Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 187: Excellent value for money

Chapter 187 Value for money

Shen Yue now understands why this dish is called Xiang Nong Yang Wang Konjac Noodles.

Because there was a huge plate, or washbasin more appropriately, placed on the steel trolley. The washbasin was surrounded by 12 bamboo hat noodle bowls.

In the middle of those bamboo hat noodle bowls stood a very ferocious-looking crocodile head, looking up at the sky, as if roaring at fate!

Shen Yue couldn't help but exclaimed, "Are you too brave? Crocodiles can also eat them. Isn't this protecting animals?"


She was answered by Han Feifei opposite, "Although some crocodiles are indeed protected animals, such as the alligator, which is basically a rare species on the same level as the giant panda. Eating them is an illegal crime and will lead to jail time.

“But there are also some artificially bred crocodiles that are edible, as long as the breeding and sales procedures are complete. If you don’t believe it, you can open Taobao and you can find many crocodile meat sellers.”

"I remembered what you said," Shen Yue suddenly realized. "Hema seemed to have reported news that a crocodile sold suddenly came to life. I don't know whether it was true or false."

"That's right," Brother Hebei also answered at this time, "When I went to Guangdong on a business trip, my friends there treated me to crocodile meat. Besides us, many countries in Southeast Asia, the United States, and Africa also have similar dishes. dishes.”

“I didn’t expect crocodile meat to be quite popular. How much does it cost?”

"The price of different parts is different. For example, a crocodile head, for such a big one, will cost at least 200 yuan and upwards. Other parts will be more expensive, such as crocodile legs, which will cost 70 or 80 yuan per pound." Hebei eldest brother said .

“Well, looking at it this way, it seems like this noodle is... still very expensive.”

Hebei brother didn't say anything, he just watched Malu push the trolley to the center of the store.

 The next moment, the crocodile head that had been stewed into a white soup suddenly made a sound.

“Welcome to the Universe Infinite Canteen, I hope everyone can enjoy me and have a fresh and enjoyable dining experience here!”

This time, not only Shen Yue, but also Han Feifei and Brother Hebei couldn't help but change their expressions, and the latter's little daughter was almost frightened to tears by this weird scene.

It wasn’t until Malu reached out and took out a Lost MP3 player from the crocodile’s mouth that everyone’s tense nerves calmed down again.

“Boss, if you really have no life left, you can bite a lighter and stop doing such hellish things.”

 Some diners complained.

“Hey, don’t you like it? I just thought of this 5 minutes ago, and I think it’s quite ritualistic.”

Ma Lu regretted, “I still plan to continue this as a fixed service.”

 “No, no, no, we don’t need such a service, thank you.”

"All right."

Ma Lu and He Xiaoqian then brought the bamboo hat noodle bowls from the car to the diners.

 Continuing the beauty of the previous spinach cheese chicken breast roll, the fragrant konjac noodles are also arranged on a very elegant plate.

Under the white milky soup is the crystal clear and looming konjac noodles, and there are large pieces of roasted meat and meatballs on the side, which looks very appetizing.

Not far from the roasted pork is a row of matsutake mushrooms, dotted with chopped green onions in the middle, which was still steaming when served.

Compared to the spinach and cheese chicken breast rolls, the fragrant konjac noodles are more restrained in presentation, but the aroma is even better.

 In fact, as soon as the trolley was pushed out, the store was immediately filled with a strange aroma. Even passers-by could not help but stop and look into the store.

 And this strong aroma also made many people who had already whetted their appetites with the appetizers become hungrier.

Han Feifei picked up a piece of konjac noodles with chopsticks and put it into her mouth. The next moment her eyes burst into unprecedented brightness, and she murmured, "That's it."

 “What is so?”

“I understand why Uncle Wang uses konjac to make noodles.”

Shen Yue couldn't eat, and now she was scratching her head and head anxiously, "Can't you finish the sentence at once?"

"Normally, most chefs use wheat or buckwheat to make noodles, and at most add vegetables or some grains into them. The noodles produced in this way are both wheaty and chewy, and have the satisfaction of starch. feel.

“In comparison, although konjac noodles are more elastic, they themselves have no taste. Apart from being used by some bodybuilders as a fat-reducing meal because of their low calories, ordinary people don’t eat much, and there is no distinctive taste.

“But in this bowl of noodles, the lack of flavor has become an advantage, because the essence of this bowl of noodles is all in the soup base.

“Although I can’t taste the specific contents, I may feel that the ingredients are very rich. There are at least four or five kinds of meat alone, and what’s even more rare is that they have reached a perfect balance.

“Both of them bring out the best in each other. At this time, adding other flavors rashly will break the balance.

“And the tasteless konjac noodles play the role of a carrier, soaked with soup from the inside to the outside.

“When you put it into your mouth, you even have the illusion that you are drinking soup, and at the same time you can experience the texture and smoothness of the noodles, just like... like you are eating...”

 “Liquid noodles.” Other diners answered.

"That's right." Han Feifei then picked up another piece of roasted pork. This piece of roasted pork was very heavy, four fingers wide, about as long as the index finger, and as thick as a one-yuan coin.

 The outside is wrapped in a crispy skin, but the inside is very tender. Eating it with konjac noodles brings double satisfaction and makes people full of energy at once.

 And this is not their illusion.

Looking up at konjac noodles with strong fragrance has such a magical effect.

As a 4-star activated plant, the Amorphophallus arum also contains amazing vitality. In human terms, it can also increase its attributes.

And it lasts much longer than the previous vegetable chowder, which can double people's energy for the next 2 days and also slightly increase poison resistance.

Of course, this latter attribute is not very useful in modern society.

 But the former feeling was still very obvious. Han Feifei finished the noodles in the bowl in one go, and she felt refreshed.

Other diners had the same feeling as her, and the delicious index of this fragrant konjac noodles itself is as high as ★★★★, which is enough to become a signature dish in any restaurant.

 The Hebei man also finished his bowl of noodles at this time, put down his bowl and chopsticks, and a smile appeared on his face.

“I originally thought you were crazy because the prices suddenly became so high after opening the store, but now it seems I misunderstood.

“The price of 268 is really not expensive for this noodle. No, it is simply great value for money. I will introduce my friends and customers to your restaurant in the future.”

 (End of this chapter)

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