Chapter 152

  Since starting the renovation, Ma Lu feels that his energy has dropped a lot. He yawns all day long. He doesn't even bother to play with the newly bought switch. He often falls on the bed as soon as he gets home.

 Only when you take out your mobile phone and see the balance on your bank card will you feel a little more awake.

This week’s Dilonggu Malatang once again created a record high in food stall revenue, with total revenue reaching 267,873 yuan.

 Although it was only less than 4,000 yuan more than the previous week, and the cost also increased a lot, the final profit did not actually increase much.

 But the important point is that this time Malu did not use up the ingredients he brought back, and left about 40% frozen in the refrigerator.

  In other words, he only used 60% of the previous ingredients, but reached or even exceeded the previous profit.

 This is all because of the magical dish called Dilonggu Malatang.

Ma Lu is willing to call it a fairy recipe!

  When he first saw this recipe, he actually didn’t take it too seriously, because this recipe used the five-star ingredient ground keel, but the resulting dishes were only mediocre ★★☆.

It’s on the same level as monitor lizard sausage and braised worms, but the problem is that the ingredients used in these two dishes only have 3 stars.

 Finally, this week, Ma Lu tearfully recorded more than 180,000 yuan, successfully changing the number on the bank card from 325,431.7 to 511,033.6.

 Make sure that everyone can eat Malatang with a deliciousness index of at least ★★☆.

 Ma Lu later verified that Dilonggu Malatang also met this characteristic.

In other words, as long as the soup as the soul is still at a certain concentration, he can freely adjust the dishes in the pot without using extra-dimensional ingredients. He can also make dishes that make people **** their fingers and want to eat them again. The perfect Malatang is here!

As we all know, the characteristic of Malatang is that it can make anything. As long as the soup and sauce are mixed well, even leather shoes will be delicious.

However, when Malu saw the other ingredients of this dish, his eyes stopped again, and at the same time, a bold idea came to his mind.

 The reason why it is 180,000 yuan instead of the profit of 260,000 yuan is that in addition to paying the final payment for the project, the main reason is that the electricity bill this week has overrun again, and it is a huge overrun.

In addition, after testing in the past few days, Ma Lu also found that the broth boiled from a pot of twelve or thirteen kilograms of bones can last for two days. The taste will be weak on the third day, so he also keeps changing it every two days. Soup frequency.

Ma Lu glanced at the socket next to the sofa, where Lao Wang and Chong Dan were originally charged.

 So he would rather lose money than bear the pain and add another meatball and a piece of blood tofu for everyone.

And his persistence has become increasingly valuable in this increasingly impetuous society.

Of course, as a businessman with good moral character, pursuit and conscience, he cannot do the unethical thing of taking some potatoes, vermicelli, and instant noodles, dipping them in soup and selling them to customers for twenty or thirty yuan.

This discovery also boosted Ma Lu's spirits, and he felt like he had a bug in the game.

Dilonggu Malatang requires 5-star ingredients to make dishes comparable to 3-star ingredients, which is really a bit incompetent.

 But this week was basically monopolized by Chongdan. Lao Wang could only go to the TV cabinet to recharge, and Chongdan could be charged for six full days.

 According to Lao Wang, this is because the insect eggs are opening up new channels and need to replenish a lot of energy.

 Fortunately, it was upgraded in time before Malu's trip this week. Although the appearance looks no different from the past, the millipede holds it on top of its head again.

  As he shouted, "The universe is all over the egg, and the egg is smooth!"

 The white egg on top of his head jumped, and the next moment Malu's mind was occupied by all kinds of eggs that suddenly appeared.

These familiar and unknown eggs came together to form a majestic and magnificent egg picture, rotating around the white egg above his head.

Malu noticed that the connected lines that lit up this time became two. One of the lines was the route that took him to Boqi's plane before, and on the right side of this route, there was another unfamiliar line. connection.

Ma Lu hesitated for a moment. If everything goes well, the Universe Infinite Canteen will be open for business as soon as next week. At this time, it is always a good idea to store more ingredients.

The giant screen is the most reliable method. It can not only fill up the collection bag, but also replenish the desktop breeding farm.

But I couldn't help but that Ma Lu was really curious about the new dimension, so forget it if he didn't know about it. Now that the routes were open, it just didn't make sense to take a look.

Thinking of the seven rules for traveling to another dimension that he had written before, especially the last one to stay in a good mood, Malu no longer hesitated and decided to follow his inner desire and visit the new dimension.

  In any case, the worst result is just to hang up once. At worst, it will sell the Dragon Bone Malatang for another week. It’s not a big deal.

And just when Malu made up his mind, his body also felt light, and was pulled by a mysterious force to fly towards the second light path. He kept accelerating, and finally hit a strange green ball wrapped in vines. Egg.

Ma Lu opened his eyes and found himself standing in a dense forest. This was much better than the treatment he received during his first trip to another dimension.

Just the fresh air around him, mixed with the fragrance of earth and plants, made him feel that it was worth the ticket price, and most of the fatigue accumulated in the previous decoration had dissipated.

 And everywhere you look, there is vitality, as if you have entered a plant kingdom, including plants that Malu knows and plants that you don't know.

 The most amazing thing is that not only are there trees, flowers, plants, and various fungi, but many plants in different climate zones in another universe actually grow together here.

For example, Malu saw bananas, monsteras, and Guanyin that are common in tropical rainforest climates. Around them, violets, daisies, and lilies of the valley that appear in temperate climates also grew.

What’s even more outrageous is that in this forest there are even gentians and snowdrops that grow in plateau mountain climates, and even cacti in tropical desert climates.

Ma Lu felt that the geography knowledge he learned in high school was completely useless in this dimension, and this abnormal scene also made him wary.

This time, Malu didn't wait for danger to appear and took out the chip in his pocket as soon as possible.

 He threw the blessing of fate into the sky, and then, looking at the right moment, he slapped it on the back of his left hand.

 When he removed his palm, there was already a string of numbers in the previously blank space.

Ma Lu now knows that this somewhat mysterious string of numbers represents a rule that can affect the operation of the universe.

To be honest, he felt that the meat pigeon ability he had obtained before was very useful, and he didn't mind continuing to use it here. However, the unpredictable fate obviously did not want him to step into the same river again.

 So the number that appears this time is no longer 29, but 73.

 (End of this chapter)

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