Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 121: novelty

Chapter 121 Novelty

The hunting was so exciting just now that the millipedes forgot to keep alive and take them back for breeding, mainly because the large vultures with long hooks on their wattles looked a bit hard to eat.

And now that blessings are scarce, it is more urgent to exchange blessings with swords to increase combat power.

Ma Lu glanced at the four options. This time, he had no luck. They were all blue.

And three of them are related to telekinesis ability. Ma Lu finally chose [Iron Lifter: Increase the strength of the whole team by 10%].

The healing effect provided by [Eternal Blood] is proportional to the damage. In other words, you have to deal damage first before you can recover blood. The harder you deal, the more blood you will recover.

 So just increase your strength!

 After selecting the blessing, Malu had time to look through the previous news and found the settlement points from the previous round—a total of 27,344 points.

This result is even better than when I played the blasting style in the last round, almost 6,000 points more.

Once a certain number of corpse puppets are accumulated, the number of corpse puppets will snowball like a snowball in the beast tide. It is indeed an artifact to increase points.

Coupled with the remaining points and interest, Ma Lu now has more than 50,000 points, and he even doesn't know where to spend them.

However, the effect is indeed very good. It can provide a chance for resurrection and greatly increase the safety of the team.

As we all know, it is usually much more difficult to catch a prey alive than to kill it, especially those with strong prey.

 With good luck, you may even receive golden blessings.

 It feels like just 20% interest will be able to cover his expenses in the future.

Although there is only a trace of blood skin left after being rescued, it is not as good as the purple blessing [Resurrection from the Dead] that Malu got before, which can resurrect him with full blood.

Furthermore, Malu noticed that the description of the target in the function did not limit it to the same team. In other words, this strange item can be used on anyone, even prey.

But if you encounter a special situation like this, and a fight breaks out before you can get a blessing, then the 9 blessings that come with [Golden Spoon] will come in handy.

 The first strange object in the first column caught his eye.

 1 purple blessing, 3 blue blessings and 5 white blessings are not too many, and as long as you have money, you can buy fresh ingredients directly from the market and exchange them for blessings.

 Function: Designate a target and provide a chance for resurrection. It can only be used once per round. The target must die within 100 seconds. After resurrection, it will automatically enter a dying state. Price: 7900

Ma Lu was still complaining that he didn’t come across a good deal before, but this time he came across the highest-priced item since the store opened.

Ma Lu thought as he clicked on the curiosity shop again.

  But the victory lies in its stable triggering, which can be used once in every game without failure.

Ma Lu did not hesitate and took a photo of this strange object. Then he continued to look down and saw another strange object [Resurrection Armor]

  【gold spoon】

Function: You are a lucky person who was born with a silver spoon in your mouth. You can get 1 additional purple blessing, 3 blue blessings and 5 white blessings at the beginning of each round of the game. Price: 3900

Ma Lu slapped his thigh, why didn't he look at the store before starting the fight?

 When will he get a magical item with explosive effects so that he can put all the points he has accumulated to use?

 This gave Malu a new thought.

But with [Resurrection Armor], Malu can kill the target prey first, and then use [Resurrection Armor] to resurrect it. At this time, the prey that is in a dying state has almost lost its ability to resist, and can be bagged easily.

  And I should give you no less blessings, but this process feels a bit if I have seen it somewhere.

After buying the rare items, Malu first activated the effect of the work plan, specifying [Blood of Immortality], and then used the [Golden Spoon] he just obtained.

 The blessings attached to this rare item are similar to the blessings that burst when defeating monsters, and both need to be chosen. And this time Malu's luck came back.

  When you select the first purple blessing, the heartbeat lottery effect is triggered. One of the purple blessings flashes and is upgraded to a golden blessing.

                                   ifier: When a member of the team is injured, the strength will be increased proportionally and the pain perception will be reduced by 40%]

The effect of this blessing itself can only be said to be average. The main reason is that there is only one life, and selling blood for strength is a loss.

However, combined with the effect of [Immortal Blood], the remaining health state can deal high damage and at the same time give yourself a big mouthful. This not only enhances the output but also takes into account survival, and the usability is much higher.

However, how much of the power-increasing effect this blessing brings has yet to be tested in actual combat later, but since it is a golden blessing, I think the numerical value should not be so finicky.

 Subsequently, Malu received 3 blue blessings and 5 white blessings, all of which were mainly aimed at improving attributes.

 After choosing the blessing, he also searched the room to see if Boqi and the others had left anything behind.

Ma Lu needs to know what happened after he left, what is the current situation of the giant screen, and whether the other members of the Shuangyanghua Hunting Group are still alive, so that he can formulate the next action strategy.

 However, I don’t know whether it was because the other members of the hunting group had already encountered misfortune or they retreated too hastily, so no clues were left behind.

Ma Lu found the box in the bathroom where he stored his hunting clothes and other equipment, but the box was open and empty inside.

 After confirming that there was nothing else of value in the apartment, Ma Lu prepared to go downstairs first.

Most of the small building has been lost and has lost its shelter. The remaining half also looks shaky and is not suitable for staying for a long time.

 However, how to get downstairs is also a problem. Even the corridors have disappeared, and of course there are no stairs left.

 Fortunately, Boqi lived not too high, only on the third floor, and Malu's strength and reflexes had been enhanced now. He found the drainage pipe on the outer wall and slid down easily while holding it.

 But as soon as he landed, he was discovered by two two-headed jackals walking on the street next to him.

Ma Lu had seen Boqi deal with this kind of beast before, and he felt it was quite easy. Even without the blessing bonus, Boqi could fight against two.

Hence, Malu did not dodge and took out the chef's knife again.

He thought very well. He first avoided the attack of the first two-headed jackal, and then cut off one of the guy's legs with a backhand knife, making it incapacitated.

 Then trot for a while, keep the distance, and concentrate on dealing with the second jackal. After killing the second jackal, come back and deal with the two-headed jackal that injured its leg.

The plan was perfect, but something went wrong when it was actually executed.

Ma Lu indeed relied on his superior reaction power and speed to avoid the impact of the first two-headed jackal and cut off the latter's left front leg.

But he underestimated the flexibility of that guy, because with the extra head, the two-headed jackal's neck can be twisted back even more.

Ma Lu was bitten on the shoulder by one of the heads, and he gritted his teeth in pain.

 Fortunately, with the blessing of [Berserker], only 60% of the pain was retained.

Ma Lu didn't scream. He endured the pain and stabbed the two-headed jackal's belly with his backhand, stirring it a few times.

 The two-headed jackal relaxed in pain, but before the millipede could take a breath, the second jackal pounced on him.

 (End of this chapter)

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