Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 106: hunt

Chapter 106 Hunting

Pochi's sudden U-turn was beyond everyone's expectations. By the time the other four people reacted, she had already driven her motorcycle resolutely towards the Hexa-armed Ape behind her!

Ma Lu was shocked. How terrifying was the Hexa-armed Ancient Ape? He had just tried it with a corpse puppet not long ago, and this beast should have turned on its violent state now. Its power and speed would only make it even more terrifying.

 But now it was too late to go back and stop Boqi, who had already entered the attack range of the six-armed ape.

Pochi probably wanted to use the motorcycle to hit and block the beast in front of her, but the Hexapod didn't give her this chance at all. With one punch, the motorcycle turned into a pile of parts.

However, except for the parts, there is no flesh and blood tissue inside.

Pochi jumped off the motorcycle at the last moment and escaped this disaster. Her speed and reaction bonus have now exceeded 300%.

Let her escape successfully before the danger arrives.

However, she was still within the attack range of the six-armed ancient ape, and this giant beast had six arms.

Once it attacks with all its strength, even if Bochi's speed is doubled, it will still be difficult to escape.

Fortunately, Boqi also had a trump card. Before the six-armed ape landed its second punch, she had already activated the huge backpack behind her, and the motor was started.

Three streams of air jetted out from the back of the backpack, driving Boqi's body into the air. During this period, she also avoided a slap by changing the direction of the jets, and then continued to rise.

 Only when we reach a height of 30 meters are we truly out of danger.

Moreover, Boqi's thrilling operation also bought enough time for the remaining four members of the Shuangyanghua Hunting Group to successfully join the hunting team.

He Yueji looked at Ma Lu and others who were coming here, and then looked up at the figure in the sky, with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

She didn’t expect that not only would the members of the Shuangyang Flower Hunting Group come back, but there would also be no attrition.

This made her very unhappy. In addition to being tricked by Malu again, it was also because the positions of the two parties were swapped. Although she thought she could complete the task, it was difficult to become immortal.

This is equivalent to saying that she was outperformed by the Shuangyang Flower Hunting Group again. However, He Yueji was petty-minded, but she did not forget about business.

 She also saw the sandstorm sweeping in the distance, and knew that there was not much time left for them.

He pointed to the open space next to him and said to Boqi in the sky, "Take the Hexapod there!"

Hearing this, Bo Qi lowered his flying height slightly, once again attracting the attention of the Hexapod and leading it to the place where the trap was set.

The six-armed ape is chasing prey in the sky, unaware that it has been plotted by insidious humans, or it may be confident enough in its own power that it doesn't care about any conspiracy at all.

 But when it came to the clearing, the iron rope originally buried in the sand suddenly came to life and wrapped around the six-armed giant ape's ankle like a poisonous snake.

The six-armed giant ape was furious and wanted to reach out and break the thick iron chains. However, in the next moment, more iron chains flew out from the sand and wrapped around its six arms.

Immediately afterwards, high-voltage current was transmitted along the iron cable. The body of the six-armed ape shook like a sieve, and a burning smell came from under the thick hair.

"It is indeed a diamond-level hunting group," Mai Mai praised, "The cooperation is really tacit."

As a result, before she finished speaking, the six-armed ape raised its head and roared again. Although its body was still shaking, it had already reached out and grabbed a chain and started tearing it apart.

The iron ring that was three fingers thick was actually broken by it with brute force.

When the arm was freed, it started tearing up other chains. Soon, the second and third chains also... broke.

But at this time, other hunters have also rushed up, releasing their own telekinesis abilities to attack the six-armed ape.

Ma Lu saw a young hunter rushing to the front with two mechanical scimitars, and he quickly reminded him kindly, "Be careful!"

 As a result, before he finished speaking, the fist of the six-armed ancient ape fell down, and another piece of blood mist exploded.

Ma Lu unconsciously took half a step back.

Not just the young hunter, but many close-combat hunters suffered disaster. The six-armed ancient ape swung his arms repeatedly, just like whack-a-mole, and smashed all the hunters who rushed in front of him!

The scene was so **** that the remaining people stopped.

