Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 592: Risk your life to follow

The secret messages from Zidi and Zong Ge were quickly delivered to the hands of San Dao and Fei Tongue.

Since the in-depth cooperation with the Satojian family, the communication efficiency between the Dragon and Lion mercenary groups has been greatly improved.

In the cabin, Sandao burned the letter after decrypting it.

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a knock on the door.

Sandao knew who was coming: "Come in."

The next moment, Fat Tongue opened the door and walked in.

Fat Tongue’s brows were knitted together, with a solemn look on his face: “Are we really, really going to leave Hong Kong and start military training again?”

"This is too dangerous. It is very likely that we will be annihilated."

The firelight of burning the letter reflected on Sandao's face. He turned to look at Fat Tongue: "Didn't Miss Zidi say that in the secret letter she gave you?"

"This is not only military training, but also a tactical operation to lure and ambush."

Zong Ge and Zidi sent back secret letters respectively, and through the channels of the Lijian family, they were handed over to Sandao and Fei Tongue.

In the letter, they arranged and laid out the next plans for the branch.

Fat Tongue sighed: "The president and the elders told me that we must use our bodies as bait to cooperate with the ambush of the Utomo family. Once the enemy falls into the trap and takes action against us, the ambush soldiers of the Utomo family will come out. "

"It's too dangerous to do this!"

"The enemy is too powerful and large, and there are endless gold levels. Our alchemy workshop was destroyed by them even in Snowbird Port."

"Those dead soldiers are so terrifying. They even risked their lives in order to destroy the alchemy and gold workshops."

"Master Buquan, Duolianfa, Master, and the Tower of Mixue have not been found so far. It's very dangerous..."

"That's enough, Fat Tongue." Sandao interrupted, "This is an order from Lord Zong Ge, we just need to execute it."

Fat Tongue shook his head, puzzled: "He will die!"

"We finally got out of the Mysterious Island and went through many hardships and dangers. Why did we take the initiative to take risks?"

San Dao snorted coldly: "This act of luring the enemy has nothing to do with you, Fat Tongue. You have been arranged by Miss Zidi."

Fat Tongue fell into silence. He stared at Sandao and observed the latter's determination. He could only say: "According to the instructions of the president and the elder, I will pretend to be an inspector during this trip to observe the actual situation of shops in various places. So I will not set out alone, I need a group of people to serve as subordinates."

"Oh?" San Dao was a little surprised. He didn't see this in the secret message Zong Ge gave him.

Fat Tongue took out his secret letter and the translated content, and handed it to Sandao: "This is what the President handed over to me. You can take a look."

Sandao himself is already inclined to believe it, after all, it is easy to distinguish the true from the false. But he still took the secret letter and the translation and quickly checked it.

Sandao immediately understood what Zidi meant.

He suddenly raised his head and stared at Fat Tongue: "Do you want to take other people away?"

The other people here refer to other survivors.

Fat Tongue shrugged: "It's impossible for me to leave the mercenary group alone. It would be too conspicuous. Therefore, I must have a clear mission."

"It is very good and very natural to inspect the specific economics, operating conditions and account books of shops in various places."

"And I can't do this alone. Of course I need help."

San Dao thoroughly savored it.

Zong Ge's message was concise and concise, but San Dao also had rich experience in running a mercenary group.

When there were differences in the contents of the letters from Zong Ge and Zidi, he realized that there was a disagreement between the two.

"We didn't reach an agreement, so we each wrote letters."

"In the past, it was just a letter."

"Zidi wants to save other survivors. After all, this baiting operation is quite dangerous."

"And since Master Zongge didn't specifically mention this matter in the letter, then his meaning is very clear!"

Thinking of this, Sandao shook his head: "You can't take away the other survivors."

"Because they have their own roles to play, if they were selected and gathered together, it would be very suspicious."

"In fact, even you are like this. Your job on the ship is as a cook, so being assigned to this inspection team is already an extraordinary thing."

"Externally, it can appear as the result of you bribing the higher-ups and infiltrating the camp. But it is impossible for other people to infiltrate the camp like this. This will make the senior leaders of our Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group appear to be quite stupid and inconsistent with common sense."

"Under normal circumstances, the review team must have an extraordinary person. It is more appropriate for the leader's level to be set at the black iron level."

"Silver-level combat power is very precious to the branch. Therefore, neither Kong Shi nor Chi Lai can leave."

"The bronze level is too low. The black iron level is the most appropriate."

"Three swords!" Fat Tongue glared, "What do you want to do? They are all our companions."


San Dao slammed the table, stood up, and said angrily: "You are too confused!"

"Don't you know the current situation?"

"If we mobilize people like this according to your, no, Zidi's wishes, it will be a huge flaw!"

"The enemy will become suspicious!"

"At that time, not only will our bait and ambush plan fail, but your review team will also be quite dangerous. The enemy will be interested in you."

The fat tongue is mute.

San Dao took a few deep breaths and slowly sat down: "I can't let these small things ruin big things."

"I will select the specific travel personnel, you just need to participate."

"Lord Zong Ge's arrangement is the most appropriate. Miss Zidi is not a soldier after all. I can understand it, but I will not execute it."

