Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 282: new friend

 Chapter 282 New Friends

 The pointy hat guy's plane is not surprisingly located in the Grand Alliance, so he knew the existence of the multiverse since he was born.

 His parents took him to travel to other dimensions when he was a child, and he also liked plane travel, but he came here not to travel, but to complete his thesis.

Up to this point, Malu didn't think it was anything. He just thought he was a hard-working scientific research dog.

According to Pointed Hat, he studied in a top 5 university in the major leagues and studied with a great tutor to get a PhD degree similar to that of Earth.

By working hard as a slave in his mentor's black factory, he successfully reached the graduation period and was about to get his certificate. The mentor suddenly raised the graduation standards and required him to publish at least 3 articles in the top journals of the major leagues. Thesis, and the requirement is one work.

Pointed Hat was dumbfounded. He only had one paper that could reach this level, and it was less than half a year before graduation.

At this time, when he went to get two more sci-fi papers, the instructor would tell him to stay and continue to move bricks.

But Pointed Hat did not admit this evil, gritted his teeth and launched a sprint towards this impossible goal. For this reason, he even went to the desolate plane outside this grand alliance alone to conduct experiments.

 When Malu found out that this guy was an agriculture major, he began to realize that things were not that simple.

When he discovered that the title of the paper that Pointed Hat was about to sprint for was "Study on the Promoting Effect and Mechanism of ppcw Growth Solution on Activated Plants", a certain premonition in his heart became stronger.

Ma Lu even forgot to look for Singer Sour Berry and continued to search for the pointed hat mark nearby.

After arriving in this plane, this guy should have been active in the nearby area, conducting his experiments, collecting and analyzing data.

According to the pointed hat, as long as this paper can be successfully written, it will definitely be worthy of being published in a top journal.

However, even if he could finish the paper within the time limit, he would still be one short of meeting the graduation standard. Of course, theoretically, one topic can cover many papers, especially such a major topic as pointed hat.

 But the problem remains, time is too late and I have to rush to write one article. Two articles are simply impossible.

 At this moment, Pointed Hat met a person.

In the message, Pointed Hat said that he was a local aborigine who was quietly doing experiments and working on his thesis in the Red Rock Grand Canyon. Some arrangements were made around him to prevent others from disturbing him.

However, that day a powerful activated plant accidentally broke one of his fences and ran away. Although the pointed hat quickly chased it back, after the device was destroyed, the native happened to enter his experimental field.

Pointy Hat was startled. According to the provisions of the "Multiverse Travel Manual", his visit should not be known to the locals.

 Fortunately, Pointed Hat came up with a countermeasure and planned to feed the visitors some hallucinogenic plants and then throw them out.

 In this way, when the latter wakes up, he will think that everything he saw before is just his hallucination.

In order to make the visitor relax his vigilance, Pointed Hat also pretended to chat with the other party for a few words. It didn't matter if he didn't chat. Once he started talking, Pointed Hat surprised the other person and it was fine.

He didn’t know if he had stayed alone for too long, but he was soon impressed by the person’s charm.

Although the two people have different origins and come from different planes, they became good friends in just one afternoon.     In this way, the pointed hat will no longer be able to attack his friends.

Not only that, it didn’t take long before he told the other person his true identity and took the person to visit his laboratory.

That man was also a researcher like him, but the object of his research was not botany, but sociology.

 But even so, as they are both scientific research dogs, the two of them still have a lot in common.

At this time, Pointed Hat has forgotten all the rules in the "Multiverse Travel Manual" and complained to his new good friends.

 The man also expressed sympathy for his plight, and later expressed his willingness to provide him with all possible help.

The pointed hat thanked the other person for his kindness, but he had no expectations for the help that the person said.

Although he has never shown it, coming from the Major League, he has always had a hidden sense of superiority towards the natives outside the Major League.

 In Pointed Hat’s own words, “This place is boring and primitive. I just want to finish my thesis as soon as possible and go back to school.”

However, when the visitor initially described his idea to him, Pointed Hat was quickly aroused. This was an interdisciplinary collaborative research.

The visitor wants to use the activated plants he brought to conduct a sociological experiment to see how the existing social structure will collapse and reconstruct after being hit by disasters. The activated plants occupy the main ecological niche of a planet. What changes will occur later.

From a research point of view, Pointed Hat felt that this subject was very valuable, but he still rejected the person.

 First of all, it was because of the lack of time. The experiment that the person mentioned would not be able to achieve any stage results for decades or hundreds of years. By that time, all the other papers that the pointed hat could write would have been graduated.

In addition, this experiment is not very humane. It is true that Pointed Hat likes scientific research, but he does not want to blatantly violate the laws and regulations of the Grand Alliance, interfere with or even significantly change the history of a plane, especially if it will cause the death of billions of people.

However, he still praised his new friend's wonderful idea, but the person didn't take it seriously. After that, he still came to chat with him from time to time to explore the possibility of joint research between different disciplines.

Pointed Hat liked these academic exchanges very much, and the visitors would bring him biscuits every time they came. Those biscuits tasted very good.

The Pointed Hat will also use activated plants to entertain good friends. Ma Lu saw his comments in messages more than once and lamented that the people here are simple and honest, unlike in the big league, which is full of interests and calculations.

Pointed Hat even considered bringing the visitor back to the big league, but he was a PhD student and didn’t know any bureaucrats at the Immigration Bureau. At most, he could only dream at night and had no way of doing this.

Perhaps because there were people to chat with and relieve stress, Pointed Hat’s paper went smoothly and was completed a month and a half ahead of schedule, and he also had a clue for the second one.

It was just that it was definitely too late, but once he accepted the fact that his graduation was postponed, Pointed Hat was not as anxious as he was at first. The worst outcome was to be a black slave for another year. Looking at the bright side, at least the instructor didn't treat his **** Any ideas.

The last message that Ma Lu found was Pointed Hat saying that his new friend was going to bake him some new flavor cookies tomorrow, and he was looking forward to it.

 After that, Malu found no new marking points nearby.

 (End of this chapter)

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