What’s even worse is that less than half of the chains on the six-armed ape are left.

 Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, He Yueji, as the commander, could not sit still and finally decided to take action.

But this time she did not use the flying scythe at her waist. She just walked towards the six-armed ancient ape step by step, and at the same time recited the spell quickly.

 A strange green light appeared in her eyes.

Ma Lu's eyes were unconsciously attracted by the light, and his body stiffened. Fortunately, at the critical moment, Mai Mai noticed something unusual about him and stretched out his hand to block it.

“Don’t look into her eyes!” “Huh?”

“He Yueji’s telepathy ability is the Petrified Eye, which is a very powerful and rare beast-type telepathy ability.” Mai Mai said, “It can make all creatures that look at her enter a petrified state.”

Ma Lu had returned to normal by this time and found that as long as he didn't look directly into He Yueji's eyes, he would not be affected by the effects of her abilities.

  But I have to say that this is indeed a very powerful ability.

At this moment, He Yueji had walked into the attack range of the Hexapod, but she did not repeat the mistakes of the previous hunters and turned into a pool of flesh and blood.

This was not because of the sudden kindness of the six-armed ancient ape and he opened his eyes to her. In fact, the fist was already hanging above He Yueji's head, but it was still unable to fall.

Not just that fist, but its other five arms, including two legs, and its huge body, seemed to be immobilized by some invisible force. It could not even perform a simple action like blinking.

 Other hunters couldn't help but be overjoyed when they saw this, and rushed forward one after another.

Various attacks once again rained down on the six-armed ape, but the latter had completely become a living target due to He Yueji's powerful telekinesis ability.

Even with this giant beast's incredible physique, it was seriously injured after receiving so many blows at once.

Its bleeding and stimulation excited the surrounding hunters even more, but as a bystander, Malu noticed that the six-armed giant ape's eyes seemed to move.

At the same time, He Yueji's body swayed, but she quickly stabilized and took another half step forward.

Maimai also discovered something, and lowered her voice and said, "No, He Yueji can't hold it anymore."

But He Yueji's resilience exceeded both of their imaginations. This woman was petty-minded, but her willpower was not that strong.

 She is not only cruel to others, but also to herself.

Even though her eyes and nostrils were bleeding, she still stood firm and refused to take a step back.

 However, a person's mental power has its limits after all.

No matter how strong your will is, you can't change this. Therefore, although the six-armed ancient ape was seriously injured, two of its arms were broken, and one leg was sawed by a hot saw to expose the bones. .

 But it finally slowly regained its mobility.

The fist hanging above He Yueji's head also came down little by little, trying to beat the most hateful enemy in front of her to death.

 But even at this point, He Yueji still had no intention of retreating.

In addition to the fact that she was already red-eyed, it was also because He Yueji saw that the menacing sandstorm was already close in front of her eyes.

 We must take down this giant beast in front of us as soon as possible!

 He Yueji made a quick judgment in her mind, but she overestimated her own endurance.

It's a miracle that she can hold on until now. She has almost drained the last trace of telekinesis left in her body, and in the end she can no longer maintain the effect of her ability.

But at the last moment before the fist above her head fell, she was jumped out, and the tall and thin hunter with tattoos on his face saved her life.

However, others were not so lucky. The six-armed ape's eyes were red, and the deep-visible bone wounds on its body completely aroused its ferocity.

Even though it was seriously injured, it showed no intention of escaping and started killing people!

Hook up your remaining arm and keep blasting the hammer!

Seeing that the situation was not right, Mai Mai also joined the battle and used the batteries on four motorcycles to release the electric field.

However, even if the Hexapod was shaken by the electricity, it regained its mobility once the electric field time passed.

The vitality of this beast is simply unbelievable.

Suffering so many rounds of attacks in succession, it failed to kill it. However, being so seriously injured also made its movements slower.

Ma Lu saw Pochi and Seta and rushed forward again, but before he could see the subsequent battle clearly, a sandstorm came.

 The strong wind that swept everything carried endless yellow sand and instantly swallowed everyone, including the terrifying ancient ape.

Then he continued to move forward, swamping the oncoming army of corpses.

 (End of this chapter)

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