Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 175: Daily poke

 Chapter 175 Daily poke

 When Malu opened his eyes again, he had returned to the temple city.

He put on his helmet first and logged into the second game system. The waitress, Skylark, greeted him warmly.

“Welcome back, Lord Knight, it’s a new day, let’s fight for order together! Oh, by the way, you have new tasks and messages, remember to check them.”

Hearing this, Ma Lu didn't rush to read the tasks and messages. Instead, he searched carefully on the homepage and found a semi-hidden small button.

 After clicking, a list of characters popped up, and Malu replaced Skylark with Cerberus.

  A purple-haired girl wearing a bomber jacket appeared on his homepage, leaned over to him and licked her lips.

 “You are delicious, knight~”

 Ma Lu tried again the last red-haired girl with facial paralysis in the character column who was holding a book.

"I am reading, this is my way of relaxing." The Bird of Paradise did not raise his head, "If you have nothing else to do, Lord Knight, can you give me a little private space?"

After hearing this, Ma Lu poked her again.

"The exact cause of that still a mystery. There has been ongoing debate within the church, but externally they have always insisted that it was divine punishment."

Ma Lu pokes again.

“You ask why I like reading so much? Because one day we will all die, and only words will continue to be passed down.”

Ma Lu pokes again.

"I have read an ancient book. The author is an architect of the Temple City. He said that nearly 100,000 believers participated in the construction of the city. However, after the city was built, they only had less than 70 people left. Ten thousand."

Literary girl? Yes, it can also add to the world view, and Ma Lu keeps poking at it.

The Bird of Paradise finally closed the tome in his hand, raised his head and said seriously, "It is a very impolite behavior to disturb others while they are reading, Sir Knight."

Ma Lu tried it all, and finally decided to keep the Bird of Paradise, mainly because the Skylark was a bit too lively and talked too much.

Although Cerberus occasionally gives out benefits, he can also curse people. The red-haired girl is the best, and her voice without any emotion sounds very comfortable, as if she is massaging her ears.

 After changing the poster girl, Ma Lu clicked on the contact module again, which contained some messages.

The top one was from a day ago. The contact person was the church’s weapons and equipment department, informing him that the armor had been repaired and could be picked up at any time.

I have to say that the treatment of knights is quite good. Not only are they assigned residences, aircraft, special hospitals and training grounds, but each knight is also equipped with two sets of armor.

 If one set is damaged, you can still wear another set, and repairs are free.

The suit of armor that Malu picked up before had a wound on the chest, which reduced its durability and defense. He sent it to the weapons and equipment department for restoration. It seems to have been repaired now.

Ma Lu then scrolled down, and the next message was a message from Yunque, saying that she was training at the shooting gallery and had just set a new best score. It also included a photo of her wearing noise-canceling headphones and goggles, aiming a gun.

In addition, Yunque will send several messages every one or two days, and the contents are also varied. Even if Malu does not reply, she is still tirelessly sharing her life.

 Then there is Cerberus. She sent messages to Malu three days ago and five days ago. The article from five days ago was - It’s so boring. I’m tired of playing backgammon. Let’s find some new fun!

 Then there’s the mission from three days ago! Why haven't you sent out a mission yet? ! I'm almost out of my mind in the city, I really want to kill someone!

 The following is a message from four days ago, from Bird of Paradise, with only two simple words in it - thank you.

The last message was the oldest, and was a transfer notice from the Holy Knights, paying him his first month's salary after becoming a knight, a total of 20,000 holy silver coins, plus the reward for a successful mission—100 atonement points.

Ma Lu didn’t know much about the currency system of this plane, so he found Skylark in his contacts and called him.

About two seconds later, Skylark answered the phone with a surprised tone, "Sir Knight, are you back?"

"Well, tell Cerberus and Bird of Paradise to get them ready. Today we are going to go on a mission together. Also, do you know where the silver coins and atonement points are used?"

"I know," Skylark said, "Holy silver coins are the common currency of Temple City, which is what everyone usually calls money. They can be used for consumption in the city, and atonement points are a special item given by the church to knights to strengthen witches. A special currency.”

 “Strengthen the witch?”

“Well, Sir Knight, you can replace and upgrade our equipment, or you can modify our bodies and increase our skills. Aquan has always wanted... Terminator 3000.”

"what is that?"

“The Arms and Equipment Department has newly developed a robotic arm that is very powerful, but also very expensive.”

"How much?"

“About 8,000 atonement points.”

To earn 8,000 atonement points, you need to complete 80 novice missions. Malu scratched his chin, "That's indeed quite expensive. What about you, do you want anything?"

"I...I don't need it. Hehe, there are not many times when I can be useful anyway. Sir Knight, if you have extra atonement points, you can use them on A Quan and Ji Le first to improve their strength."

Although Skylark said this, as the secondary attacker in the team, her attack power is too low, which is still a headache. It is not an option to always play soy sauce on one side.

Ma Lu then went to the weapons and equipment department to get back the repaired armor, and also took a look at the equipment for sale there.

The Weapons and Equipment Department occupies the 11th, 12th, 45th, 46th, and 47th floors of the giant tower, but only the 11th and 12th floors are open to the public.

Ma Lu went to the 11th floor. There was a Sword and Shield logo on the glass door.

 The person in charge of receiving him was a young female monk, who looked to be in her early twenties, named Xixi.

After Ma Lu explained his purpose, Xi Xi took him to a terminal. Malu flipped through it and found that there were hundreds of pages of weapons and equipment inside.

Xixi proudly said, “The Weapons and Equipment Department has gathered the top mechanics and engineers in the city. We represent the most advanced technological level of human civilization.

After a pause, she continued, "Master Knight, if you feel dazzled. If you can't see it, you can try the weapon recommendation function. Just enter your knight number, and the weapon system will automatically match the weapons and equipment suitable for the witches under your command. ”

 Speaking of the knight number, Ma Lu didn't know what the original owner's number was at first. It wasn't until he unlocked the door lock of the apartment that he tried the number ID under the rank and successfully opened the door.

So this time he entered the ID string with ease, and soon, the result came out on the terminal in front of him.

 (End of this chapter)

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