Infinite Bloodcore

Listing Testimonials: It's a Challenge

The new book "Infinite Blood Core" is about to hit the shelves. It's been about 6 years since the last book "Gu Zhenren" hit the shelves.

Time is like a carving knife, carving everyone's face and heart.

6 years ago, I just wrote Gu Zhenren, and I was still a single dog. Today, 6 years later, I have a family and my son is in kindergarten.

The experience of writing "Gu Zhenren" has given me a lot of rich writing experience, as well as a lot of great inspiration.

I have read a lot of books in the past 6 years, and I have found many excellent books. Thanks to my colleagues, there are many excellent web articles that have emerged in the past 6 years, and they are the food for my spirit.

Not only online articles, but I also read traditional classics. I stayed up all night watching "The Moon and Sixpence", and I shared tears while watching "The Little Prince", and when I watched "Red and Black" again, I was filled with emotion. I also read professional books on writing, such as What Is Writing, Story Mechanics, A Guide to Writing Screenwriters, and more.

I finally have a systematic and private evaluation standard for whether the novel is good or bad. I call it the ternary standard, covering both online literature and traditional literature.

I began to have a new understanding of the beauty of novels.

When I wrote "Gu Zhenren" 6 years ago, I regarded the golden three chapters, fast updates, conflicts, etc. as the golden rule. Today, 6 years later, I feel that an author should have more room to write.

The banning of "Gu Zhenren" was a major ordeal for me. Because I write books, no matter what my grades are, I have never been an eunuch. I did my best to finish every book because I love writing itself and love every book as one of my children. I wouldn't want to see any of my children die halfway through.

Of all the books, "Gu Zhenren" means nothing to me, because it's an old dream of mine.

It was still blocked and forced to eunuch.

This makes me feel very painful. For a period of time that just happened, I felt like I was cut off from the world, like a person in the boundless darkness, like falling off a cliff in the strong wind, falling continuously, without a place to support.

During this time, I went through the biggest ordeal of my writing career.

This experience forced me to torture my soul. Let me stand in a new angle and examine the relationship between myself and readers, the relationship between myself and the writing platform, and the relationship between myself and the country and society.

I began to face up to my influence, and began to think about how to take on family and social responsibilities. I also began to ponder the relationship between online literature and traditional literature, and even thought: as a small online writer, how should I contribute to the culture of my motherland? Revival sends out a tiny amount of light and heat.

Over the past 6 years, I have gradually felt that a literary work (including online articles) contains not only commercial value, but also its literary value. It's like -- a good movie doesn't necessarily sell well, and a big sell isn't necessarily a good movie.

Compared with the hot data during the update, I hope to create a book that can withstand the erosion of time.

With this kind of thinking, I decided to create "Infinite Blood Core".

To be honest, it was a tough challenge.

I try to take the essence of the excellent film or stage structure and integrate it into the creation of online novels to form a more refined, more closely integrated, and consistent overall layout of the novel.

I try to absorb the advantages of traditional literature and integrate them into online texts. For example, digging into human nature and thinking about the world.

I try to add delicate descriptions to the articles, the descriptions of the scenery, and the detailed changes in people's hearts.

I try to focus on the theme, unify the setting, plot, and characters, and give "Infinite Blood Core" a soul.

This is my first attempt.

Because of anxiety and knowing my weakness, I made a lot of preparations.

For the outline of "Infinite Blood Core", I have been thinking about it for more than two months.

As for the detailed outline, I have urgently adjusted the outline of the first volume five or six times this month.

In addition, I read a lot of biological information. Excellent documentaries such as "Natural History", "World Animal Encyclopedia", "Illustrated Wildlife", "Animal Life Encyclopedia", "Animal Dynasty" and other excellent documentaries, as well as "Supernatural Animal Deformation Guide", "Pokémon Ultimate" Big Picture Book, World of Warcraft, Dungeons \u0026 Dragons, Monster Hunter, and more. It involves real, virtual and classic excellent results. The results in this regard, I believe everyone has felt in the updated article.

In order to write the plot of survival, I watched all the survival documentaries of Lord Bei, and I also learned the virtue of starvation. "Robinson Crusoe" has also been repainted.

