayed so many times. Although I have the teaching position of missionary, I am only a bronze-level priest."

"Your prayer actually directly raised the priest's level from bronze to silver."

"This is really..."

If it were anyone else, they might not be mentally balanced.

But Cang Xu is not like this.

He was full of gratitude to the fish-man boy and was willing to follow his leadership. When he learned that the fishman boy had made such a huge profit, he was filled with surprises and sighs.

"Ahem." The fishman boy said at this time, "Actually, it's not just these harvests."

"Have you received the gift of divine magic, my lord?" Cang Xu was curious.

"No, it's a statue of a god." The fish-man boy didn't lie.

Later, Cang Xu entered the cabin and saw the statue of the god that the fishman boy said.

This is the statue of Charming Blue God, carved in the shape of a mermaid.

It was originally quite ordinary.

It is just one of the facilities in the cabin, deliberately arranged, without any extraordinary elements.

Just ordinary items.

But now, this statue suddenly exudes a silver-level aura!

It promoted.

Even more exaggerated than the fish-man boy.

It was promoted from an ordinary item to a silver-level holy weapon!

"Is this, is this the power of God? Can it transform the world?!" Cang Xu was shocked.

He knelt down and prayed in front of this statue more than once.

I deeply understand that gods are ordinary objects.

But now, it has become a silver-level holy weapon.

The so-called sacred artifacts are extraordinary objects shaped by divine power, and naturally have corresponding extraordinary levels.

Cang Xu immediately showed a solemn look on his face: "Although I have only become a priest not long ago, I still know a little bit."

"The production of sacred instruments also requires extraordinary materials."

"Using ordinary materials to create extraordinary items... I have never heard of this."

The two of them looked at me and I looked at you, speechless for a moment.

Compared with gods, they are still too young and weak to see through and understand many things.

After being silent for a while, the fish-man boy looked at the man with a faint look and spoke first: "I know the role of the statue. It can guide faith and accumulate and reserve spiritual power."

"With the silver-level sacred statue, I will continue to pray and there will be more benefits."

"However, the idol is not only a transit of divine power and a reservoir of faith, but also a monitor of the gods."

When Cang Xu heard his captain say this, the worries and doubts in his heart were relieved.

It can be seen from this that the fish-man boy does not have such a deep belief and still maintains a strong self.

Cang Xu said: "There is something wrong with the situation."

"Master, the second time you prayed, you actually got more than the first time."

"The first time, your mage level was promoted from the black iron level to the silver level. The second time, the priest level was promoted from the bronze level to the silver level."

"The first time, you obtained the priesthood and 28 divine arts. The second time, it turned out to be a silver-level sacred artifact!"

Cang Xu couldn't figure it out.

He couldn't help but guess: "Could it be that this Bolang fish-human bloodline is of great significance to Meilan God?"

"Even if its concentration is only 11%?"

The fish-man boy pondered: "Maybe Charming Blue God is in a bad state. He urgently needs the key elements to break the situation. God-level bloodline is a hope for him."

"Just like before, your prayers as a necromancer were accepted by Him."

Cang Xu kept thinking, and within a short period of time, he could not think of any other reasons.

He tried to follow the idea of ​​the fish-man boy and continued his analysis: "If this is the case, it is really because of the Bolang fish-man bloodline, then your top priority, Captain, is to increase its bloodline concentration! "

The fishman boy nodded.

He had already made this decision.

He has been actively searching for bloodline and constantly accumulating it.

With his efforts, his previous Flame Dragon King bloodline has accumulated to 34%. The reason why there is no movement in the Bolang bloodline is entirely because there is no way to start.

Now that he understood that this was Bolang's bloodline, he determined the downstream life forms from the bloodline map and found the target.

"The current situation allows Zou Zhang and the others to select some specific groups of sea beasts and send them in so that I can absorb them," the fishman boy said.

Cang Xu nodded: "This is a good method."

"According to the strength of Zou Zhang and his gang, as well as the beast tide in the White-haired Trench, they will definitely be able to bring you enough bloodline targets, sir."

Outside the Ocean Brood, Zhizhang, who was standing on the golden altar and waiting quietly, didn't know that she, a dignified saint-level person, had been reduced to a tool.

The fish-man boy sighed: "The higher the blood concentration, the greater the favor I will receive."

"However, the concentration of the Bolang fishman's bloodline must reach the level of the holy realm."

"If you have to reach a point of qualitative change in order to impress the gods and take it more seriously, then you need to choose carefully."

Cang Xu nodded in agreement.

Research on bloodline has found that the upper limit of practice for different life structures is determined by different bloodline concentrations.

Considering the actual situation, it is difficult for low-level races like fishmen to produce high-level transcendent beings. Their extraordinary ones are concentrated in the middle and lower sections.

Specifically speaking of bloodline concentration, even if the concentration of extraordinary bloodline is low, fishmen can often practice to the black iron level or silver level.

The boy's Bolang bloodline is only 11%, but because it is a god-level bloodline, he can practice to the gold level. But at the Sanctuary level, the requirements for bloodline concentration are suddenly much higher.

Cang Xu said: "Master Captain, you need to accumulate bloodline and divine grace."

"No matter which one, you will benefit more."

"You and I are completely incomparable. From now on, I will fully support you!"

The fish-man boy's gains made Cangxu take the initiative to step back to the second line and give up his main position.

"We've prayed twice in a row but haven't tried the charisma yet."

"Since you already have a priesthood, sir, and you also have many magical skills. You might as well help others to convert, earn some divine grace, and use it in prayer."

"Let's see what kind of benefits we can get from using divine grace to pray this time!"

The fish-man boy nodded and the comparative test continued.

Earning divine favor is not difficult.

It was very easy for them to fish out a Charm Blue cultist from the nest.

The octopus holy beast knows nothing about it under the spell of deception and camouflage.

It was the first time that the fish-man boy used magic. His biggest feeling was that it was very convenient to release and the success rate was extremely high.

The set of magical skills he converted to was quite special, but the fishman boy had practiced many necromancers before, so it was no problem at all.

After a set of magical skills, the dragon boy immediately earned 10 divine favors.

This is because the person he helped convert was only a bronze-level fishman.

Cang Xu is more concerned about a question: "Master Captain, what do you see when you use the magic of spiritual navigation?"

"According to Zou Zhang's instructions, this magical technique directly locates the god, allowing believers' beliefs to be directly enshrined in the god's body."

"So, the image you see is the understanding of the divine being in your heart."

The fishman boy understood what Cang Xu meant: "I understand."

"Are you saying that from this image, we can in turn observe the degree of closeness of the spellcaster to the gods, or the degree of belief in them?"

Cang Xu nodded: "That's right, it can also be said to be the level of understanding."

"First I saw the statue of Charming Blue God, and then I saw the gold-level altar used in blood sacrifices. This means that I am getting closer to Charming Blue God."

"What did you see?"

The fishman boy looked puzzled: "I just saw a sea. The strange thing is that this sea kept spinning, forming a huge whirlpool."

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