Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 20: absolute pacifist

Chapter 20 Absolute Pacifist

It turns out that choice is indeed more important than hard work.

Yesterday, Ma Lu and Lao Wang sold out 150 pieces of meat pie at the subway entrance until about 10 o'clock in the middle of the night. Now the quantity has doubled, and they can close the stall and go home before 5 o'clock.

 The vigorous publicity by Shen Yue and others played a big role in bringing the first batch of customers to the first food stall in the universe, but the key is that the fried jackal patties are delicious enough.

Those who have eaten in this way will become tap water, spontaneously recommend it to their friends, and spread the word to hundreds of people, so that the subsequent customer flow will continue.

On the way home, Malu also settled today’s accounts.

 The turnover soared from 2538 yesterday to 5364.

 The expenses dropped from 1022.4 to 165.7, which also included a box of lunches that Shen Yue packed from the canteen, and Ma Lu took them for lunch.

 So today’s profit is 5198.3. This number makes Ma Lu feel energetic.

Passing by a supermarket, he stopped his tricycle and went inside to carry a box of pure raw materials and two kilograms of braised meat, planning to go back to celebrate.

Ma Lu also asked Lao Wang if there was anything he wanted to buy. Lao Wang said, "At this stage, I need a kitchen utensil that can dry ingredients quickly."

“Oven,” Malu snapped his fingers, “I’ll buy it for you when we get back, but that’s not what I’m asking. I want to say how do you want to reward yourself?”


“Apart from charging, our snack business is pretty good now. We have earned next month’s rent in advance. The problem of survival has been solved. We can relax properly. Otherwise, why would we work so hard?”

 “To explore and maintain the beauty of the multiverse.”

“Yes, you have made rapid progress and have learned to tell funny jokes.”

"No, I am serious." Lao Wang said seriously, "My tribe and I have always taken this as our mission, and this is also the meaning of our existence."

"Uh, okay... I'm actually considering buying a switch, so that we can play games together in our free time, giving you an additional perspective on the universe, and maybe you can also find beauty in it," Ma Lu suggested.

 Lao Wang thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay."


 The No. 1 food stall in the world continued to operate at the west gate of Hangzhou University for the next two days. In addition to fried meat patties, it also successively launched two new products: flavored meat jerky and steamed meatballs.

However, due to the limited quantities of the raw materials used, including gray shrews, jumping mice and black-breasted chickens, the final product was only 12 kilograms of dried meat and only 34 meatballs.

The two items together were sold for just over a thousand, and on the fourth day the jackal meat reserves were at their lowest.

Ma Lu opened the refrigerator, and there were only 2 horn-bellied black speed snakes, 1 sand-sweeping armadillo, and 23 young flame lizards left in it.

The dishes suitable for making these things are not easy to sell directly, and the quantity is not enough.

Ma Lu thought for a while and just kept it for himself.

In four days, the No. 1 food stall in the universe made a total profit of 14764.3. The reason why the profit is so amazing is not only that the mobile stall partnership does not require rent or hiring people, but also because the meat as the main ingredient is all brought back by Malu from another universe. No money either.

 The major cost component is electricity.

 Lao Wang himself is a strategic partner of the State Grid. Now he has added a bug egg, which must be charged before each start.

In just four days, each person and one person paid more than 2,000 yuan in electricity bills.

However, compared to the contribution they made, the investment is still worth it. Seeing that the date was approaching, Ma Lu paid next month's rent first, and then bought a 500-liter freezer from pdd, planning to put it on the balcony.

The current refrigerator at home was left behind by the landlord. It has a single door and a capacity of only 200 liters. For people like Ma Lu who don’t usually cook, it is enough to store some drinks and leftovers. You can expect to use it for freezing. The ingredients are unrealistic.

Just the pile of meat that Malu brought back last time was so big that it couldn't fit in the kitchen, and the refrigerator wasn't even big enough.

As a result, it was thrown back into the collection bag again, taking as much as it was used each time. According to Lao Wang, the preservation effect of this piece of equipment was actually better than that of the refrigerator.

However, as the number of times Malu goes out increases, the types of ingredients he collects will also increase. It is inevitable that he will encounter things that cannot be cooked or are not suitable for cooking. He still has to prepare a large freezer at home.

 Last and most important thing.

 The switch that Ma Lu bought online arrived, and he also bought a few game cartridges, so he didn’t go out for the next two days, playing games with Lao Wang while making baby lizard skewers.

 Don't mention it, although this thing only has a deliciousness index of ☆ in the recipe, it tastes quite addictive.

 It is a bit like a combination of grilled squid and stinky tofu. It has a crispier texture than grilled squid and has a faint smell of sulfur.

The first bite feels a bit strange, but I want to take another bite to confirm. However, even if I chew it carefully, it is still difficult to evaluate, so I can only bite the bullet and continue eating...

The cycle went on and on, and I ate all the skewers without realizing it, and then picked up the second skewer unconsciously, but I still couldn't tell whether it tasted good or bad.

 In fact, even after finishing all 23 baby lizard skewers, Malu still had no answer to this question.

It is like a naughty and dexterous dancer, repeatedly testing and dancing on the boundary between good and bad.

 Ma Lu rubbed his sore eyes and looked at the time.

Originally, he should have gone to bed to catch up on his sleep two hours ago, but he was so absorbed in playing the game that he accidentally overplayed it. There was only less than ten minutes left before the next time he went out to collect.

Ma Lu put down the controller, stood up from the ground, went to the bathroom to relieve his hands, and then iced his face with cold water, feeling somewhat refreshed.

 Going back to the living room, he said to Lao Wang, who was still concentrating on driving, "I'm going out."

"Oh, don't you want to finish this game?" Lao Wang controlled the car and drifted into the corner perfectly, reaching the first place again. However, immediately after he was hit by a blue turtle shell, he started to be punished on the spot, and his ranking also dropped. decline.

Ma Lu shook his head. After playing so many rounds of Mario Kart, there was a reason why Lao Wang never won a round.

 He picked up a bunch of props, but he never attacked other drivers, including the AI. He only got beaten unilaterally every time.

 Ma Lu recalled the first time the two met. When Lao Wang introduced himself in the cafe, he said that he was an absolute pacifist.

"No, I have to work. I have made an appointment with someone on the other side. I can't keep him waiting too long. Moreover, we have to hunt more prey this time to ensure the supply of food for the next week."

Ma Lu confirmed that he had the collection bag, the chef's knife, and the gift of fate on him, and then dug out the insect eggs from a pile of snacks.

"After I leave, you can go play Animal Crossing, whichever one is more suitable for you."

 After saying that, Malu sat cross-legged on the sofa. Just like last time, he put the insect eggs on his head. Hold your breath and concentrate, entering a meditative state.

  Then he opened his mouth and spit out the sentence, "The universe is all over the egg, and the egg is smooth!"

 The white egg above his head jumped immediately, responding to his call and sending him onto the egg highway again.

 (End of this chapter)

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