Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 542: Silencing Cang Xu for the third time

"A huge whirlpool?" Cang Xu was stunned.

He is a mage and has not been a priest for long.

He thought for a while and tried to analyze: "Charming Blue God probably has the priesthood of Sea God or Water God. Even if she doesn't, she must have a strong understanding of the laws of the water system."

"So, Captain, you saw the big whirlpool in the sea, it should be an image of some kind of water law."

The fish-man boy nodded slightly: "That makes sense."

Cangxu added: "Our knowledge in this area is still quite lacking. Perhaps, sir, you can directly consume divine grace and conduct targeted inquiries in the next prayer."

"Besides, I can also consult with Zou Zhang when he is teleported back this time."

Outside the Deep Sea Monster Fish, the Sydney Octopus has slaughtered all sea beasts and a few undead lives, and has begun to persecute the Meilan believers who pray.

Time is tight. The fish-man boy stopped communicating with Cang Xu, entered the cabin for the third time, and closed the door.

The prayer words and modified memories he used this time were all fine-tuned by Cang Xu himself.

Moreover, unlike the previous two blasphemy sacrifices, this time he adopted a compound change.

Not only does he have the blood of the Bolang Fish, he also has the blood of the Grimace Fish.

"Great God, the God of Charming Blue! I admire your majestic face, feel your omnipotence, and stand in awe of your unswerving love and mercy."

"Please give me rich experience in casting water spells, so that I can control the power of water, make the tide obey my will, and make the sea monsters frightened. Please give me your magic power to dance in the water as freely as you do."

"Lord, I still need your guidance and grace, so that I can skillfully use necromancy and control the power of the undead and ghosts. I ask for your mercy and grace to free me from the curse of necromancy and control the power of the underworld. I can communicate with ghosts and learn more spells from you."

"Please give me an increase in my life level and make me stronger. Please help me eliminate disease and pain, improve my body, and inject new vitality into me. Please give me your blessing and grace, so that I can become stronger." I constantly break through myself, surpass myself, and become your glory.”

"As your believer, I pray to you that you will listen to my voice and let me receive your response and blessing. I ask for your grace to bless me all the way to a bright future."

As the fish-man boy finished his prayer, the sacred artifact statue that had just been promoted to the silver level suddenly emitted brilliance.

A powerful divine power came out of thin air, landed firmly on the fish-man boy, and then poured into his entire body and mind.

Outside the cabin door, Cang Xu stared again: "This is not in line with common sense!"

"The third wave of divine power was even stronger."

"It is conceivable that the leader should have received more divine gifts this time than the second time! If it were purely based on the fluctuation of divine power, it would have been at least twice as much."

"With only 10 divine favors, can the divine benefits be increased to this level?"

After a while, the hatch opened.

The fish-man boy looked strange and appeared in front of Cang Xu happily.

Cangxu opened his mouth. He was very familiar with the fish-man boy's expression. This was the case the first two times!

This time, without his need to remind him, the fish-man boy took the initiative to exchange passwords with him.

The password is of course correct.

Cang Xu immediately asked the fishman boy about the consequences of this sacrilegious sacrifice.

The fish-man boy did not speak, but directly opened the palm of his left hand.

The next moment, a tiny spring appeared in the palm of his left hand.

From the spring, a stream of clear spring water flows.

As a mage, Cang Xu recognized it immediately: "Clear Spring Technique."

This spell is a low-level spell that can condense the water element in the air to create drinkable pure water.

Clear spring spell is the foundation among the foundations of water spells.

Before this blood sacrifice teleportation, the fish-man boy had no problem in casting this spell, with a success rate of 90%.

But this time, he showed an unprecedented performance.

He did not chant, but constructed the spell model of Qingquan in the mental space, and achieved it in just an instant.

After achieving it, the Qingquan Technique will appear where he wants it to appear, and can flow in any direction as his spirit continues to mobilize.

Cang Xu also saw the clue: "Silent casting, close to instantaneous casting!"

Qingquan was not pulled to the ground by gravity, but turned into a small snake, flying in mid-air.

After falling into the palm of the other hand of the fish-man boy, the little clear spring snake balled up and turned into a ball of water.

The water ball floated above the fish-man boy's palm, but it did not touch the palm and was still at an imperceptible distance from the palm.

"Water spell - Water Ball Technique." Cang Xu focused his eyes on the water ball, and then he saw the water ball begin to rotate on its own.

The speed of the water ball's rotation became faster and faster, and eventually it was so fast that it made a buzzing sound.

But no matter how fast it went, the water ball never collapsed, not even a trace of deformation.

"Water spell - Water Ball Technique·Spiral Form!" Cang Xu exclaimed.

The Clear Spring Technique is only a Bronze level spell, while the Water Ball Technique has reached the Black Iron level, because its spell model is several times more complex than the Water Arrow Technique. Water Arrow is a Bronze level water spell.

The difficulty of casting Water Ball Technique and Spiral Form is even higher, reaching Silver level.

