Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 279: The Sorrow of the Red Dragon

Chapter 279: The Death of the Red Dragon

“The prophet Yongyi predicted the catastrophe of the world three hundred years later, so he, his disciples and believers built the Temple City on this land as the last refuge of mankind.

“At first, people laughed at them, thinking they were just the crazy words of a group of fanatical religious charlatans, but when the Green Hell really came, the city retained the last spark of civilization.

“At the same time, just as Yongyi predicted, some young women among humans awakened special abilities after the disaster and became witches.

“Among them, the daughter of Prophet Wesei is the most powerful. She calls herself the Red Dragon. She contains a destructive and terrifying force in her body. She can even kill activated plants with her bare hands without relying on any weapons.

“He was as heroic as a demigod hero in myths and legends, and immediately became the idol of many young people in the city. At that time, humans and witches joined forces to fight against those activated plants.”

“Human beings are responsible for researching the weapons and equipment that witches can use, providing them with backup, and solving the side effects caused by their use of magic, while the witches are fighting on the front lines with the activated plants, searching for supplies, and protecting ordinary people in the city.

“That period can be said to be the honeymoon period of the relationship between the two parties. The sudden disaster brought everyone together closely.

“But the red dragon is not just satisfied with being a hero, especially when she deeply realizes how powerful the power she controls is and how insignificant mortals are, her ambition begins to expand uncontrollably.

“Like all politicians in history, the first thing she has to do is to find her own supporters, unite them, and turn them into a force that only obeys her own orders.

"This matter was not difficult for her. In addition to her, there were more than thirty witches in Temple City at that time. They all respected and worshiped the red dragon, and like her, they also had powers far beyond the world. "

“The Red Dragon recruited them all into its ranks with almost no effort. They were comrades fighting side by side. Of course, this was not enough. As a political group, they also needed to have a political program.

“The red dragon depicts an extremely alluring world to the witches—a world where witches become gods in their mortal bodies.

“To do this, they need to capture the church first, use the church’s propaganda power, pass down oracles in the name of the Lord of Order, and instill in the believers that the magic of witches comes from the sacred blood in their bodies.

“The Red Dragon claims that the witches are all the daughters of the Lord of Order, sent by the Lord of Order to save the world, so ordinary people should serve them like gods.”

"According to the red dragon, except for the holy witch, everyone is born with sin. This end of the world is the judgment of mankind, and if you want to survive, you must atone for your sins... What, does this rhetoric sound familiar?"

"The witches' theory of original sin?" Malu raised his eyebrows, "But is it the ordinary person's version?"

“History is also a circle. We must pay attention to the sharp blade wielded by the past and slash towards ourselves tomorrow.”

The old nun continued, "Let's talk about what happened in the 14th year of the Holy Calendar. The Red Dragon was almost successful. Not long after the disaster struck, the church's organizations were not as complete as they are today.

"The Holy Knights have only been established for less than three years, and power armor has not yet been successfully developed. The church has just trained the first batch of knights. They train very hard, have firm beliefs, and are fearless. However, unfortunately, no matter how hard they try, There is no way to harm those activated plants.

"So they can only undertake reconnaissance and logistics tasks to serve the witches, but even so, they still performed very bravely on the battlefield, which is the pride of mankind. "But in order to control the church, the red dragon only used a wrong intelligence, Let the entire Holy Knights be wiped out. The young people obeyed the orders of the red dragon and stood firm. Even if support was delayed again and again, they still fought until the last moment and shed the last drop of blood. "

“After that tragic battle, the church lost almost all its armed forces. Even if the remaining people were aware of the conspiracy of the red dragon and the witches, they were unable to stop it.

“It seemed that it was only a matter of time before they became gods, but at the last critical moment, an ordinary person from the weapons and equipment department stood up.

“Different from others, she did not trust those witches from the beginning and believed that expanded power would definitely bring expanded ambitions.

"And the most important thing is that the strength of witches is much greater than that of humans. If there is no restraint, even if there is no red dragon now, once other careerists appear in the future, humans will become very passive, so she secretly created it without telling others He created the Ring of Order as a means to check and balance the witches."

“Of course, the Red Dragon and her witches would not submit so obediently, so she thought of a way and dedicated the Ring of Order to the Red Dragon as a necklace of the gods.

"The prophet Wesser personally came forward and held a grand dinner. Wessei knelt on the ground, crowned his daughter, and kissed her toes. But in fact, he put a shackles on the witch family that they could never get rid of."

“Now, you have learned the truth about thirst as you wished, and you also understand why the church is so wary of witches.”

A sneer appeared on the corner of Thorn Eagle's mouth, "As the sharp blade of the church and the guardian of mankind, I hope you can remember your own mission in the future and do not let down the blood shed by those pioneers."

Ma Lu asked, "Why was this incident deleted from the Chronicles of the Temple City?"

“Because this is the stain of Prophet Wesei. In order to deceive the red dragon, he swore to the Lord of Order that this was a gift to the gods. Otherwise, even if she was still his daughter, the red dragon and other witches would not be so easily fooled.

“In addition, after that incident, the church also reviewed its previous attitude towards witches and began to increase its control over them, not only physically, but also mentally, to completely prevent the red dragon incident from happening again.”

  The old nun paused, "Although the church has always deliberately downplayed what happened in the 14th year of the Holy Calendar and deleted it from the "Chronicles of the Temple City", even the name of the red dragon has become a taboo today.

“But its far-reaching impact continues, and the seeds of doubt once sown cannot be removed.

"What the church does to the witch has nothing to do with justice. This is a war between races."

Thorn Eagle said, "As long as the witches still possess powerful power, humans will never stop being afraid of and wary of them."

 (End of this chapter)

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