Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 21: Curio Shop

Chapter 21 The Curious Object Shop

Ma Lu suddenly went from the cool living room with air conditioning to the sweltering desert.

 Looking up, it is as desolate and monotonous as ever.

However, previous experiences have made Malu realize that this place is not as lifeless as it seems on the surface.

He looked around and didn't see Pochi's figure, and he didn't feel too surprised. It was difficult to locate in the desert, and he gave Pochi two positions before leaving last time.

 Even Malu himself didn’t know where he was teleported by the insect egg. All he could do now was wait for Pochi to come to him.

Climbing up a nearby sand dune, Malu found a conspicuous place and sat cross-legged. It didn’t take long for him to stand up again due to the burning of the sand under his buttocks.

In order to divert his attention from the omnipresent heat, he checked the character status bar on his bracelet again.

 The blessings accumulated last time have all been cleared after leaving, and now there is nothing on it.

But the good news is that the effect of [Gift of Destiny] given to him is still there. It seems that as long as he returns to this plane, he can automatically turn on the meat pigeon mode.

 Furthermore, Malu also received a notification, which was a bit like a summary of clearance.

 He counted all the blessings he received last time, a total of 85, including 71 white blessings, 13 blue blessings, and 1 purple blessing.

These blessings are then converted into corresponding points. White blessings are the least, with only 1 point each, blue blessings are 10 points, and purple blessings are the most, with a full 100 points.

 The sum total constitutes Ma Lu’s final score of the game—301.

 After the score statistics were completed, a new function was unlocked—the Strange Item Shop.

 The Strange Object Shop has 6 strange items in each issue, which can be purchased by spending points.

 Different from blessings, rare items will not be cleared and can always be in effect. For example, the rare item that Malu just spent 300 points to buy [sticky net]

 Its effect is very simple: stick back one blessing from the last cleared blessing (limited to purple and lower quality blessings)

Ma Lu didn’t hesitate and immediately glued back the only purple-quality blessing from last time.

I have few companions: The smaller the number of people in the team, the higher the basic attribute bonus of a single team member, and the strength, speed, endurance, and reaction force are increased by 50%. The effect is reduced by 10% for each additional person, and the blessing will not take effect if there are more than five people].

Now there is only one person in the team, Malu, who can take advantage of all the bonuses, which makes him feel that the two suns above his head are not so hot anymore.

 Then Malu turned on the detection mode again and began to look for his old friend the young flame lizard.

 No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and besides meat, there are additional blessings that can be received.

Ma Lu didn't wait too long. About twenty minutes later, he saw a motorcycle coming this way and finally stopped in front of him.

The rider above pulled down his hood, and it turned out to be Pochi.

 “You don’t even have transportation, how do you get around in this desert?”

"It's a long story," Ma Lu said, "You can think of this as one of my abilities, and I can't just go wherever I want. If you don't come to pick me up, I'll just I can continue to bask in the sun here.”

 Bo Qi frowned when he heard this, but fortunately he didn’t go into it further. He took a package from the motorcycle and handed it to Ma Lu.

Ma Lu opened the package. Inside was the hunting suit he had worn before, and there was a document under the hunting suit.

"Didn't you say that you want to form a new hunting group with me, but you disappeared after the last hunting, so I can only go to the guild to register alone," Boqi said, "I have completed the main procedures, and I just need you. signed."

Ma Lu just glanced briefly, signed his name on the last page, and then couldn't wait to take off his clothes.

Pochi quickly turned his back.

Ma Lu said while changing into hunting clothes, "We are all men, is it necessary to be so nervous?"

Pochi pursed his lips and said nothing. He only handed Malu another brooch after he finished changing his clothes. “Your hunting group’s token is given to you in advance.”

Ma Lu took the brooch and found that it was a copper flower. He remembered that the document just mentioned seemed to mention that the name of the new hunting group was Shuangyang Flower.

 “If you are not satisfied with the name, you can change it after you go back behind the scenes.”

"No, Shuangyanghua is pretty good." Malu pinned the brooch on his chest, then stretched out his hand, "Come on, join the team."

Pochi didn’t hesitate this time and simply took Ma Lu’s hand.

 As the number of people in the team increases, the four-dimensional basic attribute bonus of both people also becomes 40%.

Pochi's body seemed to have been injected with a strange power, easily breaking through its previous limits.

Even though it was not the first time he had experienced such a feeling, it still made him feel incredible.

“There are horn-bellied black speed snakes, jumping mice and short-eared link hedgehogs nearby.” Malu pointed in two directions, both of which were places he had scanned before.

 Among them, the horn-bellied black speed snake and the jumping rat are both 1-star ingredients that have been seen before, but the short-eared link hedgehog is new and is the same 2-star ingredient as the two-headed jackal.


 Until Malu left that area, he was not attacked.

Bo Qi's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Short-eared Link hedgehog? That thing is rare. One can be sold for 200 kWh in the market. If it is alive, it can be sold for 280, but it requires special catching tools."

As Pochi spoke, he was already rummaging in the storage box under the car seat, and finally took out a slender steel pipe. It looked a bit like a blowgun used by Native Americans, but with a dart attached to the end. Electric air compression unit.

Pochi inserted an anesthetic needle into the steel pipe, and then carefully touched it in the direction of the short-eared Link hedgehog.

These equipments were newly purchased by him with the money he earned from the last hunting trip. Unexpectedly, they came in handy immediately.

“Short-eared Link hedgehogs are docile and rarely attack on their own initiative, but once they sense danger, they will quickly huddle up and shoot out the thorns on their backs.

"Don't underestimate those thorns, they can easily penetrate a 2mm steel plate, and short-eared Link hedgehogs usually don't shoot just one thorn, but at least a dozen. If you are facing someone who is slow to escape, you can easily get hit. "

Boqi explained to Malu in a low voice. He didn’t know where the elusive guy in front of him came from, but Malu had obviously never attended a hunter school and knew very little about this desert and the animals that lived here.

 In the past, it was fine, but now that Malu is a registered hunter and the deputy leader of the Shuangyanghua Hunting Group, he still needs to understand these basic things.

Poqi was worried that Malu would not have the patience for this at first.

Generally speaking, people with stronger mental abilities are less interested in boring knowledge points that require rote memorization.

  After all, most of the time, large hunting groups act collectively and have specialized commanders. The people below only need to follow the arrangements and fight.

 Fortunately, Malu's face did not show an impatient look. Instead, he listened with interest and asked some questions from time to time.

The two quickly found the short-eared Link hedgehog, approached the target from downwind, lowered their bodies as much as possible, and lay down in the sand.

Pochi held up the slender metal tube and aimed it, waiting for the wind to stop, and immediately fired out the anesthesia needle inside!

  Thanks for the recommendation of Dalao of Bai Blade Zhan Chunfeng. If you like weird writing, you can also read this book My Weird Life.



 (End of this chapter)

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