Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 651: The Enchanted Fleet

The sky is covered with dark clouds.

The sea breeze is getting stronger and stronger.

The bishop of the Ecstasy sect personally stood at the bow of the ship and used divine magic to survey the surrounding sea.

After a while, he exhaled a breath and thought to himself: "The storm is coming."

"After detection, there are no human traces. This is a normal natural climate."

Then, he ordered his subordinates: "Move quickly, retract the sails, use the propeller, increase the speed, and leave the scope of the storm immediately."

The fleet he leads has a total of 2 ordinary ships, 8 bronze-level magic ships, 4 black iron-level magic ships, 3 silver-level ships, and 1 gold-level ship.

The size of this fleet is already quite large.

After the order was issued, the fleet's speed immediately increased slowly.

The sea wind howled, blocking the front of the fleet.

Ordinary ships also have alchemical components that can temporarily increase their speed. But in the end, it was not as good as the magic ship, and it quickly fell behind.

"Your Majesty Bishop, our fleet is about to separate." A subordinate came to report.

The drunken bishop pondered: "Then separate directly and let 1 silver-class magic ship, 2 black iron-class, and 4 bronze-class ships stay to guard the ordinary ships. The rest will follow my flagship!"

The subordinate showed a trace of confusion, but still accepted the order: "Yes, sir!"

The drunken bishop frowned and did not relax at all.

The subordinates were not high-level and had no idea what was on their flagship.

"It's a huge fortune in total. We won't be able to make this kind of red wine for at least five years."

After trying their best and even squeezing their future potential, the Ecstasy Sect spent their money.

This is just red wine, not just wealth, but a unique resource.

"If we use it properly, we can take advantage of the National Code of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom as a good opportunity to use this batch of red wine to leverage more interests in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom."

The Ecstasy Sect is an alien sect that has an independent parish in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom. This parish is outstanding and is a famous external port city in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom.

But the Enchanted Sect has great ambitions. They not only want to preach in coastal cities, but also want to spread their beliefs to the hinterland of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom.

This batch of red wine is the most critical prop and the most ferocious firepower!

As the supreme leader of this fleet, the Drunk Bishop is responsible for secretly transporting the red wine that relieves sorrow.

He felt stressed.

"I'm just gold level."

"Around the Ice Sculpture Island, there are sanctuary-level pirates starting to approach."

"Big Cold..."

The Drunk Bishop was very afraid of the fourth leader of the Fire Beard Pirates. He knew that the closer he got to the Ice Sculpture Island, the more dangerous it would be.

Therefore, he did not let the storm slow him down, but decisively divided his fleet, intending to sail against the clock and shorten the sailing time as much as possible.

"As long as we reach Drunkard's Harbor, we'll be safe."

"Even if Dahan leads the pirates to attack the port, we can safely and safely transport this batch of Xiaochou red wine!"

The drunken bishop was thinking, when suddenly an urgent military intelligence report came over: "Report! A pirate fleet was discovered at the front!"

"What?!" The drunken bishop suddenly stared.

I am really afraid of what will happen.

He immediately calmed down and asked hurriedly: "Which pirate group is it? Go and find out."

Ten seconds later, the subordinate came to report the latest military information: "According to the investigation, it is the Kamikaze Pirates!"

"Is it them?" The drunken bishop frowned deeply.

Although it is not the Great Cold, the Kamikaze Pirates cannot be underestimated. Although their leader, Fenglian, was only at the gold level, his combat power was extraordinary.

The drunken bishop did not want to start a war and immediately ordered the fleet to turn around and try to escape.

The Front Company was sitting on the flagship and heard a report from the pirates: the speed of the target fleet had surged, and it was suspected that some kind of powerful accelerating alchemy component had been used.

Fenglian was not in a hurry and smiled slightly: "Just follow them."

The fleet of the Ecstasy Sect sailed forward at high speed, but they could never get away from the Kamikaze Pirates.

The drunken bishop thought of the tactics used by the wolves to tire out the enemy, and looked gloomy: "The ships of the Kamikaze Pirates are traveling very fast. Even if we use all our strength to increase the speed, we cannot get rid of them. On the contrary, we will consume a lot of mana and the gain will not be worth the loss."

Although the alchemy component is powerful, it is not a good match for the magic ship of the Ecstasy Cult.

On the other hand, the ships of the Kamikaze Pirates came from Gear Island. Not only did each mana ship have a complete set, but the ships were also capable of chain reactions.

"Damn it!" The drunken bishop could only issue a message for help, expecting naval support from the Ice Sculpture Kingdom. The other side ordered the ships to set up their formation and prepare to meet the enemy.

"This distance is already close to the Ice Sculpture Island. I hope the Royal Navy can arrive in time!"

"We can't lose it. Even if I die in battle, I must try to protect this key resource."

"Damn it!"

"Why is the Front Company targeting me? Could it be that some news has been leaked?"

Fenglian narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the fleet of the Mesmerized Sect suddenly slowing down, and then with the gold-class flagship behind them and the silver-class ships assisting them, firmly occupying the upper wind.

"Oh, you want to use T-tactics?"

Fenglian was very experienced in naval battles and recognized it immediately.

"Boss, we captured the enemy's communication. According to the plan, we did not intercept it!" The pirates reported.

Fenglian laughed: "Then wait a little longer."

“The partnership between the Ecstasy and the Ice Sculpture Kingdom is very deep.”

"They sent out a distress signal, and the Ice Sculpture Kingdom must take a positive stance. And nearby is part of the formation of the Navy's Second Fleet."

