Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 92: Rescue the Shipwright

Many times, people are more terrifying than monsters!

Orcs are also highly intelligent beings who can use strategies.

Another thing that worries Zhen Jin is that Zong Ge has excellent weapons. He has a battle armor made of fine steel and a pair of battle spears. His war spears have never been used in public, probably because the crises Zonge encountered were not worth using them.

An intuition told Zhen Jin that Zong Ge's pair of war spears were definitely of the highest quality, and even had a higher grade than his fine steel armor.

In comparison, Zhen Jin now only has a thin sword in his hand, which is still black and curled.

"No matter what, we have to search for Xisuo and them first and bring them back safely." Zhenjin gathered his thoughts and made an immediate decision.

Marlin is the third mate, and the fourth mate, the shipwright, is proficient in the shipbuilding process. These are key talents. It is very important for them to leave this island.

"Lan Zao, Hei Juan, you two come with me." Zhen Jin looked around and nodded at two people.

As much as he wanted to go it alone, Needle Gold would still need help considering the possibility of searching the forest for Marlboros and the others.

It would be too inefficient to rely on him alone to search.

Whether it is Blue Algae or Black Volume, they all have bronze-level strength.

"Go on." Zhen Jin raised his hand and threw the rapier to Heijuan. He is a Templar and will never covet other people's equipment.

"The sword is good." Zhenjin also praised Heijuan.

Kurojuan took the sword and was about to speak.

"Sir." Zidi suddenly spoke, worriedly, "If Zong Ge is the culprit controlling the herd, then he was interfered by Master Zhenjin and temporarily chose to give up attacking the camp. But since he already knows how brave and powerful the master is, he will Master Shi, when you go to the forest, will you be under his observation? Is this a plan by Zong Ge to divide his troops and lure him?"

"There is such a possibility." Zhen Jin frowned, "So, what are your thoughts?"

Zidi: "I want to act together with you, sir. I will do my best to help you, and I also have medicine to protect you. I will try not to be a burden to you, sir."

Zhen Jin suddenly hesitated.

Zidi looked back and said to Heijuan: "Heijuan, I know that your sword is not an ordinary sword. Please give this sword to Master Zhenjin for the time being."

Kurojuan was stunned, his face changed slightly and he said, "This sword is my family heirloom."

Kurojuan refused.

He is just a mercenary hired by Zidi, not Zidi's subordinate, nor Zhenjin's retainer.

Zhen Jin smiled faintly: "Zidi, there is no need to embarrass him."

Needle Gold can mutate Silver Spear Scorpion, and Spear Scorpion Tail should pose a threat to Fine Steel.

"Sir, this is not possible!" Zidi insisted, "We have just analyzed that Zong Ge is a powerful opponent. He also has a pair of armor made of fine steel, and his war spear must also be Not bad. My lord, if you fight Zonge with ordinary weapons, it will be almost the same as being unarmed. And if you fail, my lord, the fate of us people will be very worrying. My lord, if you don’t think about yourself, please also think about it. Let’s think about it.”

Zhen Jin was stunned, and then he smiled bitterly. He understood that Zidi's words were well-intentioned. "Bullying" Zhenjin possessed the knight's creed of pitying the weak and protecting his companions.

But at the same time, Zhen Jin also had to admit that what Zidi said made sense.

He is confident in his mutant strength.

But if fighting in public, he can't use the core rashly. Especially now that there are so many people and so many people, unlike a five-person team, Zhenjin cannot be careless.

"Sir!" At this time, Heimaran took the initiative to hold the rapier in his hands, stepped forward and offered it to him, "It's the villain who is ignorant and his vision is too narrow. Only when this sword is in the hands of an adult can it truly show its value. . This is my family heirloom, the sword is named Yin Dian. It will surely shine brightly in the hands of adults!"

Zidi smiled: "Heijuan, I will pay you double the salary for this employment."

A smile suddenly appeared on Kuromaki's face.

"That's fine. I will treat this sword kindly, and I will try my best to ensure that it is returned to you intact." Seeing Heijuan's attitude, Zhen Jin took the sword again in a magnanimous manner.

He adhered to the Templar creed, but he was not pedantic.

Since he can secretly use his heart core many times for himself and others, it is of course no problem to borrow a thin sword at this moment.

He has used and carefully observed it before, and this thin sword is indeed a good sword.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the black volume is a family heirloom.

For almost all warriors and knights, armor and weapons are very expensive and can be passed down as inheritance. Because equipment is expensive, when many lords recruit knights to fight, they only pay for food and grass, not weapons and horses, because they will be financially unable to bear it.

Of course, weapons and equipment also have grades. There are many factors that determine whether weapons and equipment are excellent or inferior.

One of the most important factors is the conductivity of fighting spirit.

Zhenjin didn't know how well the silver electric rapier guided fighting spirit, but just looking at its hardness, sharpness, and flexibility, it was already outstanding.

After another brief discussion, Zhen Jin set off with Zi Di, Hei Juan and Blue Algae.

He couldn't take everyone with him.

Many seriously injured companions had to stay in the camp to recuperate.

Cang Xu, Mu Ban, Fat Tongue and others stayed behind. They really had no fighting power. If you want to go to the battlefield, you will become a drag on Zhenjin.

