Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 105: Don't look back

Chapter 105 Don’t look back

Ma Lu has seen sandstorms before.

 Just in the first half of this year, City B encountered a sandstorm.

The urban area is shrouded in yellow sand. At its worst, the PM10 concentration exceeds 1,000 micrograms/cubic meter, and the sky is dim. Basically, you can eat a mouthful of sand just by opening your mouth.

However, sandstorms in cities and sandstorms in deserts are completely different things. In terms of danger, the former is completely incomparable with the latter.

"What should we do?" Seta looked at Boqi. "Do you want to retreat, commander?"

"No." Pochi just thought for a moment before making a decision, "If we return to the city now, we will completely lose the position of the Hexapod. It can easily reach the giant screen under the cover of this sandstorm and launch an attack on the city wall. attack.

"We will act according to the original plan, lead it into a trap, and try to get rid of it before the sandstorm arrives."

Just as the five people were discussing their next action plan, the six-armed ape on the sand dune also noticed them.

It hammered its chest with two huge fists, then raised its head and let out a roar, leaping down from the sand dune.

The huge body slid all the way down the sand ridge line, and after landing, ran towards this side.

It is over ten meters tall and can span four meters in one step. When running, its two longest and strongest arms hit the ground from time to time, providing support to the body and making a muffled sound. , like a war drum.

 Under the control of Malu, a two-headed jackal corpse puppet bravely rushed forward.

However, as soon as he got close to the six-armed ancient ape, he was smashed into a pulp by a fist that fell from the sky.

 This is a real dimensionality reduction blow!

 The two-headed jackal corpse puppet blessed by the purple blessing [full body hardening] has no weaknesses in its body, and the number of blue blessings that Ma Lu has now purchased has exceeded 600.

 Under the influence of the strange object-enhanced soap, all attributes of all team members and puppets are increased by 200%.

Even though the corpse puppet state will lose 30% of its original attributes, the power of this two-headed jackal corpse puppet has more than doubled compared to when it was alive.

 In the end, he was not even qualified to fight against the six-armed ancient ape, and he was instantly killed as soon as he came face to face with him.

Ma Lu suspected that his micro-control was not good enough, so he sent another corpse puppet of a sickle-horned eland to fight. This time he was extremely focused, held his breath, and controlled the corpse puppet to approach the six-armed ape.

As soon as the Hexapod raised its arm, Malu ordered the Sirehorn to turn.

However, this operation of soaring the tiger-like APM to the point of explosion still resulted in the flattening of the scythe.

As the fist fell, the body of the sickle-horned antelope was directly hammered open. Plasma and minced meat were centered around the impact point of the fist, splashing out in all directions, covering the nearby sand!

 What kind of strange power is this? !

Ma Lu’s pupils shrank suddenly. It felt like he had met the King Kong in the movie. Moreover, this beast has 4 more arms than King Kong. Isn’t it a bit too cheating?

Originally, he thought of using the corpse puppet to directly complete the task of luring the six-armed ape, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

 No wonder the woman He Yueji was so unfavorable to their trip.

Boqi saw that he had attracted the six-armed ape and no longer stayed at the same place. He immediately ordered to change direction and drive towards the direction of the hunting team.

 After Malu, Seta and others had all set off, Boqi turned off the accelerator and deliberately lagged a little behind.

Ma Lu continued to control the corpse puppet to act as a human bomb obstacle.

However, the six-armed ancient ape did not give him any face at all, and his feet did not stop at all. His four free hands were like swatting flies, turning all the corpse puppets that rushed up into meat pies.

Although its running posture is a bit weird, its speed is not slow at all. Even if Ma Lu and others have turned the accelerator to the bottom, the distance between the two sides is still shrinking rapidly.

But when the six-armed ape chased them less than fifty meters away, Mai Mai behind the car also raised the Destroyer in his hand according to Malu's order and started shooting.

Super large-caliber bullets can easily break the calf of a gray-spotted cheetah, but falling on the body of the Hexapod is like tickling it. Fortunately, Malu didn't expect the damage caused by the Destroyer.

 As Mai Mai fired the fifth bullet, the six-armed ape finally stopped.

 【Difficulty: When a team member hits an attack, there is a 15% probability of adding slowness to the target. In the slow state, the target's movement speed is reduced by 50%, lasting 10 seconds】

 Ma Lu is waiting for this blessing to take effect. Although "Hard Steps" is only a blue blessing, the accompanying slowing effect is very useful.

 Furthermore, with the 0.5x speed player, the lag state that was originally only 10 seconds was extended to 20 seconds.

Taking this opportunity, the five members of the Shuangyanghua Hunting Group once again distanced themselves from the six-armed ape behind them.

However, Millipeda was not happy too early. At about the 12th second, the six-armed ape resumed its speed.

Sure enough, powerful beasts have hidden resistance attributes, and the time that general debuffs can take effect on them will be reduced.

 Ma Lu had encountered this situation before, but this time he was hit particularly hard, and he got a 40% discount.

 Fortunately, Mai Mai had already changed the magazine and continued shooting.

Ma Lu also issued a movement order to the army of corpses, asking them to come and respond.

And the six-armed ape was not the only one chasing them, the yellow earth wall was also getting closer to them.

 The Shuangyanghua Hunting Group is now racing against time!

 In just 3 minutes, Mai Mai had emptied 6 magazines and caused the motor to overheat, so Malu threw his Destroyer to her.

 I also received a golden blessing.

  【Power Bank: There is a 50% chance of 0 consumption when team members use telekinesis abilities. 】

This golden blessing can be regarded as an old acquaintance of Malu, and it can help the team improve its endurance, but this is not the point. The point is that it also means that the army of corpses on the other side has finally taken down a certain difficult existence.

 Looking at the golden options in the previous row, you can tell how strong that guy is, but I don’t know how it compares to the Hexapod.

Maimai emptied another magazine, causing the six-armed ape that was already in front of him to slow down again.

 But she looked down and found that she only had the last magazine left in her hand, and it was an unsatisfied magazine with only 3 bullets in it.

 The good news is that they are now very close to the trap set by He Yueji and others.

When the Hexa-armed Ape got out of the sluggish state again, after running less than two steps, its body slowed down uncontrollably. Being teased over and over again made its anger reach its peak.

Its eyes have turned red, and its six arms have also become thicker, as if it is preparing to use a big move.

 This also gave the five members of the Shuangyang Flower Hunting Group a bad feeling.

Sure enough, when the sluggish state was lifted, the Hexapod's speed was actually a few minutes faster than before, and he caught up again in the blink of an eye.

Maimai fired the last bullet, but unfortunately it only triggered a bleeding effect, and it seemed that he was immune to it by the six-armed ape.

 “Keep walking, don’t look back!”

Pochi said, but after saying this, she suddenly changed direction.

 (End of this chapter)

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