The fishman boy sighed: "Although I practiced water spells before, I focused on low-level spells."

"My mage level was only at the black iron level before. I have never practiced advanced water polo skills like this."

"Of course, I have seen its spell model, but it was just to broaden my horizons."

"This should be my first time using it."

"But I feel like it's effortless! It's as natural as breathing. The success rate of casting should be close to 100%."

This level of progress is exaggerated.

Cangxu said excitedly: "So, Captain, you have achieved great success again!"

The fish-man boy shook his head slightly: "It's not completely successful."

"At least my life level has not been improved in any way."

"Also, I haven't gained any experience in casting necromancy."

This time the fishman boy desecrated the sacrifice and expressed three requests in his prayer.

The first one is to request to add water spell experience.

The second is to increase necromancy experience.

The third one is to improve one's extraordinary life level.

In the end, his first request was answered, but his second and third requests were silent.

Cang Xu was relieved when he got this result.

"That makes sense."

"Almost all the followers of the Charming Blue God are intelligent life forms in the sea, and there are a lot of water mages."

"While these believers believe in Charming Blue God, their magic experience has also become a side benefit of Charming Blue God."

"Not to mention, Charming Blue God himself must have a deep understanding of water magic circles."

"So, my lord, you have gained experience with these spells."

Having said this, Cang Xu couldn't help but sigh: "Master, the water spells you cast have no trace of craftsmanship and are natural and simple."

"The skills of silent casting, instant casting, and spell gradient have become your instincts just like breathing."

"A normal mage may not reach your level in his lifetime."

The fish-man boy sighed deeply: "Yes, just a moment of prayer saved me at least eight years of hard work."

"No wonder the necromancers are so keen on blasphemy."

The benefits were too great, far beyond the limits of the fishman boy's imagination.

The point is, the channels for gaining experience are very narrow.

In addition to self-practice, summary and understanding, normal people receive teachings from teachers and others.

There are also some cherished props that can impart experience. Such as the Grand Arena Medal.

The fishman boy has also used the Grand Arena Medal. Compared with the Sacrilege Sacrifice, what is the benefit of the Grand Arena Medal?

A squirrel on an elephant's leg?

Cang Xu shook his head slightly: "Captain, you have overestimated the profits of those necromancers."

"My situation is enough for those necromancers to envy and even be jealous of."

"Because the Charming Blue God's body is sleeping, or perhaps because the situation is not optimistic, he took the initiative to accept my identity as a necromancer."

"Under normal circumstances, even if the necromancers desecrate the sacrifice, they still have to disguise themselves to prevent their undead identities from being discovered."

"But you are different, my lord."

"You have a blood core! Theoretically, you can transform into any kind of god-level bloodline."

"Imagine what would happen if you had a dark god-level bloodline and used deception and disguise to desecrate and sacrifice to the dark evil god?"

"Think about it again, what would happen if you had the god-level bloodline of the beast race, were blessed with deception and disguise, anti-reconnaissance prophecy, forged memories, and pretended to convert to those beast gods?"

The fishman boy was silent.

He was so moved by Cang Xu's words.

Charming Blue God is just the beginning, far from the end!

There are so many gods in the world, and there is a huge choice of objects for blasphemy and sacrifice.

The fish-man boy took a deep breath: "Unexpectedly, the memory crystal manufacturing device, the mermaid's fairy tale, the deception and disguise technique, the anti-reconnaissance prophecy technique, etc., when combined, can make the success rate, risks, benefits, etc. of the sacrilegious sacrifice all increase. Becoming so tempting!”

"Yes." Cang Xu sighed.

He looked at the fish-man boy and continued his analysis: "The first request for prayer received a strong response and divine blessing."

"The second prayer involves necromancy. The reason why there is no divine gift is probably because the necromancers who believe in the Charming Blue God are extremely rare, almost equal to none."

"Maybe, I am the first necromancer to believe in the Charming Blue God."

"So, my lord, you have not gained experience in casting necromancy spells."

"As for the third life level not improving, that's to be expected."

"After all, the cost of upgrading from silver level to gold level is much higher than that from ordinary level to silver level!"

Cang Xu asked in detail about the experience of water spells, and then said: "There are still many water spells, and you have not gained experience yet."

"But it doesn't matter. As long as you continue to earn divine grace and pray directionally, you can easily make up for these spell experiences."

"Speaking of which," the fish-man boy interjected, "my divine grace has not been consumed."

Cang Xu was stunned, blinked, and misunderstood the fish-man boy's meaning: "You only have ten portions of divine grace, and you haven't exhausted all of it?"

"It's not what you think." The fish-man boy coughed, "Not only has the divine grace not been consumed, but it has also increased."

Cang Xu was silent for a moment, then asked: "How much more?"

The fishman boy said: "Now I have 2,400 divine favors."

Cang Xu, who had worked so hard to preach since the last blood sacrifice transmission and only accumulated 1870 divine favors, fell silent again.

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