Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 153: Cerberus

Chapter 153 Cerberus

 The Shelter of Destiny stopped making any movement after giving Malu a new string of numbers.

According to previous experience, an opportunity should be needed to trigger the insertion of rules before this artifact-level high-dimensional creation can be truly activated.

Ma Lu recalled in his mind that the last opportunity seemed to be because he killed a young flame lizard. In other words, he had to hunt a local food here to complete the activation?

Of course, this is just Ma Lu's guess. After all, the sample is too small, and only one time can't really mean anything.

But Ma Lu still turned on the food scanning function of the traveler's bracelet, but something strange happened again. After scanning a circle, there was no prompt at all.

It wouldn't be surprising if something like this happened to him in the previous plane. After all, the food ingredients in the desert are limited, but now he is in a forest, and it is a forest where all kinds of plants are growing vigorously.

Malu could see many colorful mushrooms under the tree with his naked eyes. If these mushrooms were poisonous and could not be considered as food, then there were several strings hanging on the banana tree ten steps away from him. Plantains, although they look green, are still some time away from ripening.

In addition, there is a cluster of daisies at the feet of the millipede. You must know that daisies are not only ornamental plants, they can also be used for cooking.

However, the traveler's bracelet seemed to be "blind" suddenly and fell off, turning a blind eye to so many ingredients in front of him.

 And Malu also discovered another thing at this time

 And he had only walked less than a hundred steps when he made a new discovery.

This discovery also shocked his spirit. This sign definitely did not grow naturally in the forest, and its appearance also proved that there should be intelligent life nearby.

 The severe pain from his ribs made Ma Lu regret that he had been making excuses for the past two weeks and not exercised on the rowing machine.

Ma Lu saw an iron sign among the vines. Although he didn't recognize the words on it, the style looked very similar to the sign on the side of the road in another dimension.

But just like the street sign, it has been abandoned for a long time. The wall is covered with vines and moss, and the glass is broken.

Ma Lu was still considering whether to take a closer look when suddenly there was a sound of branches shaking above his head, and then a black shadow swooped down.

Ma Lu only had time to raise his head when he was hit **** the chest, causing him to fall backwards and fall to the grass below him.

 It can only be said that it is too easy to improve attributes under the meat pigeon system. Once you get used to this level of upgrade, you won’t want to work hard anymore.

The only problem is that there is a lot of rust on the iron sign. It looks like it has been abandoned for a long, long time. I don’t know if the person who originally set up the street sign is still there.

 A two-story building appeared in the open space in front of him. It looked a bit like a small warehouse.

 —This forest is a little too quiet.

Although you can hear the rustling of the leaves in the wind, not a single small animal that is common in the forest, such as squirrels, rabbits, and sparrows, can be seen.

Ma Lu was not sure where to go anyway, so he simply headed in the direction pointed by the road sign. After walking about a mile further, he passed through a fir forest, and suddenly his eyes opened up.

There are plants here besides plants, which made Malu feel wary. He decided to wander around in the woods more to see if he could collect some new information and learn more about this plane.

But it was too late to regret it now. Malu had already seen the attacker clearly. She was a girl wearing a bomber jacket.

She has short purple hair with a few strands of sapphire blue in the middle. She is sitting on her knees on Malu's chest, and she has a red short blade pressed against Malu's neck.

The pair of brown eyes looked at his captive condescendingly, as if looking at a prey that had fallen into a trap. "Struggle, insect, hurry up and please me with your struggle!"

As she spoke, she turned her knees. When she saw Malu's painful expression, an innocent smile broke out on her face.

 After that, he pushed his hanging hair behind his ears, stuck out his tongue, and licked Malu's cheek.

 “You taste good, I like it very much, it should be delicious~”

Ma Lu's attention was on her right hand at the moment, and he discovered that the arm holding the red short blade was actually mechanical.

But soon his head was popped back by the purple-haired girl, "Don't be distracted~ I'm going to cut your chest open next, and I plan to eat your heart first!"

After speaking, the purple-haired girl pointed the red short blade in her hand at Malu's right chest, but before she could stab it, another voice sounded from behind her.

"It's not good, A Quan, Miss Ji Le's condition has been getting worse. If this continues, she will be lost soon."

  A figure less than 1.5 meters tall stumbled out of the grass not far away.

It was also a young girl with an eyepatch on her left eye. She looked like she was only in her teens. Unlike the purple-haired girl, she shrank her neck when she saw Malu, and then immediately stopped without looking at her. He consciously turned to his side.

 “How many times have I told you not to call me A Quan? If you want to call me, just call me by my full name, Cerberus.”

The purple-haired girl was obviously a little irritated after hearing what her companion said. She grabbed her hair and said, "Ah ah ah ah, really, everything went well when we set out. It took a lot of effort to get here."

“Miss Ji Le has always taken good care of us in school.” The girl wearing an eye patch reminded in a low voice.

"Shut up, Skylark, I know," Cerberus scratched his hair into a mess, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "When I kill this guy, we will go back to Temple City, where there is a potion that can restore sanity."

"But... the knight, he is dead." Skylark's tone was already crying, "And we haven't completed the mission yet."

 “Don’t cry!” Cerberus roared, “Give me some time and let me think of a solution.”

Hearing this, Skylark immediately stopped sobbing, but he still sobbed softly.

Cerberus's expression became more and more irritable, and it wasn't until her eyes fell on Ma Lu that her eyes lit up again.

He reached out and grabbed the latter's collar, "Hey, Chongzhi, your luck has come. As long as you do what I say, I will consider sparing your life."

However, what surprised her was that the man beneath her did not show any surprise when he heard this.

“My name is not Chongzhi, and I don’t intend to do what you ask me to do next.”

A murderous intent flashed in Cerberus's eyes, and he shook the red short blade in his hand, "Are you looking for death?!"

"Well, of course you can kill me, as long as you are no longer prepared to care about the life and death of your friend." Ma Lu said leisurely.

 (End of this chapter)

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