Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 593: The Frozen Pirates

Blue sky and white clouds.

Several seabirds landed on the ship's rope, and the Mermaid undulated slightly with the waves.

As the captain of the Mermaid and the general of the First Navy of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, Meilin was handling official duties.

She checked a piece of information in her hand with a thoughtful look on her face.

This information is about the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

"Yesterday, Dragon Server agreed to the silver-level challenge, adopted the form of a private duel, and directly killed the silver-level challenger."

"Interesting response..."

There are many ways to duel.

Some duels are open to visitors, while others are very private.

"Extraordinaries who want to challenge the dragon suit all want to become famous, but if they challenge privately, even if the challenger wins, the reputation they gain will be greatly reduced."

"The dragon suit directly killed the challenger, trying to show its ferocity and ruthlessness to scare others."

"Of course, this is also because he is keeping his intelligence secret and not revealing more methods to the outside world."

In addition to this piece of information, Meilin is also paying attention to Master Yaoma (Zidi).

"Has she not signed up to participate in the Snow Warm Cup this time?"

"The Snowbird Port branch has remobilized and begun to leave the port to conduct military training at sea."


"Oh, there is another team starting from Snowbird Port. They will inspect and review all the dragon and lion shops along the way. Finally, they will enter the royal capital and report to the team leader Longfu and Master Yaoma."

When Meilin saw this, he suddenly had the idea of ​​sending troops to attack them.

But the next moment, she shook her head slightly and gave up the idea of ​​sending troops to fight.

"Even if we kill everyone, we still can't destroy the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group."

"Their highest-level magic ship is only silver-level. A gold-level cannon and a feathered serpent sail are considered the highest-level alchemy components."

"According to the current profitability of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, these can all be purchased."

"Is it because of this that they continue to start military training?"

"No, maybe there is an intention to lure me into action!"

"The Satoma family has a very deep cooperation with them, and the former has powerful space technology and can easily set up an ambush even on the vast sea."

Meilin's main attention was attracted by the branch of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group led by San Dao. As for Fat Tongue and his group, they didn't pay much attention.

From the intelligence point of view, this small team headed by a black iron level has a clear purpose, which is to review and verify the operating conditions of shops in various places.

Meilin was too lazy to do anything, and even hoped that they would find something fishy, ​​which would cause a rift in the relationship between the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group and the Satoma family.

She thought about it for a while and judged the possibility of an ambush by the Utorama family. Such a huge risk made her even less willing to attack and destroy the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group branch.

Zong Ge's analysis was not wrong. Meilin's character affected her way of using troops. She likes to be targeted, make precise calculations, and then carefully deploy every force, instead of wasting all her strength and trying her best to wipe out the enemy's wings.

With a slight sigh, Meilin decided not to touch the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group branch.

She put down the relevant information and took out other information to check.

This has nothing to do with the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

It's about the pirates.

"The National Ceremony is about to be held, and the sea has indeed begun to become turbulent."

The information in Meilin's hands is about the Spray Pirates.

Their leader is a gold-level pharmacist who is quite good at battlefield treatment.

According to intelligence, the Spray Pirate Group was jointly invited by other pirate groups. And these pirate groups are almost all gold-level forces.

Meilin put down the information in his hand and picked up seven or eight similar pieces of information and read them again and again.

Finally, her eyes settled on a piece of information.

"The Frozen Pirates!"

"Pirate Captain Dahan, a sanctuary-level warlock, the fourth master of the Firebeard Pirates."

"The reason why a large number of pirate groups swarmed in is because Da Han leads the ice pirate group and is aiming directly at our country."

"Of course, this is just a superficial reason, and there may be someone behind the scenes."

The Firebeard pirate group is one of the three strongest pirate groups on the main plane. Firebeard is a legendary level powerhouse. There are many saint-level people under his command, and Da Han is one of them.

Dahan himself is enough for the Ice Sculpture Kingdom to take him very seriously.

Because the strongest people in the country are only three saint level ones.

Not to mention that Dahan has many talented people under his command and many magic ships. Although his ship is only gold-level, the pirate group has a holy-level ice crystal jellyfish.

"This ice crystal jellyfish has the ability to fly into the air, and its recovery power is also very strong. It is very difficult to deal with."

"On the other hand, our navy has just finished changing its equipment. Although it has new warships, it has not completed the running-in. Even the Satoma family fought against the pirate group before, and the results of the actual combat test were not good."

Meilin sighed secretly, feeling very stressed.

The Great Cold Pirates alone made the Ice Sculpture Kingdom have to pay attention. In other pirate groups, the initial estimate is that there are more than 20 gold-level extraordinary people. They were like sharks smelling blood, swarming over.

This is all because of the National Code of Ice Sculpture.

During this period, envoys from all parties, large merchant ships from various chambers of commerce, and many important figures will be invited to participate.

If the caravan cannot be captured, the pirates can seize these important figures as hostages, thereby extorting their power.

Pirates often do this hostage-for-ransom thing.

This is even more advantageous than normal looting of commercial goods.

Because there are many commercial goods that the pirates don't need, they have to reduce the price and write them off, which is a waste of time and manpower. But for extortion, you can directly ask for money, or equipment, arms, or even ship maintenance services.

As the general of the Royal Navy's First Fleet, Meilin was responsible for heavy patrol tasks during the National Ceremony.

Her main energy must be invested in this, not the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

In fact, not only her, but also other duelists were in a similar situation.

For example, Xue Tuanzi will participate in the Snow Warm Cup this time, and Devil Ji, Yun Zhong and others will all participate in the Kingdom Duel.

Others, such as Zhugan, were not interested in participating in the duel, let alone following Meilin's command and taking risks against Zongge and others.

"For the time being, we can only put aside the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group."

“But they must not be allowed to continue operating!”

Meilin's determination to attack the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group was very firm, especially since she had estimated the profits of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group's sales of the Dragon Rider potion from the intelligence she had seen before.

Meilin was also frightened by the huge profits.

“With money, you can solve many things.”

"We must get rid of them as soon as possible after the National Code. Otherwise, the longer it takes, the more difficult it will be."

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