Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 151: Dilong bone spicy hotpot

Chapter 151 Dilonggu Malatang

Ma Lu took the glass marble from Gigina's arms and looked at it in the sun, but he didn't see any difference between it and ordinary marbles.

"This is the riding orb." Lilim continued to introduce it to him. "After using it, you can summon a nearby mouse to become your mount."

Ma Lu felt that this function seemed a bit familiar. What is this... Didi playing mice?

 But the problem is that there is no suitable mouse for him to ride given his size.

As if she knew what he was thinking, Lilim gently stroked a little house mouse.

“Don’t underestimate these guys. They have survived on this planet longer than your race. They are very smart and have excellent learning and memory capabilities. They can not only become mounts, but also take on many other tasks.

“Such as delivering letters, delivering goods, and going to places you can’t go to… And haven’t you invented those things called cameras? If you put them on them, they can help you find your way.

“In return, you only need to pay them an expired biscuit, a few peanuts, or even the leftover radish butts cut in the kitchen, and they will work for you for half a day.”

“Well, when you put it that way, it seems to be a pretty good deal, so is this a high-dimensional creation?”

 Before Lilim could speak, Yanwu said first, "Not all things with special abilities are high-dimensional creations. This orb was made by the shaman of the Valkina people."

Lilim said, "The glass marbles are just the carrier of the riding orbs. We picked them up from the mountaineers who died. The shaman poured the power of the soul into the marbles and made them into orbs."

"I see."

Only if their advance team established a foothold in the city first, could they possibly persuade the elders in the tribe to move down the mountain together.

Although Malu didn't think for a while why he would hire a mouse to open a store, he still accepted the free things as he thanked him.

Ma Lu looked a little weird, "But how did your shamans burn glass on Mount Everest? And there are colorful patterns in it, exactly like the ones sold at the entrance of my elementary school."

After having a full meal, Gigina began to discuss working with the werewolf boss. He heard that they wanted to find a job in City B to see if he could survive in human society.

"When using it, just put the beads into the water, and the nearby rats will receive the soul signal and rush over. Then you can use the orbs to communicate with them. As long as they are not too complicated, they can understand the commands. If you negotiate a good reward, they will will work for you."

 Fortunately, Yanwu knows a lot of customers when he sells second-hand high-dimensional creations, but he just doesn’t know if he can help them find suitable employers.

Different from the past, this time Malu had already decided on the recipe before departure, and the required ingredients and portions were also listed in advance.

 But this is not an easy task, mainly because the body shape of the Valkina people is too special, and if they want to work, they can only work for other visitors from other dimensions.

This matter had nothing to do with Ma Lu. After accepting 200 star coins and an electronic wallet for holding star coins as a gift from Yanwu, he and Lao Wang continued to set up the stall on the three-wheeled return voyage.

 The number one food stall in the universe is going to sell spicy hotpot this week.

 So after you get there, just follow the list and hunt the prey above. If you can't catch it, you can spend electricity to make up for it directly at the market.

In the end, Malu brought back a total of 150 kilograms of earth dragon bones, 350 kilograms of lava monitor meat, and 200 kilograms of lava monitor blood.

Dilong bones are used to make soup base, lava monitor lizard meat is made into meatballs, and monitor lizard blood is turned into blood tofu. But Malatang cannot only contain meat. Malu also went to the wet market and bought a lot of vegetables, fungi, as well as processed foods such as fish balls, tofu, vermicelli and instant noodles.

After simmering it in the soup made from the five-star ingredient Dilong bones, and then pouring it with Lao Wang’s special sesame sauce, even with ordinary ingredients, the taste is several times better than ordinary Malatang.

 Before setting out at the stall, Malu himself showed off a large bowl.

As for pricing, Malu originally wanted to follow other companies in weighing by category and portion, but later found that weighing was too troublesome and had to calculate the prices of different ingredients.

 In the end, it was simply standardized. Each bowl was served with a meatball, a piece of blood tofu, and then filled with common ingredients such as vegetables, tofu, and vermicelli. Each bowl sold for 29.

Because they were cooking for the Valkina people in the courtyard at noon, Ma Lu and Lao Wang opened the stall at 1:30 p.m. and closed the stall at 6:12 p.m., selling a total of 699 portions and earning 20,271 yuan. The last portion was left Leave it to Zhen Ye.

In addition, after returning home in the evening, Ma Lu also received an email from Yu Yizhuo. When he clicked on it, he found that it was the transcript of the last interview.

Ma Lu glanced at it briefly. Yu Yizhu was rarely fair this time. He was impressed by the popularity of the number one food stall in the universe, its widely praised taste, its incredible repurchase rate, and its high pricing that was different from ordinary roadside stalls. , aviation students who complained verbally but were honest physically...all reported truthfully.

It's a pity that she didn't mention a word about the really important revelations that day, such as when Yu Yizhu asked Ma Lu to introduce Lao Wang.

Ma Lu told her very seriously that Lao Wang was actually an alien. Every day when he got home from get off work, he would stand by the socket to charge himself. Even if he ran with a tricycle, he could run faster than the Fuxing. The skull on his head could be light. Press the slider to open.

In addition, Yu Yizhu randomly interviewed many diners that day. When he heard those people say that the ingredients of the No. 1 Food Stall in the Universe were very good and fresh, Yu Yizhu asked Ma Lu if it would be convenient for him to disclose the purchase channel.

Ma Lu didn’t hide anything, so he told Yu Yizhu truthfully that he had taken the time to go to another dimension to fight back these things. Last time, he had a battle with an ancient ape with six arms and a diamond-like appearance.

In the end, the scarab, which represents justice and is resurrected from the dead, is summoned to engage in a giant beast duel with the six-armed ape in a sandstorm. In the end, both of them die. The scene is very shocking. If it is made into a movie, it is recommended to sit in the IMAX hall and watch it.

Although Yu Yizhu patiently listened to Ma Lu's answer and managed the expression on her face well at that time, it was obvious that she did not believe the answer.

 Perhaps he felt that this content was not suitable for the company app, so he didn’t mention it in the final interview transcript.

Ma Lu deeply regrets this, but since Yu Yizhuo wrote at the end of the article that the Universe Infinite Canteen is preparing to open, and also pointed out the address of the new store, fulfilling the agreement between the two parties, Ma Lu has no objection to this interview. .

In addition, with the design and installation of the door head completed, the construction of the restaurant was also coming to an end. After Ma Lu went over to inspect and found that there were no major problems, he paid the remaining balance to Lao He.

Then he also took the time to bring the second-hand tables, chairs and benches he had ordered before to the store, and also notified the kitchen equipment supplier to deliver them.

In terms of documents, Malu has already completed everything, except for the food business license that has yet to be obtained.

There is no point in worrying about it now. Malu has completed the preliminary declaration, but it will not be available until people from the industrial and commercial department come to inspect it after the decoration is completed.

 In short, today’s Universe Infinite Canteen is getting closer and closer to its official opening.

 (End of this chapter)

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