Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 281: pointed hat

Chapter 281 Pointed Hat

 After a 4-hour long flight, Ma Lu and his party finally arrived at the end of the trip.

It is said that before the disaster, the mountains here were all red, which is also the origin of the name Red Rock Grand Canyon. However, like most places on the planet, Red Rock Grand Canyon has also been destroyed by various Occupied by plants, it becomes a green kingdom.

Only sporadic red can be seen in the gaps between the dense vegetation.

 According to the church's information, there seemed to be fallen witches operating in the area, so Malu was extra cautious this time and found a relatively secluded place to park the aircraft halfway up the mountain.

 It is covered by nearby vegetation, so it is not easy to find it whether looking down from the mountain or looking up from the valley bottom.

Even going down the mountain by yourself is a little difficult, but it’s not a big problem with the rope.

Ma Lu opened the chessboard map as soon as he got there and searched for the Singer Sour Berry. However, he did not see any activated plants with this name in the area shown on the chessboard map.

Ma Lu was not too disappointed. After all, it was almost forty years ago since the last time the Singer Sourberry appeared in the Red Rock Grand Canyon, and no one has seen it since.

This thing must not be that easy to find. Malu was mentally prepared, and then the five of them walked downstream along the river at the bottom of the valley.

Ma Lu also caught some activated plants along the way and planned to take them back and raise them in the desktop farm.

 With the team's current strength, as long as they don't encounter activated plants with a star level of 6 or above, the battle will basically be just cutting grass.

As a result, another hour and a half passed, and Malu's collection bag contained more than 600 kilograms of ingredients, but there was still no sign of Singer Sour Berry.

He has no good idea. Collecting specific ingredients requires luck, especially those rare ingredients. It is normal to not find them once or twice.

  In the past, Boqi and the others would often spend two or three weeks hunting, and in the end they might come back empty-handed. In contrast, he had a chessboard map, and his search efficiency was hundreds of times that of others.

Seeing that they had walked a lot, and a small group of activated plants living nearby had just been cleared away, there was no danger in this area. Malu decided to let the team take a rest and eat something.

He was hungry after being out for so long. Malu had no interest in the emergency food provided by the church. At this time, of course he had to rely on the mountain to live.

So he rummaged through the collection bag and found a mushroom as big as his fist, paired with a piece of asparagus, and planned to fry it.

But just when he went to the river to wash the ingredients, the beep of the traveler's bracelet suddenly sounded in his ears again.

Ma Lu was startled. His first reaction was that some activated plants appeared nearby, but he had just checked the chessboard map not long ago and confirmed that there were no other creatures in this area except them.

But then he heard the traveler’s bracelet continue.

-Ding! A marker point was retrieved 15 meters southeast of you. Do you want to check it?


Ma Lu was confused. It took him about ten seconds to remember what the mark was. He had previously upgraded his traveler bracelet to level 6 and it had an additional mark interactive function.

It’s just that every time Malu wanted to use it, the bracelet would prompt that no nearby marking points were found. He ran to ask Lao Wang, and Lao Wang’s data happened to be damaged.

 This has resulted in Malu still not understanding the use of this function, until today it suddenly came online again without any warning.

After Ma Lu clicked to confirm, a transparent figure appeared in the southeast direction of him.

The figure had no facial features and was only about half as tall as an ordinary person. It seemed to be wearing a pointed hat on its head, and the hat was almost as tall as himself.

He just stood by the river. At first, Malu thought he was admiring the scenery, but soon there was a sharp sound in his ears.

 “Wow, new plane, perfect landing, let’s take a pee and check in as a souvenir!”

  After saying that, he reached into his crotch and picked it up. After a while, a stream of transparent water spilled from his crotch into the river. The millipede was just downstream of him, and he suddenly felt that the mushroom in his hand was unclean.

But when he put away the mushrooms and greeted the unexpected visitor, the latter showed no reaction.

 Just kept repeating that sentence.

 “Wow, new plane, perfect landing, let’s take a pee and check in as a souvenir!”

 After that, new transparent liquid spurted out from his lower body.

Ma Lu immediately realized that this was probably just a projection.

 He waited for a while, but there were no new changes around him, so it was... gone?

Ma Lu is a bit baffling.

But he roughly figured out what this function was for, and then he found that his marking option was also unlocked, so he took the opportunity to try to mark it and leave a message.

 —Open defecation is prohibited here.

 He can then find and play the message through the Traveler bracelet.

 Where he stood, a transparent figure similar to his outline also appeared, repeating repeatedly that open defecation is prohibited here.

 So the transparent figure he met just now should also be a visitor from an alien plane.

That guy left a piece of non-nutritious nonsense like XXX came here through the marking function.

This projection is invisible to anyone except the wearer of the bracelet.

In Skylark's eyes, Malu was standing by the river talking to the air. A look of worry appeared on her little face, "Sir Knight, have you been under too much pressure recently?"

"You're overthinking it. What pressure can there be on him if he's so thick-skinned?" Cerberus said disapprovingly.

"Isn't this mission to deal with the fallen witch? The Lord Knight may be struggling in his heart."

“Don’t worry, that guy must have a countermeasure.”

The purple-haired girl was right. Malu had indeed thought of a countermeasure early on. He planned to ask Ouroboros to forge some traces of the fallen witch's activities, take some photos, and preferably provide some expired passwords or useless letters. I'll go back and do business like that.

Anyway, he had just recently killed Shrike, the leader of the Witch Alliance with Levi, and was about to be promoted to master. He had been working for the church for so long, and no one should be able to say anything if he even made a small splash.

The message he encountered by chance on the road was just a small incident, and Malu didn't take it too seriously. He didn't know when Pointed Hat came to this plane, but he estimated that he had already left.

But along the way, he encountered several more marking points, and without exception, these marking points were all left by pointed hats.

I don’t know if this guy is a natural chatterbox or if he is keen on checking in. In short, he leaves messages wherever he goes.

Although the content each time is not much, only one or two sentences, and the maximum mark is reached in ten seconds at most, but he can't stop him from keeping too much.

 It’s like Qianlong’s poetry.

Ma Lu listened a lot and probably figured out his identity and origin.

 (End of this chapter)

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