Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 278: Compassion is poison

Chapter 278 Compassion is poison

Ma Lu noticed a new email as soon as he came back.

That email was sent by Levi two days ago, telling him that the church had verified the death of Shrike, and the credit for the previous operation had also been determined.

Since only he and Li Wei survived in the end, most of the merits were divided between their names.

 Coupled with Li Wei's intention to cultivate and win over Malu, the rewards Malu received this time were also very generous, including a full 1 million holy silver coins and as many as 200,000 atonement points.

 In addition, he also received a new set of armor and was promoted to master in place of a person who had died in the previous battle.

Levi asked him to go to the Holy Knights after the retreat to discuss the promotion ceremony. It happened that Skylark also entrusted him to inquire about the "Temple City Chronicle".

So Malu went to the giant tower before going on the mission. The herald received him and led him to Li Wei's office.

Although the crisis in the Witches Alliance has been resolved, the deputy leader of the Holy Knights seems to be even busier. While continuing to search and hunt down the remaining fallen witches, he is also expanding his power in the Holy Knights and even the church. .

Even so, when I heard that Ma Lu was coming, I still took the time to meet with him and gave him a few words of encouragement. When it came to the promotion ceremony, it was scheduled for a week later because the top brass of the knights still needed to be present.

However, the promotion proposal has passed the final decision, so Malu can now obtain part of the master's authority in advance.

  When he suggested that he wanted to take a look in the library, Levi agreed without any hesitation.

 Afterwards, Ma Lu took the elevator to the 69th floor.

It is said to be 69 floors, but in fact the height of one floor here is equivalent to three floors elsewhere, and it is filled with books.

 Rows of bookshelves are arranged in a circular shape and spread outward.

 It can be seen that the Church of Order really likes circles, and you can see many elements related to circles everywhere.

 But then a question arose, how to find the one he wanted among so many books.

Ma Lu looked around and saw a terminal in the corner.

This terminal is very similar to the one in the weapons and equipment department, and the operation should be similar. It also has a voice system. Ma Lu tried to input "Temple City Chronicle" by voice, and immediately got a number.

 The first three digits correspond to the bookshelf number, the fifth digit is the number of floors, and the six or seven digits are the position on the bookshelf.

Ma Lu found the "Temple City Chronicle" easily according to the number.

This book is very common in Temple City, but according to Bird of Paradise, the ones circulating on the market outside are all abridged, and only the one in this library is authentic.

In the past, Malu was not qualified to read this book even as a paladin, but now that his promotion to master is basically a certainty, he is finally qualified to consult these historical materials.

After getting the book, Malu found a secluded place where no one would disturb him, and just sat on the carpet and pretended to read it.

Of course he can’t understand the content above, but he can take a photo of it and show it to the Bird of Paradise when he goes back.

Ma Lu was very cautious and did not use the built-in shooting function of the armor to prevent the library from detecting it. After all, the suit he was wearing was also made by the church, so he used a traveler's bracelet to secretly take photos.

 At the same time, be aware of your surroundings. But even so, someone still walked up behind him. The man's footsteps were very light. Malu didn't open the chessboard map at the moment, so he wasn't startled until the man spoke.

 “Compassion is poison.”

 “What?” Malu turned around and saw a familiar figure

—The old nun at the card shop, well, to be more precise, the aquiline-nosed nun who led the graduating witches to choose from after Malu donated money to the church. Her name seems to be Teresa.

However, Malu still remembered that he accidentally saw her information on the chessboard map. She was also a witch, and her name was Eagle of Thorns.

 She is also the only witch that Malu has seen who does not wear a ring of order.

Ma Lu once suspected that she was the deepest nail buried in the church by the Witch Alliance.

 But judging by her current tone, it doesn't seem like it.

And unless she has always lived in the giant tower and never left, it is impossible to hide the identity of the witch when passing through a layer of holy stones. In other words, the higher-ups of the church should also know that she is a witch.

Even so, she still does not have the ring of order around her neck, and she is also responsible for the training and recruitment of witches.

 Compared to the Witch Alliance, Ma Lu felt that she was more like the hidden boss of the church.

“Pity is poison,” Teresa repeated.

 “Uh…what does that mean?” Malu asked casually.

The old nun stared condescendingly into his eyes, "I have met many knights. They developed feelings because they lived with their witches day and night and fought side by side. They would naturally sympathize with their situation and even hope to seek change. All these methods, I sincerely hope you are not that kind of person, Master.”

 “Do you know who I am?”

"Of course, the only one who can enter the library on the 69th floor wearing a basic knight's armor is you, Mr. Nishiki, who has recently become a master." The old nun said, "I heard that you have a good relationship with your witches. During the battle, he would even rush to the front to protect them from harm."

"That's just based on a knight's most basic judgment of the battle situation. Everything I do is for the final victory."

"I hope so." Thorn Eagle was noncommittal, then paused and said, "I noticed that what you took from the bookshelf was "Temple City Chronicles". Is there anything you want to know about this book? "

"I just... flipped through it casually." Ma Lu said, "Actually, I feel the content is a bit boring, so I'd better change it to another one."

"Then I recommend "The Sorrow of the Red Dragon". If you want to learn more about what happened in the 14th year of the Holy Calendar, or if you have any questions, you can ask me directly."

Ma Lu looked into the eyes of the old nun in front of him, but he could not see any emotional fluctuations in those dark and deep eyes.

"You don't need to worry," Thorn Eagle continued, "Many knights who are promoted to become masters, their first thing is to come here to seek the truth and answers. Of course, usually after the promotion ceremony, you look better than others Be more urgent..."

“Well, I am indeed a little curious, what happened that year, and why did the church treat the witches who should be called heroes like this?”

“Everything happens for a reason.” Thorn Eagle said, “Extraordinary power also brings extraordinary ambition.”

 (End of this chapter)

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