Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 235: Return to the big screen

Chapter 235 Return to the giant screen

Ma Lu didn’t know why, but it felt like there were more customers this week than the previous week, especially in the following days, when many new faces came in all at once.

These people go to the Aijia grocery store across the street to buy tickets very skillfully without being reminded by the waiter. They are not pushy in the face of high prices. They focus on taking photos, checking in, and tasting delicious food. They are a very high-quality customer source.

In addition, these days, every night when Malu returns to his residence, he will meet Wei Jingyan coming downstairs to chat with him about cats, even at 11 o'clock in the middle of the night.

 Fortunately, Hu Weiqi didn't know about this, otherwise he would probably go crazy again.

However, Malu had a busy day. After returning home, he just wanted to relax, play games and read novels. He didn't really want to interact with others anymore.

Moreover, the content of the chat between the two was to explore the spiritual world of Mr. Mao Tuan, to help Wei Jingyan analyze the emotional relationship between the two, and to speculate on the possible involvement of a third party... It doesn't matter if it's once or twice, Ma Lu can still deal with it more often. He couldn't stand it and had no choice but to have a showdown with Wei Jingyan.

From then on, Wei Jingyan finally stopped knocking on the door in the middle of the night. Just when Ma Lu thought she had gotten used to a life without cats and resumed her daily routine, she unexpectedly saw Wei Jingyan in the restaurant again.

Fortunately, she only came here for a meal every few days and never bothered Malu anymore. Moreover, she was very polite while dining. Even if there was a seat in the restaurant, she would not sit down. Instead, she chose to let other guests sit by the door with her bowl in hand. Eat out.

While eating, I looked around, as if hoping to see that familiar furry figure in some corner again.

Seeing her like this, Ma Lu felt a little sorry when she thought of Mr. Hairball, who was watching cat movies two hundred meters away from her and puffing away so much that he was flying.

“I often think that it would be great if it could talk, so that I could marry it and we could be together forever.”

 “Oh?” Malu raised his eyebrows.

So one day after meeting Wei Jingyan again, she sincerely suggested that she forget about that scumbag cat and adopt a new one.

"Miss Wei, legally speaking, humans and cats have no rights..." Ma Lu reminded.

Wei Jingyan cried for a while, then grabbed Ma Lu's sleeve and begged, "Boss Ma, no, Mr. Cat Matchmaker, please help me and let Mr. Mao Tuan come back to me."

"I know, I know, I just miss it so much." Wei Jingyan covered her face with her hands and sobbed, "I really want to see it again. I don't know how to live without it, woo woo woo."

 At this point, Wei Jingyan paused, and then continued, "I know it may be ridiculous for me to say this, but sometimes I really feel that it is not an ordinary kitten."

“It understands everything I say. Although sometimes it doesn’t do what I say, it will share my happiness when I’m happy and comfort me when I’m sad. It’s like a caring person. little boyfriend.

Unexpectedly, Wei Jingyan refused outright.

"Compared to a cat, it feels more like a human being to me. How should I put it? It's like there is a human soul living in the cat's body." Wei Jingyan said mysteriously.

“No, Mr. Hairball is Mr. Hairball. He is the only Mr. Hairball in the world and cannot be replaced by other cats.”

Ma Lu was also moved by her persistence and made an unprecedented promise to her.

“Next week, when my skill CD is restored next week, I will contact it again and convey as much of your feelings to it as possible, and then I will give you an answer.”

"Thank you, thank you." Wei Jingyan said excitedly, "No matter whether Mr. Mao Tuan can come back or not, I will never forget your kindness."

 The week passed in a blink of an eye, and Malu took stock of this week's accounts on the last day.

 The total income was about 793,300 yuan. Except for the first day when I only cooked dinner and earned less than 80,000 yuan, the subsequent income basically exceeded 140,000 yuan every day.

Especially on the last day, because all the diners knew the rules of the Universe Infinite Canteen’s menu change every week, the restaurant was almost packed with people who didn’t want to miss this week’s menu at noon.

So much so that there was almost no room for more tables and chairs on the street outside. Malu opened at 11 o'clock and worked until 5 o'clock in the afternoon. It didn't even last until dinner time, and all the shares for the day were sold out in advance. .

Because there were too many dining guests, he temporarily recruited three more college students from Hangzhou University and offered double the hourly wage, which barely managed to survive the peak period.

 After deducting the cost and taxes that need to be paid, Ma Lu can probably get 530,000 yuan. In this way, the deposit in his bank account has once again exceeded 1 million yuan.

  Considering that he had just upgraded a wave of equipment last week, Malu did not have a particularly strong desire to upgrade for the time being, so he could finally put the previously shelved car purchase plan on the agenda.

Although it is not impossible to ride a tricycle, his rental house and the restaurant are now quite far apart, and it takes him an hour and a half to commute back and forth every day.

 Coupled with the fact that the weather is getting colder now, driving is definitely much more comfortable than riding a three-wheeler.

Therefore, starting from next week, Malu plans to make appointments with one or two brands of cars for test drives every day, drive all the way from the community to the restaurant, and then drive home from the restaurant after get off work, practicing driving while looking for a car that suits him.

  He initially set the budget at 500,000, but he didn’t set it too rigidly. If the price is higher than this but lower than this, he will give it a try whenever he encounters a car he is interested in.

 After handling the matter at hand, Malu took out the insect egg again and put it on his head.

This time he did not choose the newly opened route, but returned to the original starting point.

 When he opened his eyes again, he was no longer in the small apartment allocated to him by the Church of Order, but in front of a bustling market.

 The market is full of cries, vendors and customers are bargaining, and in the iron cages behind them, there are all kinds of strange desert creatures.

In addition, there are some people wearing hunting clothes and riding motorcycles who are constantly bringing new meat.

Malu was already used to this kind of scene. Before he left last time, he used the privileges of the Diamond Hunting Group to enjoy a unique gold VIP performance at the Desert Bandit Nightclub, and then logged off near this market. .

 So according to the rules, he will still appear here this time when he comes back.

Malu probably glanced at the goods in the market, trying to see if there was anything suitable for raising on the desktop farm. However, he didn't have any electricity on him right now. The top priority was to find Pochi first and get the goods stored in the latter's place. Electric card.

Hence, Malu didn't stay too long and walked towards the elevator, intending to take the elevator back to the ground from the negative floor.

 (End of this chapter)

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