Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 650: Time Ice Cube

Speaking of which, Buquan’s mentor Duolian once won the Nuanxue Cup competition.

The reward of the laurel crown is the financial sponsorship for the construction of the mage tower.

This huge amount of money helped Du Lian a lot, accounting for almost 40% of the total capital cost of the construction of Mixue Tower.

Of course, the construction time of Mixue Tower is very long.

It is still in the process of construction until now. Because the Mage Tower will always be constantly transformed and improved.

The original championship sponsorship allowed Dulian to build the cornerstone and framework of the Mage Tower. In addition, Du Lian's demi-plane industry continuously provided her with a large amount of funds, allowing her to continue building the Mixue Tower.

Zidi is also aware of this.

She also knew that the championship sponsorship was only for the construction of the Mage Tower. If it were not for the Mage Tower, the sponsorship would be gone.

Moreover, the relevant contract also stipulates that although the mage tower built by the champion belongs to the alchemist mage, it also belongs to the Ice Sculpture Kingdom.

Zidi understands this initiative this way: "With a huge sum of money, not only can we attract outstanding talents like the Alchemist Mage, but we can also fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the Champion Mage and add a Mage Tower to the kingdom."

"The beneficiaries of this policy are not only the Champion Mage, but also the Ice Sculpture Kingdom."

If she wants to deal with the enemy's threat, then the Mage Tower is indeed her first choice.

With huge sponsorship, Zidi can completely build the mage tower. The construction specifications of Mixue Tower are far beyond ordinary. For the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, building an ordinary mage tower is completely enough!

But when Elder Jijin heard Zidi inquire about the rewards for the top three, he shook his head: "This year's Nuanxue Cup Competition is indeed special."

"Because it's held during the National Ceremony."

"The rewards for third place this time are equivalent to previous championship rewards. The rewards for the top two are much higher than those for third place."

"The reward for first place is not only funds, but also a large amount of tower building resources. Our Alchemy Guild has calculated internally that just by taking this reward, we can build 80% of an ordinary mage tower."

"The reward for second place is 60%."

"But the competition this year is particularly fierce. If your team wants to rely on the Undead Breath Detector, don't even try to win the top three."

After saying these words, Elder Jiujin also emphasized: "Don't even think about it!"

Zidi's expression remained unchanged and she actively inquired: "Tell me, how intense is it?"

Elder Jiujin said: "Let's talk about the first item. Many elders from our guild have signed up to participate in this competition. For example, Elder Hua Ni is one of them."

"In addition, there are some rising stars, represented by Xue Tuanzi. There are also some alchemy backbones, such as the contemporary Lord of Blood City. These people generally prepare for this competition for more than half a year!"

"You can imagine how great the alchemy results they finally come up with will be."

Zidi nodded slightly: "I know this situation well, tell me what I don't know."

Elder Jiujin hesitated for a moment, then spoke and confided: "Let's talk about the latest alchemy achievement."

"Do you know about time ice cubes?"

Zidi: "Of course I know, this is a specialty of the Ten Thousand Years Ice Lake. Because the power of the dragon corpse of the god-level dragon erodes and transforms the ice in the ice lake."

"These ice layers contain the mysterious power of time. Through certain means, the ice layers are mined and made into small ice cubes. Each of these small ice cubes has a tiny power of time, which is extremely wonderful."

"During the period when it was first mined, time ice was the most popular alchemy material in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, and even triggered a craze around the world."

Elder Jiujin took over and said, "Unfortunately, this craze goes as quickly as it comes."

"The main reason is that the means of utilizing time ice are very scarce. The materials are good, but it is difficult to find a suitable way to make good use of this resource."

"Countless alchemists have tried one after another and continued to conduct research, but they have all failed."

“Until this year, one of our cooperation projects here made a qualitative breakthrough!”

"The name of this alchemy project is: Exploration of edible time ice cubes. At present, it has been successfully developed."

"By putting time ice cubes into Xiaochou red wine, we can slowly release the time power inside. People who drink red wine will speed up a certain aspect of their own time."

"We have tried it thousands of times, and the effect is perfect!"

It was the first time Zidi heard about Xiaochou Red Wine, and she also caught the key words and asked aloud: "What does 'a certain aspect of time' mean?"

Elder Jiu Jin knew how to explain it clearly. He directly gave an example: "When people taste time ice cubes and sorrow-relieving red wine, they will also assist other magical delicacies."

"For example, if you eat some kind of monster meat, the magic power you draw will match the fighter's own fighting spirit. After drinking the combination of ice cubes and red wine, the time it takes for the fighter to practice fighting spirit will be quickly accelerated, thus saving a lot of money. The effect of refining fighting spirit time.”

