Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 176: Pervert Double Barrel Shotgun

Chapter 176 The Color Changer’s Double-barreled Shotgun

For the three Skylarks, the terminal screened out a total of 18 upgrade directions, with a total of 172 weapons and equipment.

 But most of the equipment was expensive. Ma Lu just glanced at the price and didn't even bother to look at the functions because he couldn't afford it anyway. He went directly to ask Xixi who was standing aside.

"Is there any cheaper one? I just became a knight not long ago and I don't have that many atonement points."

"Yes, this Wolf Spider's Kiss only costs 370 atonement points... and this one... the Thunder Blade, which can be bought for 420 points. It's a very cost-effective price, suitable for your Witch Cerberus... and this one, the Recovery Ring. , a little more expensive at 490 points, but it’s also very useful.”

"Isn't there any cheaper one? By the way, don't you do some promotions or trials of experimental products?" Ma Lu said.

"Promotion and trial?" Xixi blinked, "Every weapon and equipment produced by the equipment department will ensure safety and stability, and will undergo strict testing in the early stage. As for promotion, we are not a supermarket, it has always been this The price.”

 “Okay, pretend I didn’t say it.”

Xixi thought for a while, "Can I take the liberty of asking how many atonements you have in your body?"

  “100, given by the first mission.”

"This..." Xixi looked confused, but she still thought of a solution later, "Do you want to upgrade or purchase additional equipment?"

“Hmm, do you want me to use my old equipment as a deduction?”

“Yes, the weapons and equipment department will also recycle old equipment.” Xixi said, “If you have any unnecessary equipment, you can sell it to us. As long as it functions normally, we will recycle it at a 10% discount on the selling price.”

 Being used to seeing NPC profiteers in games, Ma Lu even felt like tears filled his eyes when he heard the buyback price.

Even if Dog Church is not good at all, at least the trading system is doing well.

So he pointed at Skylark’s black pistol on the terminal and asked, “How much is this worth?”

Xi Xi took a closer look and said, "This is a bomb-proof pistol, and it is a very old model. It has been discontinued a long time ago, but the historical selling price should still be stored on the terminal. Please wait a moment and I will check it for you."

Xi Xi said while operating the terminal again, and then a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

"What's wrong?" Ma Lu also moved closer and found that the price of 1,000 atonement points was clearly marked on the gray page in front of him behind the black bomb protector.

“This is impossible!” Xixi exclaimed, “With the performance of this gun, its value cannot exceed 50 atonement points at most.

“The Weapons and Equipment Department has stopped producing such weak weapons for a long time, and the remaining old guns have been allocated to witch schools for training. How can a training gun be so expensive!”

 Ma Lu pointed to the year, month and day in the lower right corner of the page, "What does this date mean?"

"This is the time when this weapon was removed from the store," Xixi also stepped forward, "Hey, it's the 14th year of the Holy Calendar. I only knew that this gun was very old, but I didn't expect that it was already an antique from more than 60 years ago. So this is actually the price more than 60 years ago?”

“Well, given the technical level at the time, this price was indeed possible.”

"You said before that the Weapons and Equipment Department will recycle unwanted equipment at 10% off the selling price," Ma Lu said, "Does the historical selling price count as the selling price?"

 “My Lord Knight, please wait a little longer.”

Xixi started to turn around and flip through a thick "Trading Rules Guide". Finally, he found the corresponding supplementary terms, and the look on his face suddenly became wonderful.

“Is this true? For weapons and equipment that are no longer on sale, the selling price before they are released shall prevail. So are you planning to sell this equipment?”

"Well, that's right. If you are sure to recycle it at a price of 900 points, I will ask her to send it over."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome. We also have staff at the witch camp. I can just contact him directly to inspect the goods." "That's good."

With 1,000 atonement points in hand, Malu can finally go shopping. This time he plans to strengthen Skylark first.

Now it seems that the girl's poor performance is not entirely due to her own weakness, but also to the lack of weapons. She actually holds an old-fashioned training gun. No wonder the DPS of a long-range shooter is not as good as that of a wet nurse.

Ma Lu was originally interested in the Wolf Spider's Kiss, which was priced at 370, but now he can raise his standards a little higher.

 He flipped the screen, and finally his eyes rested on a weapon called the Color Changer's double-barreled shotgun.

The note at the back says that this double-barreled shotgun is powerful and can fire two types of bullets, causing damage with different attributes. It sells for 777 atonement points.

Ma Lu asked Xi Xi, "Can I see the real thing?"


 Xi Xi contacted the colleague in charge of the weapons depot. It took less than 5 minutes before the Color Changer's double-barreled shotgun was delivered.

As soon as Malu got it, the attribute information of the equipment appeared on the circular screen.

 【Color Changer Double-barreled Shotgun】(Blue)

 Attack +7

 Attack attributes: Electric/Earth

 Attack speed: slow

Additional effect: After attacking, there is a 40% chance of causing bleeding after breaking the defense, and 1 HP will be lost every second for 15 seconds. Hitting a vital point will definitely trigger the attack. Shooting accuracy decreased by 10%.

The basic attack attributes of this blue equipment are very eye-catching, and it also has two attributes that can be switched for different enemies to meet more combat scenarios.

  There are two combat effects included, among which bleeding is very useful. As long as the defense is broken and triggered, 15 points of damage can be obtained in vain, which further enhances the output.

 The decrease in accuracy is a negative status, but it is not a big problem because Skylark's passive skill improves accuracy, which is enough to offset the negative impact.

The remaining shortcoming is that the rate of fire is relatively slow, but no matter how slow the shot is, it is better than not breaking the defense.

 After seeing it, Malu decided to buy it.

There was also news from the witch camp that the bomb-proof pistol had been inspected and no functional problems were found, so it could be recycled.

 Less than 2 minutes later, 900 atonement points arrived. Ma Lu took a shot of the Color Changer's double-barreled shotgun. There were 223 atonement points left, and he couldn't buy anything. He could only use them next time.

So Malu looked through the mission module again, planning to collect ingredients while making some atonement points to strengthen the witch.

During the week he was away, the Paladins assigned him three long-term tasks, but they were optional. He only had to complete one of them.

 But by the time Malu saw it, one of the tasks had become unacceptable.

I guess someone else picked it up halfway, so there are two left.

  【Cleaning Task】: Clean up the remaining activated plants in the northern forest and get corresponding rewards based on the number of kills.

 【Collection Mission】: Go to the Goradot Mountains and collect at least four pieces of meteorite debris. Reward: 100,000 holy silver coins and 1,200 atonement points. For each additional piece of meteorite debris found, you will receive an additional 20,000 holy silver coins and 300 atonement points.

 (End of this chapter)

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