Muban strongly wanted to participate, but was rejected by Zhenjin. Zhenjin also took away his repeating crossbow. Putting this thing in Muban's hands would make his companions even more dangerous.

If this is Zong Ge's plan to divide his forces, then once the camp is attacked, Muban will launch a signal flare. At that time, Zhenjin will quickly turn back for reinforcements.

There was no way that Zhen Jin could not give up rescuing the shipwright and others just because he was worried about the conspiracy.

As for the gunpowder guns that fired flares, they were not only found in the camp, but Marin also carried one with him.

The logging site where Xinsuo and others were located was southeast of the camp, on a hillside two kilometers away from the camp.

Zhen Jin and others had just walked halfway when they saw a gunshot on the other side of the hillside, and a pink signal flare rose into the air.

"This is a distress signal! They are indeed in danger. Let's go!" Zidi whispered.

"Not necessarily. We still need to be more cautious. Maybe this is a bait deliberately released by the enemy to tempt us to speed up and lower our alertness to the surrounding environment." Heijuan said.

"You keep the current pace, I'll go check on the situation first." Zhen Jin ordered and immediately quickened the pace.

Although Black Juan's words made sense, they were related to the life of the old shipwright. Without him as a key figure, others in the camp would not be able to build a large ship capable of crossing the ocean.

This may be a trap created by Zonge, but it may also be other circumstances.

The sooner Zhen Jin takes action, the greater the chance of saving the shipwright's life.

The young knight's pace became faster and faster, and he began to run in the forest.

His heart core activated, and his right eye quietly mutated, forming a thermal imaging field of vision.

In this way, even if Zong Ge and others are ambushing them, Zhen Jin can detect them in time.

Soon, Zhenjin heard the distinctive shrill cry of the bat monkey.

He speeded up again, almost running through the forest, and finally saw the hillside.

The hillside was not steep, and many people were besieged on it, attacked by a group of bat monkeys.

This group of bat monkeys was obviously not the group that attacked the camp before. There were seven bronze bat monkeys and one black iron bat monkey.

The crew members, who were constantly attacked by bat monkeys, were all injured and were in a precarious situation.

Zhen Jin kept walking, rushing towards the hillside while pulling the trigger of the crossbow.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

The short arrow flew out with incomparable accuracy.

Ordinary bat monkeys were shot one after another, like penguins lining up to go to the sea, falling to the ground one after another, with endless banging sounds.

"Someone is here to save us!" the crowd cheered.

The bat monkeys were enraged, and several bronze bat monkeys pounced on Zhenjin.

Zhen Jin put away her continuous-shooting crossbow and pulled out her rapier silver sword with a clang.

The distance between him and the bronze bat monkey shortened rapidly.

In an instant, the rapier was suddenly thrown out by the needle gold, and several rays of bright silver light appeared!

Then, he passed by these bat monkeys.

The bronze bat monkeys seemed to pause in mid-air, and then they all fell to the ground, and the breath of life quickly dissipated.

The combat power displayed by Zhenjin made the crew members on the hillside feel a little dazed for a while.

The only black iron bat monkey was angered. It flapped its wings, puffed up its chest, and screamed violently.

The screams caused ripples in the air, expanding in circles and quickly covering Zhenjin.

Zhenjin had already seen this special sound wave attack, the mutated bear arm, throwing out darts in an instant.

The dart hit the black iron bat monkey and pierced its left wing.

The black iron bat monkey was frightened and fled in a twisted manner with the few remaining bat monkeys.

Zhen Jin didn't give chase and rushed to the hillside to see the leader of the crew.

The leader is a young man, tall and thin.

"Are you Xiao Suo?" Zhen Jin asked intently.

The young man nodded quickly: "I wonder who you are, sir?"

"Where is the fourth shipwright?" Zhen Jin glanced around and asked immediately.

Xinsuo quickly pointed in one direction: "We were attacked by monkeys. The silly guy was very angry and rushed out. The old shipbuilder was worried about the safety of the silly guy, so he rushed over with a few people."

Zhen Jin gritted his teeth, followed the direction of the thin rope, and ran away again.

The traces along the way were very obvious, and Zhenjin quickly found the target on another hillside.

A three-meter-tall little giant was swinging wildly with a wooden stick.

This little giant has a young face, with his upper body exposed, his lower body covered in a leather skirt with yellow soles and black spots, and huge straw sandals on his feet.

His hair was disheveled, he kept shouting, and his spit was flying everywhere.

"Death, even flies will die!"

"The big guy will crush you!"

The little giant roared repeatedly, and the wooden stick was so heavy that it could easily smash boulders and knock down big trees. When it fell on the dirt, a small pit would be made, with dirt splashing everywhere.

Several people gathered around the little giant, shouting to ask the little giant to calm down.

But the little giant was completely irritated by the bat monkeys around him and refused to listen at all.

"Where is the old shipwright!" Zhen Jin's pupils expanded slightly and he saw an old man lying under the little giant's feet and between his legs.

The old man's attire and appearance were very close to what Muban described, but his eyes were closed, and he didn't know whether he was unconscious or dead.

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