Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 174: General cleaning

Chapter 174 General Cleaning

 In the early morning, Malu peed on the toilet, feeling the pleasure of releasing flood water, and his body felt lighter.

 He looked at the time on his bracelet. It was only 8:30 in the morning.

 Today he and Lao Wang no longer have to go out to set up a stall, but they have a lot to do.

After rinsing his teeth, Malu went downstairs and drank a bowl of tofu for breakfast. He also went to the printing shop to get his business card.

On the left side of the business card is printed the name of the restaurant, Universe Infinite Restaurant, and on the right side is Ma Lu's name. The position - boss is also noted at the back, which is specially bolded. Below is the regular phone number and address.

Ma Lu didn’t plan to receive foreign guests for the time being, so he didn’t bother to write any foreign characters on the back, so he just used Chinese pinyin.

  For the typesetting, I just used a ready-made one from the printing shop. I printed 5 boxes for a total of 100 yuan.

  Originally, he wanted to print out a few more menus like other restaurants, but because the ingredients were uncertain, Malu finally gave up on this idea and planned to write them out by hand every week if it didn't work out.

After tidying up a little, he and Lao Wang came outside the restaurant together. Before they entered, they saw three people waiting on the roadside.

Ma Lu was a little surprised, because he said he would meet at 10 o'clock last night, and it was only 9:40 now.

It is understandable that He Xiaoqian wanted to show off that she came early on her first day at work, but Ma Lu had no idea why the other two were so active.

Especially Shen Yue, Ma Lu asked curiously, "Why are you here too?"

Shen Yue sighed and said with a sad face, "Of course it's because I owe...ah, no, I was inspired by your personality charm. I hope I can contribute to your rapid rise."

 “That man is pretty cool.”

Ma Lu looked at Han Feifei next to Shen Yue, who was wearing a gray sportswear and holding a travel bag in her hand, looking like she was ready for a big fight.

“It’s just a 20% discount, and you’re not short of money. Is there any need to fight like this?”

 “Stop talking nonsense, what do you want us to do?” Han Feifei moved her wrist.

"Then...wipe the tables, chairs and benches in the store first, and then clean the stains on the glass. If there is still time, mop the floor. Lao Wang and I will clean up the kitchen and come back to help you when we are done."

"Okay." Han Feifei nodded, then opened her travel bag, took out a pack of masks and two pairs of labor protection gloves and handed them to Ma Lu.

 After that, she also distributed masks and gloves to Shen Yue and He Xiaoqian who had been yawning, rolled up their sleeves, and walked to the battlefield.

Everyone was busy until 1 o'clock at noon. Lao Wang cooked and made athlete's vegetable chowder to replenish everyone's energy.

In the afternoon, people from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau came to conduct an on-the-spot inspection, mainly to see if the restaurant’s front hall and back kitchen were separated, how many pools there were in the back kitchen, whether the smoke exhaust equipment complied, and whether there were freezers and disinfection cabinets...

Since Malu also plans to sell cold dishes, it also needs a separate cold dish room equipped with independent air conditioning and a sink.

Malu had already checked these things before the renovation, so they didn’t encounter any obstacles. The inspection passed smoothly, and then all they had to do was wait to get the certificate.

After finishing the kitchen, Ma Lu and Lao Wang also came out to help. The five of them worked until eight o'clock in the evening, and then it came to an end.

If Lao Wang hadn't made another vegetable chowder in the middle, everyone would probably have fallen down from exhaustion.

But fortunately, the final result is quite gratifying.

The glass that originally looked gray became clean and translucent again, and the large oil stains on the floor disappeared. Even the second-hand tables and chairs were shiny again and looked like new.

 Han Feifei also bought a pot of money tree from the flower market and placed it behind the checkout counter to add greenery to the restaurant and also bring good luck. By this time, there was no suspense about the previous bet.

 Han Feifei is not only very efficient at her work, climbing up and down easily, she also brings various cleaning equipment and arranges the work of everyone including Ma Lu clearly, which improves the efficiency by no means.

 So Malu was convinced and said cheerfully, "You win. I admit that I underestimated you before. From now on, you will get a 20% discount when you come to the Universe Infinite Canteen."

  Han Feifei took off her gloves and wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand, "As long as you haven't forgotten your promise."

 After speaking, she waved to Shen Yue again.

The latter came forward reluctantly, took out the health certificate he had just applied for last week, and handed it to Ma Lu.

"What's the meaning?"

 “If the store is short of manpower in the future, you can ask me to do odd jobs for you.”


 “Oh, I owe too much money and I need to sell myself to pay off the debt.”

“Then why don’t you become a tutor? The hourly wage here is not as high as that of a tutor.”

"Of course it's have good food here. Speaking of working here, there are employee meals. Uncle Wang cooks the employee meals, right?"


Hearing Ma Lu's words, Shen Yue finally felt a little comforted, and then Han Feifei said, "Your restaurant is larger than I thought, and there is only Uncle Wang in the kitchen. Isn't it not enough?"

“Lao Wang doesn’t like to be disturbed when he’s cooking, and he prepares meals much faster than the average chef, so he should be able to cope with it.”

"That's good."

  After taking care of the hotel's hygiene, Malu stopped calling He Xiaoqian and Shen Yue the next day, and he and Lao Wang moved another batch of kitchen equipment they ordered, mainly freezers, into the phase space.

In this way, you can store some special ingredients or high-dimensional creations in the future. Even if the two of you leave the store at night, you don't have to worry about the secret of the Infinite Canteen being discovered.

In addition, Malu will also purchase a batch of new mobile phones, upgrading the desktop breeding farm from lv1 to lv3 in one go.

 This is because the total weight of the ingredients in the tabletop breeding farm has almost reached the upper limit of 2,000 kilograms. Among them, the self-exploding jerboa, Link's hedgehog, and alligator-headed bullet ants are all quite viable.

 The number of black breast chickens has increased from 4 to 26. If this continues, at least Malu will no longer have to worry about chickens.

 With the increase in the number of animals in the farm, the overall growth rate has also been increasing. Now, an extra 240 to 50 kilograms of meat can be produced in a day, which feels like it is almost enough for restaurants.

As for the profit for this week, because I was busy cleaning up the new store in the next two days, it was equivalent to only four days of sales.

 Fortunately, the unit price was high enough, and in the end, an income of 138,600 yuan was recorded, while the cost was only 543.9 yuan, making a profit of 138,056.1 yuan.

The deposit in Ma Lu's bank account has reached 600,000. He has not yet decided how to use the money. Whether to continue to upgrade equipment or buy a car to have fun first.

In addition, the place he rented before was a little too crowded with too many things, and it was also a bit far from his shop, making it inconvenient to go back and forth. Malu was already considering changing his house, but he was not in a hurry about it. The contract still has half a year left.

 After Ma Lu finished busy with the store, he turned his attention back to this shopping trip.

 (End of this chapter)

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