Fat Tongue stared at Sandao: "At least, our companions have the right to know, right?"

Sandao didn't think about it and immediately shook his head: "There is no need to inform them. Once they know, their words and deeds will become flaws and be discovered by the enemy."

"Although we have been huddled at the dock of Snowbird Harbor, the enemy's sight will definitely be there."

"Fat tongue, you actually know very well that this is the safest and safest way to do it, isn't it?"

"Don't let irrelevant emotions interfere with your decision-making!"

Fat Tongue gritted his teeth and made a last-ditch effort: "So, do you just ignore his and their lives?"

San Dao snorted coldly: "Aren't military operations all risky? How can there be such worries? Even if you are doing business, is every transaction a sure profit? Although I don't know much about business, I also know that, The greater the risk, the more you tend to make!”

"Besides, I will always be stationed here and resolutely carry out Lord Zong Ge's orders. If they die, I'm afraid I will do the same."

San Dao lowered his head and looked at the secret message that had been burned to ashes on the table: "Master Zong Ge is faced with two fatal dangers, but he still decided to accept external challenges. Strive to continue to show his edge in the Ice Sculpture National Code and serve the dragon. The Lion Mercenary Group has raised a flag flying high!"

"The general is like this, how can he avoid danger as a subordinate?!"

The fat tongue moves the face.

At this moment, he felt Sandao's unshakable loyalty to Zong Ge.

"This guy really risked his life to follow Zong Ge..." Fat Tongue sighed in his heart.

He is just a mortal. He can't move with three swords, so he has no choice but to retreat.

Before closing the door, Sandao said specifically: "Fat Tongue, carefully consider the situation of your president."

"I think she was too deeply influenced by our leader and was too idealistic."

"Everything has to be based on reality."

"Don't be too optimistic, let alone underestimate the enemy!"

"And if we are not careful, we will lose everything. What does it matter if we sacrifice our lives? The key is Master Zongge, and your guild president..."

"The funny thing is that our captain is still missing. He may have encountered an accident, or he may still be alive, but at least he will not be implicated."

"Fat tongue, don't be too naive. If you want to save others, you have to save yourself first."

"Do you want to create a loophole because of this time, which will eventually lead to the death of your family president?"

"Oh, she's dead."

"What I want to say is, do you want her undead identity to be discovered, completely purified by the enemy, and no possibility of resurrection?"

Fat Tongue's body and mind trembled violently, and he slowly closed the hatch while his eyes were blank.

Sandao's final instructions reached the bottom of Fat Tongue's heart.

He lowered his head and walked, thinking deeply: "San Dao is right."

"If I carry out the president's order like this, it will be a flaw."

"It is very likely that the enemy will discover it, and the president may be implicated."

This is what Fatton never wants to see.

He is the elder of the Ziteng Chamber of Commerce, and worked hard with Zidi's father, starting from nothing, from low to high.

In the difficult career development, he and Zidi's father cooperated tacitly and had a deep friendship.

He almost watched Zidi grow up.

Fat Tongue himself has no descendants.

After the death of Zidi's father, Fat Tongue naturally felt a strong sense of responsibility in her heart. He wants to replace Zidi's father and protect Zidi's safety.

Zidi ignored the danger and became the new president of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce. Fat Tongue is very opposed to it, but he is only a mortal and cannot change Master Zidi's wishes.

He could only accompany Zidi and try his best to help Zidi and take control of the reorganized Zidian Chamber of Commerce.

He could only accompany Zidi to the wilderness continent, to the Mysterious Island, Snake and Rat Island, Eye-Eye Island, and Ice Sculpture Island...

When he found out that Zidi fell in love with the dragon boy, his mood was complicated. He persuaded the dragon boy, but in the end he could only give secret blessings.

When Zidi died, Fat Tongue was so heartbroken that he wished he could take his own life instead. Zidi became a necromancer, and Fat Tongue showed no objection and always stood firmly behind Zidi. Resurrection is not only Zidi's wish, but also his.

And when he discovered Zidi's amazing business talents, he was extremely pleased. At this time, the memories of the past often come back, making him immersed in the passionate years when he and Zidi's father were working side by side to expand the business territory.

Dark corridors always have an end.

When Fat Tongue walked through the corridor, climbed the stairs, and came to the bright deck, he was no longer in a state of contemplation.

There was a lot of activity on the deck.

The dog people are competing with the water pig people.

Among the bystanders, Suma was chatting secretly with others, as if he was secretly betting.

Bai Ya watched with great concentration, constantly bringing in the two people who were competing, absorbing other people's combat experience.

At this time, Muban dragged his tired body and stepped onto the ship from the steps - he had just completed a trivial mercenary task - repairing furniture.

He saw Fat Tongue at the top of the stairs, nodded slightly, and said hello in a vague way. After all, on the surface, their relationship is not close. But the relationship between survivors has always been incredibly close.

Fat Tongue also nodded.

The warm sunshine shone on his body, but his eyes became cold. He said to himself in his heart: "These people, even if they are companions... are not enough to put Miss Zidi in danger."

This chapter has been overhauled twice. It is not in the detailed outline and is a temporary expression of inspiration. So the update is late.

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