Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 301: The female tall skeleton also wants to fall in love!

Chapter 301 The tall female skeleton also wants to fall in love!

"Oh oh oh, how did you become a skeleton?" Malu asked curiously, "If you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it."

"Actually, it's okay. After all, it's been a long time, and I've been sad and sad." Love thought.

“I became like this when I was in the third year of high school. I went to the mountains to play with my classmates, and there was also the person of my heart. I originally wanted to confess to him that day, but it rained when we reached the top of the mountain.

“He didn’t bring an umbrella, so I mustered up the courage to step forward and tell him that we could get one. He seemed a little surprised, but he finally agreed.”

"Then what?"

“Then a thick bolt of lightning suddenly fell from the sky and hit my umbrella. I lost consciousness on the spot. When I woke up, I looked like this.” Love Brain recalled.

"The boy I liked couldn't be saved like me, and he hated me very much because of this incident. I went to him to apologize afterwards, but he didn't even see me, and he moved to another school not long after."

Love Brain blamed himself very much when talking about this incident, "It's all my fault. If I hadn't liked him, I wouldn't have had the courage to go up and ask him to hold an umbrella with me, so that lightning would just hit me. ”

"Well...this kind of thing is not your fault." Ma Lu said, "It's completely luck. Maybe you are destined to have this disaster."

"In short, my first love ended like this, and my youth ended with it." Love Brain said with his head hanging down.

“I have not even tasted the taste of love, and I have become a skeleton. Although my parents have been comforting me, saying that even a skeleton can love freely and live a happy life.

“ expected, the boys in school still prefer girls who are alive. Although I can still find someone with the same skeleton as me, there are not many high school students at my age who have died.

"And even if they become skeletons, those boys still like girls who are alive, because their **** are bigger. Ah, boys, they are such a very specialized creature. No matter they are alive or become skeletons, their preferences are all the same. It won’t change.”

 “This…is true.” Malu nodded and admitted.

"Dad comforted me and said that things will get better after I go to college. There are many bones in college. I also heard that everyone in college will fall in love. Hey, I really want to go to college tomorrow. I really want to fall in love!" seventeen-year-old The skeleton female high school student let out a deafening cry.

“But...I didn’t wait until I went to college, and my mother brought me to this plane. I thought it would be easier to fall in love in a new place, but who knew that humans in this plane would actually die!!”

Despite the voice changer used by Love Brain, Malu could still hear deep despair in her voice.

"That means I'm the only one with a skeleton here!! Oh my God! How could this happen! I can't find another skeleton to fall in love with. In other words, maybe I won't know about it for the rest of my life. Love! Yes! Feel!

Malu expressed deep sympathy for this and comforted him, "Falling is actually just...that thing. It's not as fun as games. Well, wandering around in various planes and collecting ingredients is much more interesting than falling in love. Of course it's the happiest. Or make money and star coins.”

“But boss, the reason why you can say such things is because you have been in love!” The skeleton female high school student hit the nail on the head. “Whether it’s good or bad, only through personal experience can we confidently say that love is nothing more than this. If you haven’t even tried it, you don’t have the right to say that!”

 “Hmm…it seems to make sense.”

“That’s why I won’t give up on love!” The skeleton female high school student got excited inexplicably and assumed a serious posture like a goalkeeper on a football field.

 “I want to fall in love! Even if there are no other skeletons here, I still want to fall in love!!”

"Okay, very ambitious! Young people must have such spirit!" Malu took another sip of cat urine beer for this youthful atmosphere.

“Speaking of which, is this the first time you’ve tried to find a boyfriend here?”

"The 14th time. The first 13 times failed, this is the 14th time." Love Brain looked at the restaurant again, "I actually don't care if he is a perverted murderer, as long as he loves me, that's fine, but okay Unfortunately, I don’t have what he wants.”

After finishing speaking, Love Brain looked at his empty chest again.

"There's no need to feel sorry for that kind of guy," Malu patted her shoulder, and the skeleton made another creaking sound under his patting. "The next one will be better."

"But all the people I found seemed to be strange people," the skeleton female high school student tilted her head and said in distress, "The handsome man I met at the beginning was the gentlest and was very kind to me. He also said he would take me to invest, but I After investing 50 million, he disappeared.

"The guy I met later was an overseas Chinese. He sent me a lot of photos of traveling and enjoying food in Myanmar, and he enthusiastically invited me to go to Myanmar with him. After I went there without telling my mother, he and his friends Sure enough, they played hide and seek with me and put me in a sack.

“They took me to a small clinic and said they wanted to borrow my organs for use. Unfortunately, I was just a skeleton and had no organs. I let them down.

Love's brain pointed at her fingers, "Then there was a small director from Taiwan who said he wanted to make me popular and make me a star. After I got there, I found out that they were all filming scenes where I don't wear clothes, but in order to maintain our relationship It was a hard-won relationship, so I did as he said, but they were all scared away."

"Then there was a soldier... We had a great chat in the past two weeks, from Milan Kundera to Rudnev, and he would play guitar for me. But two weeks later he told me that he was going to the front line. I went and probably never came back. He asked if he could see my [beep], I sent it to him, and then he blocked me.

"Among the 13 previous love attempts, my favorite was a poet. He was the only one who had seen me and was willing to continue to fall in love with me. He was also the gentlest person I had ever seen, and he was the most gentle person in the world. Everything is done with good intentions.

“He always told me that I was too good and that he was not worthy of me. Even though he lived in poverty, he always wanted to help others, but he was the only one who failed to help himself.

"He ended his life before our third date. He was really gentle. In order not to cause trouble to the landlord, he went to the river a mile away from the cubicle where he lived and jumped from the bridge. Go down.

"Every time I pass by that river, I always wonder what he was thinking at the last moment of his life. Unfortunately, the people here can't turn into skeletons, and he can't answer me anymore."

 (End of this chapter)

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