Zidi's heart moved: "So, if you eat some magic dishes and pair them with ice cubes and red wine, you can shorten the growth time. Can an extraordinary person be able to quickly advance to a higher level in a few months or a few years?"

Elder Jijin nodded, knowing that Zi Di understood the function of this alchemical result.

Zidi's expression remained unchanged, but she couldn't help but have a lot of yearnings in her heart.

This alchemical result will be of great help to her, no, to all the survivors.

"With the blood purification array, we can improve the blood."

"What's missing is actually time."

"The cultivation of fighters and mages takes time to accumulate. This is a steady process."

"But as long as there is ice cube red wine, the growth cycle can be greatly shortened. Normally, a few years can be reduced to a few months."

"I won't let others talk about it. The leader needs it the most."

"His bloodline is very powerful, but it is far from reaching its limit. With the combination of ice cubes and red wine, he can quickly break through and reach the gold level, which will offset the negative impact of Zonge's promotion to the gold level!"

Elder Jiujin asked: "Master Yaoma, do you think this alchemy achievement is qualified to compete for the top three?"

Zidi immediately heard the implication of Juju's words and couldn't help but be surprised: "The combination of Time Red Wine is very universal. Could it be that it can't even compete in the top three?"

Elder Jiujin nodded with a solemn expression: "If this achievement was completed independently by our Alchemy Guild, it might become the top three. But unfortunately, it is not."

"It is a cooperative project. In addition to our Alchemy Guild, the partners are also the Ecstasy Sect."

"Xiaochou red wine is mainly produced by the Ecstasy sect, and the most critical main ingredient is the blood of the God of Dionysus."

Zidi was shocked: "Sacred blood?"

Elder Jiujin continued: "It is because the Ecstasy Sect can provide the blood of Dionysus that our country allows the Ecstasy Sect to enter the Ice Sculpture Island to preach."

"Today, Drunkard's Harbor is the parish of the Drunken Cult."

Zidi suddenly realized: "The Ecstasy Sect has been preaching for many years, and I also know a little about the situation in Jiudu Port. So, the research and development period of this alchemy project is also very long, at least twenty years?"

Elder Jijin nodded: "Not bad."

He stared at Zidi and continued: "This year's Nuanxue Cup competition has been destined to be extraordinary from the beginning!"

“It’s impossible for this kind of collaborative project to be in the top three.”

"Our country stands in the world with its alchemy technology and will not let one cooperative project become the top three in this competition."

"If you take out the undead breath detector to compete in this competition, I'm afraid there won't be any good results."

"According to my current understanding, it is absolutely impossible to top three, and there is no hope for top five. Maybe there is a chance to break into the top ten."

Zidi was silent for a moment, then asked: "So, what are the alchemy projects that are expected to compete for the top three?"

Elder Jijin shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I know some of them, but I signed a confidentiality agreement. Some of them I haven't even heard of, they are private projects of the guild elders."

"In short, our guild will definitely do our best to push the ice cube red wine project into the top three."

Zidi couldn't help but sigh.

The Snow Elves are elves after all, and they are all arrogant by nature.

On the other hand, this also involves national interests.

In order to maintain its reputation in the field of alchemy, the Ice Sculpture Kingdom secretly tried its best.

At this level, reputation is very important and is closely related to income.

For example, isn't the Dragon Lion Mercenary Group's potion profit largely due to the reputation of the Dragon Man boy?

Zidi has been reaping this dividend.

"Elder Jijin, I want some time ice cubes and Xiaochou red wine. Can you make this happen?" Zidi asked.

Jiu Jin smiled bitterly: "It's impossible."

"The president of our Alchemy Guild only got half a bottle of sample."

"This half bottle was quickly divided among the president and other powerful elders."

After all, he is not considered a powerful elder, and cannot be compared with Hua Ni, Du Lian and the Snow Cake Pagoda Master.

"The elder who cooperates with the Ecstasy Sect is Bantu."

"You may have heard of him. He is the creator of the magic potion [Better Future]. Because of this potion, he suffered a serious setback in his life, lost all his money, and was drunk all day long for a period of time. As a result, he converted to the ecstasy sect."

"Because of his friendship with the top leaders of the Ecstasy Sect, he had the opportunity to cooperate and finally succeeded in the alchemy project of ice cube red wine."

"The current Bantu is no longer what he used to be. Because of that huge blow, he became withdrawn and weird, unsociable, paranoid and irritable. He was outside the mainstream of the Alchemy Guild and had a bad relationship with everyone. "

"Bantu may be a breakthrough, but even the president may not be able to do anything. What about me?"

Zidi had no choice but to give up.

"It seems that to get this alchemy product, we have to wait until the official sale after the competition."

"The main material is the blood of Dionysus. I'm afraid the sales volume of this alchemy product will not be very high."

When Zidi thought of this, she couldn't help but frown slightly and became worried secretly.

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