Because the background of the novel involves ancient Europe, I read "History of the Middle Ages in Europe", "The Age of Knights - Europe in the Middle Ages", and "History of Life in the Middle Ages".

Among them, I also focused on the study of "Noble Symbolic Heraldry System", "Building Castles", "Middle World Clothing", "Reference Atlas of Foreign Architecture", "Castle in the Middle Ages", "Traveling in the Middle World", "Middle World" The Legend of Medieval Knights, etc.

Recently this week began to study boats, especially European sailing boats. "History of Sailing", "The Development of World Sailing", "Basic Principles of Shipbuilding" and "Simple Shipbuilding Technique" are all being read.

I try to write the web article in detail. A lot of details are filled in it, even if it is a fantasy text, it will be filled with realistic theories, which will make it more real.

Speaking of which, I was actually hesitant.

Past writing experience tells me that the first choice for opening a new book is actually to write a protagonist similar to Fang Yuan. You can write fantasy wizards, this genre is actually very close to Xianxiawen. Or write farming essays, I have described many farming plots in "Gu Zhenren". This is not tiring to write, and it also meets the expectations of book lovers. At the same time, it is also something I am good at, so I don't have to worry about not being able to eat.

The second option is to try new creations. I know the stakes are high. Creating a genre is riskier than adopting a new power system. Because this time, I'm using a different writing logic.

I don't know the answer to this choice, and I can't estimate it at all. But I know that book friends will have a conversion rate, and some book friends will think that I have changed and will not look good. Data can also be bad...

But in the end, I chose the second option.

Because I'm worried that if I choose the first one, I won't get out of my comfort zone.

And in the end, what prompted me to choose the second one was the realization that I was no longer young.

Guys, I have been writing books for many years.

In the past, I often stayed overnight, which was not a big deal. Now stay up all night once, the next day can't stand it.

When I sit for more than half an hour, I get back pain.

I also have rhinitis. Every time the season changes, it will be issued, which is very torturous.

I'm playing games now, and the response is always late. During the shootout, my hands were also unstable. Overwatch I used to be able to get gold, now it's bronze. I used to play Dota in college to kill the Quartet, and now I occasionally play Heroes of the Storm to recall my youth.

Games like Hearthstone and Plants vs. Zombies First Edition are more and more suitable for me.

Watching my grandparents pass away, watching my parents age rapidly, watching my son grow rapidly, I feel like time is like the wind, and the wind is getting louder and louder in my ears. It's like the sand in my hand, I clench it hard, but it flows faster and faster.

Whenever I can't sleep at night, I feel a fire burning my increasingly fat stomach and crackling my skinny bones like dry wood.

This fire is making me hungry.

The fire made me panic and irritate.

I know this fire is my literary dream.

If you compromise this time, because of fear of the unknown, seek the so-called security and choose the first item.

After that, how many years can I have?

Youth has left me, and I don't have a lot of time to spend leisurely.

I'm not young anymore, guys.

However, the dream of literature in the past is burning more and more fiercely. I really feel that there is a desire to create, the desire to create something that meets the standards in my heart, which is driving me strongly.

This time, I decided to take a risk!

I left my youth to "Gu Zhenren", and I pinned my pursuit of literature on "Infinite Blood Core".

In fact, many people have persuaded me—be safe, consolidate Godhead, take big steps, it’s easy to twist your feet, and it’s easy to pull eggs.

Thank you for your concern.

wry smile.

Six years ago, I looked at Great God, I looked at Platinum, I was very envious, I looked up.

Today, 6 years later, especially after the incident of "Gu Zhenren" being banned, I am bearish.

Of course, I am also vulgar, I am also a human being, and I have to eat too.

Godhead, I want it too.

But I understand: it is not my pursuit, nor should it be my shackles.

If you have a godhead, it’s fine, if you don’t, forget it.

I am willing to be only a small author, to pursue the literary dream that has always been there and gradually expanded. There's money and vulgarity in this dream, but it's more about literature.

Like the intent of The Moon and Sixpence, I picked up a coin on the ground, then got up, looked up, and stretched out my hand. This time...I want enough moon.