It turns out that Fenglian didn't know about Xiaochou Red Wine. He was just targeting the fleet of the Mesmerizing Sect to lure the enemy.

His real target is the Kingdom's Second Navy.

This navy is almost the Satoma family's private army.

Last time, Fenglian suffered a big loss at the hands of the Utojian family. It has always been brooding and determined to take revenge.

For this reason, he went all the way to find Huatang and borrowed the alchemy tools aimed at the head of the Utoma family.

"Come here quickly, I can't wait any longer." There was a flame of revenge in Fenglian's heart, which grew stronger and stronger.

The drunk bishop was confused: "What's going on?"

They lowered their speed and prepared to fight, but in the end, the fleet of the front company stopped pursuing and only moved around the periphery.

"What exactly do they want to do?" The bishop could not guess the real intention of Fenglian. "How long will it take for them to join us?"

The ones the bishop mentioned were part of the previous fleet. Just because he had to hurry and escape the storm, he left for the time being.

Now we have to go to war. The enemy is strong and we are weak. Of course, the bishop wants to gather all his strength.

While the fleets of the Ecstasy Sect were waiting nervously, their fleets finally converged at one place.

"How could it be so easy for us to join together?"

"What on earth are these people from the Feng Company planning to do?"

It's not that the drunken bishop didn't send any communication, but Feng refused to accept it and had no intention of communicating.

"Why has there been no response from the Ice Sculpture Kingdom until now? Did they intercept our request for help? Damn it!"


Lightning cracked the gloomy sky.

The waves were rough and the rain was pouring.

The Drunken Bishop waited for their fleet and also for the storm.

The storm spread over and covered the battlefield.

"Hmph!" Fenglian looked very unhappy, "The Ice Sculpture Kingdom didn't send any reinforcements? Did the Utoma family see through my plan?"

Obviously, this time the plan to lure the enemy failed.

In fact, Fenglian has been actively seeking fighter opportunities since its return.

But at the time of the Ice Sculpture National Ceremony, the Second Navy was mainly in retreat, and only a handful of times took the initiative.

The pressure on coastal defense brought by the Great Cold was too great, causing the entire kingdom's navy to adopt a conservative stance.

On the other hand, the Satoma family's focus is not on the navy, but on the domestic potion market.

After waiting for a while, Fenglian completely lost his patience: "Since the Ice Sculpture Kingdom has no support, don't blame me for eating this piece of fat!"

Feng waved his hand and said in a cold tone: "Do it."

When the pirates heard this order, they cheered like ghosts and wolves.

The Kamikaze Pirates are like a pack of bloodthirsty wolves, already ready to move. Now that the Wolf King's Front Company finally gave the order to start the battle, the pirates were full of morale and rushed to attack the fleet of the Ecstasy Cult.

First came the artillery battle.

The alchemy cannon continuously sprays, and the shells fly towards each other in mid-air. When they fall on the sea, they explode into wave columns, when they fall on the ship, they form holes, or they blow the unlucky guy into a splatter of blood and mud.

"We have more artillery than they do."

"We have the advantage in the artillery battle!"


"Feng Company is here!"

The number of cannons on the ships of the Mesmerized Cult is significantly higher than that of the Kamikaze Pirates. After all, they are escorting key supplies this time, so they are well armed.

The Kamikaze Pirates' naval battle tactics have always been famous for their flexibility.

When encountering an opponent with weak artillery, they would keep their distance and fight at a distance. When encountering someone with strong firepower, they would lunge and attack at close range.

Their biggest advantage is speed!

It is precisely because of their excellent speed that they can execute their flexible tactics.

The pirates saw that the firepower of the Enchanted Cult was very powerful and did not require orders from the front company, so they directly chose to engage in boarding battles and charge battles.

As the first leader of the pirates, Fenglian took the lead, flying quickly close to the sea and heading towards the opponent's flagship.

On the flagship of the Ecstasy Sect, there is not only a gold-level bishop, but also two gold-level fighters.

With the blessing of divine magic, the two fighters also had the ability to fly in a short period of time.

"We can't let the front company board the ship!"

"Let's do it together and kill him."

The two gold-level fighters quickly reached a consensus and jumped off the ship at the same time.

Three people from both sides clung to the sea and engaged in air combat.

After fighting for several rounds, Fenglian waved his sickle and performed the fighting skill [Wind Blade·Continuous Slash].

The two gold-level members of the Ecstasy Sect fought with each other, retreating steadily.

The attack speed of the front company increased unexpectedly again, and the sickle struck faster than the other, almost turning into a ghost.

He cuts holes in his enemies.

Fighting Skill - Wind Blade·Dragon Moon!

A dragon roar shocked the mind.

Then, the huge moon blade flew out, directly cutting a gold-level man in half.

Another gold-level man was frightened and lost his fighting spirit, so he turned around and ran away. As a result, Fenglian easily caught up with him and slashed with his sword, creating countless sparks.

Bang bang bang.

The defensive items on the gold-level body were broken one after another.

Fenglian slashed down again and killed this gold-level owl.

He stepped on the sea water to avoid the attacks of divine magic and artillery, and fought his way up to the flagship of the Ecstasy Sect.

"How could he be so strong?!" The drunken bishop's face turned pale, and he used divine magic to send messages to beg for mercy.

Fenglian was extremely cold and did not respond at all, while the sickle in his hand stirred up cold murderous intent.

A few hours later.

The Frontier Pirates slaughtered all the crew members, sank all the ordinary ships, and left with the nearly ten magic ships that remained after the naval battle.

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