Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 120: blood of immortality

Chapter 120 Blood of Immortality

Even though Malu had seen countless big scenes, he still couldn't help but take a breath when he saw this scene.

 The giant screen is gone?

He left for less than a week, and when he came back, the steel siege had already been captured by wild beasts?

As if in response to his suspicion, a large vulture with long hooks and wattles suddenly swooped down from the sky, and a pair of sharp claws clawed directly at Malu's chest!

 Without the blessing, Malu was just an ordinary person at the moment, but after all, he had been a hunter for more than a month, and he still discovered the danger above him in time.

 Standing over, he narrowly escaped the attack of a large vulture with a long hook on its wattles.

  Then Malu hurriedly opened the bedroom door and was about to rush in.

However, after taking a step forward, before landing, he quickly retracted his foot.

 At this time, the big vulture with long hooks and wattles also came up to kill him again.

Ma Lu grabbed the door handle and swung his body to the right, just in time to avoid the second wave of attacks by the vultures with long hooks.

Moreover, the big vulture with long hooked wattles could not be restrained and rushed straight into the door.

 Then it felt like it was empty under its feet and falling downwards.

He knew that the big vulture with long hooks and wattles would definitely come back soon, and this door was just to buy him some more time.

Of course, the large vulture with long hooked wattles and wings would not be thrown to death. At most, it would be a little embarrassed. The millipede closed the door again as quickly as possible.

Pochi’s apartment itself is not big, and two-thirds of it is already full, leaving no place for him to hide.

 The bedroom on the other side has also disappeared.

 The blessing of the Corpse Puppet system is also very useful, but it also does not help in solving his current predicament.

Ma Lu doesn’t think that he can defeat the opponent once he masters his opponent’s abilities.

 At the moment, Malu is trapped in a dangerous building, and the only thing he can copy is the ability of his opponent, the giant vulture with long wattles and long hooks.

After such a sifting, only two golden blessings were left, and Malu's eyes swept over them.

 So his eyes continued to move downward.

 First activated the effect of Strange Object Sticky Web·Change, and Malu's eyes were fixed on the golden blessing he obtained last time.

However, in order for this golden blessing to be effective, you must first find a strong enough target in order to copy the opponent's ability.

  I didn’t even have time to look at the last score statistics.

 Leave aside what the opponent's abilities are, considering the gap in basic attributes between the two sides, there is also the natural flight advantage of bird creatures.

 Because you first have to kill a powerful enough beast, and you have to pray for a 33% chance of being triggered in order to have a corpse golem.

Ma Lu could only find a way to save himself elsewhere. He opened the traveler's bracelet as quickly as possible.

 So this series of blessings was quickly eliminated by Malu.

The effect of [Super Imitation Show] is undoubtedly the best, and the one he used before was also the most convenient.

Finally chose the second one, which was also the golden blessing he got when he killed the six-armed ape.

—[Blood of Immortality: Every time a team member attacks, there is a 50% chance that the damage caused will be converted into a proportional treatment for himself]

After acquiring this golden blessing, Malu immediately activated the sticky web and stuck back a purple blessing.

I have few companions: The smaller the number of people in the team, the higher the basic attribute bonus of a single team member, and the strength, speed, endurance, and reaction force are increased by 50%. The effect is reduced by 10% for each additional person, and the blessing will not take effect if there are more than five people]    This purple blessing is also an old friend of Malu, and it is the first purple blessing he acquired after coming to this plane.

  He and Pochi relied on this blessing to kill everyone in Novice Village.

But later on, the number of people in the Shuangyang Flower Hunting Group increased, and Malu never chose this blessing again.

 Until he saw this blessing again when he returned to the city last time, the other three options that appeared at the same time were all blue blessings.

Considering that the purple blessing was more valuable during settlement, Malu chose it in the end.

 And his decision also played an important role in this plane journey.

Even though there is [Immortal Blood] with a similar blood-sucking effect, it is useless if it cannot deal any damage.

 【I Have Few Companions】can provide Malu with the basic attribute bonuses that he urgently needs, and he can take advantage of all 50% of the bonuses by himself.

 In one fell swoop, he changed from an ordinary person to a hunter who had undergone certain training.

Ma Lu could feel the power emerging from his body.

 After choosing the blessing, he saw the large vulture with long hooks and wattles. The latter had already flown back to the half-remaining living room and attacked from the air again!

 It seems that the two previous misses made him a little embarrassed, and this time he obviously sped up.

 But Malu's reaction ability has also been strengthened, and he still avoided the oncoming claws, and this time he did not hide too far.

Take the opportunity to draw out the chef's knife and start to fight back!

This millipede knife pierced the right wing of the large vulture with a long hook on the wattles. Under the action of the chef's knife cutting all the ingredients, it easily tore the target's wings.

However, under the powerful effect of inertia, the wings still flapped firmly on Malu's body, sending him flying out and hitting the wall.

This blow was quite severe. There were bruises on Malu's chest, accompanied by continuous pain. It was not known whether his ribs were broken.

However, the vulture with long hooked wattles is obviously the one that is more uncomfortable.

Ma Lu cut off almost half of its wings with a knife, immediately making it lose its ability to fly.

 From air units to free-roaming units.

 It will definitely be a lot easier to deal with next...right?

Malu thought that the long -hook big vulture had rushed in front of him, and the pair of sharp bird beaks like a long hook pecking madly by Malu's body.

If you were pecked by it, no need to think about it, you would almost certainly be disemboweled.

Ma Lu got up from the ground as quickly as possible, and then played King Qin's Column Column with the big vulture in the house.

This bird is bigger than a millipede, nearly two meters tall, but its IQ is very average. It is always being led by the millipede, and its huge body is knocked by the furniture in the living room from time to time. At this time, some insidious human will suddenly Turn around, give it another blow, and continue bleeding.

By the time it realized something was wrong, the situation had already reversed, and it was Malu's turn to yell at his fellow villagers not to leave.

Furthermore, with the effect of [Blood of Immortality], Ma Lu became more courageous as he fought, his waist no longer ached, his back no longer hurt, and his chest no longer hurt.

After killing this large vulture with long hooks and wattles, and taking off his clothes, he found that even the bruises on his chest had disappeared under the treatment.

 This also made Malu quickly fall in love with this fighting method of recovering blood while cutting.

 (End of this chapter)

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