This is my bottom line.

So, Infinite Blood Core was a big challenge for me.

Challenge my resolve, my writing, my framework, the first test of my new writing ideas in practice.

For the past few months, and continuing to this day, I've been giving it my all.

Again, I have to be honest, I have to tell you - as I said in my previous preface - that this is a challenge for you too!

Because this time, I adopted my creative concept, and the logic layer of writing has changed, so "Infinite Blood Core" does not have the golden three chapters, and there is no unique rhythm of online texts. But you will see a more refined and unified overall structure of the novel, you will see a lot of foreshadowing and echoes before and after, and you will see many unexpected but very reasonable plot reversals.

Because of the use of film and stage creation methods for the entire structure, "Infinite Blood Core" is no longer the usual linear and streamlined structure, and the protagonist will not be upgraded again and again, and the copies will be copied one after another. It's more like a script, and each big volume is a stage. For example, the stage of the first volume is the island, so some book friends asked, why haven't you left the island yet? Haven't left the novice village yet? I'm sorry, the concept of Novice Village itself originated from the game, and was later used in the online text. does not exist in this book. The entire first volume is on this island.

Because of the pursuit of literary value, I will use a lot of delicate writing. If you don't write the scenery environment delicately, there will be no style. There is no way to explore human nature without carefully writing about the psychology of characters. And when I actively explore human nature, there will be another problem - easy to be reported. So this book is also risky. In this regard, I believe that everyone has felt it.

The tragic fate of the brothers Spirulina and Yellow algae is my exploration of human nature and the torture of the meaning of life. One of the characteristics of the protagonist Zhen Jin, which is different from most of the protagonists of online articles, is that he has abundant psychological activities. He is constantly thinking about himself and the process of tortured his soul. development.

All of the above lead to the definition of climax in "Infinite Blood Core", which is different from most online articles. The usual climax of suffocating and venting, being looked down on and stepping on people, "Infinite Blood Core" also has it, but its real climax lies in the excavation of human nature and the discussion of how people get along with each other. So the first climax of this book is in the paragraph around 66-70.

I have to admit that the book "Infinite Blood Core" is a big challenge for the creator.

For book lovers who are familiar with online texts, there are also certain reading challenges.

I urge everyone to be more patient, more tolerant, more understanding, and lower their ordinary expectations when reading.

Friendly reminder - after reading the complete first volume, it is easier to discover the unique taste of the book "Infinite Blood Core". Of course, the chapters are relatively full now. After reading about 70 chapters, you can also touch the soul corner of "Infinite Blood Core".

If you read these and think that my writing is good, or look forward to seeing a different web work, please support it genuinely!

At present, "Infinite Blood Core" is starting at the starting point.

The book will be officially launched on Friday, 5.15.

Every genuine click is my firm support and encouragement.

I especially need your support.

Because I know that there are not many readers who can accept the challenge, and even fewer readers who succeed in the challenge. The taste is indeed a little higher, and it will only be such a small group of people.

I am also very eager to write this time. Your own creative challenge can be successful.

If "Infinite Blood Core" is successful, it will be of great significance!

It allows me to see a new way, to use better creative methods, to create more in-depth, more brain-burning, and more exciting novels, and this novel still has a certain market, which can let me eat a bite Porridge, live on.

It may also allow other authors to see that this path can be taken and create more exciting novels with both commercial and literary value. That would be great!

Since the book opened, I have rarely asked for votes.

This time, I would like to ask everyone, if you approve of this novel, please support me and vote for the recommended and monthly tickets for this book.

At present, what is most needed is the first order of this book. On a Friday, subscribe to the first vip chapter published at 12 noon for a few cents, but this data is important to this book.

After all, this year, Jiuxiang is also afraid of deep alleys.

I know that many people are keeping this book, and now this book is getting better and better and can be read. Of course, it's okay to continue to keep it, and it's more refreshing to look at it when you have enough. But I hope that book lovers will not forget to vote and subscribe to genuine books in the process of raising books.

If you want to support me, please support me strongly.

To love, please love!

Master Gu is here to thank you.


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