Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 306: invite

 Chapter 306 Invitation

 Chief Horseshoe Bamboo Shoots, which is as powerful as the 5-star ingredient, is also knocked down by a single blow from the small blue electric drill.

However, Malu then looked at the energy storage gem and found that it was even dimmer this time, almost a quarter less bright than before.

  In other words, if you use a small blue electric drill to catch 5-star activated plants, you can catch up to 4 to 5 plants with one gem.

As for the 6-star activated plants further up, Malu has not tried it, but it is estimated that there are only 1 or 2 at most.

And similar to the super boss he encountered in Yuanjing Lake before, the King of the Lake, Giant Whale Lotus Root, Malu didn't know whether the small blue electric drill could still work, or how much it could work.

  After all, more than 300 years have passed since the pointy hat arrived. He probably only cultivated some ordinary activated plants here, so the small blue electric drill should be enough for him.

After putting the Chief of Horseshoe Bamboo Shoots into the collection bag, nearly 500 kilograms of the original 1,100 kilograms of weight limit were suddenly taken up. In addition to the previous 296 kilograms of Thousand-faced Konjac and the 39 kilograms of Courgette Skull Crusher, this time There is only less than 300 kilograms of capacity left.

  No, you have to choose some activated plants that are not that big to capture, otherwise the collection bag will soon run out of room.

After preliminary testing, Ma Lu was very satisfied with the small blue electric drill in his hand. The 14 energy storage gems would be enough for him to use for a long time.

 In fact, in the next more than 3 hours, unless they encountered a target that met the requirements, Malu would not take action anymore, leaving it to Skylark and other witches to deal with it.

In addition, he was lucky this time and found 4 more meteorite fragments.

Ma Lu used these four meteorite fragments to engrave the two pieces of golden equipment he had just acquired.

 Among them, the Sage Earring has been engraved three times, and has obtained three additional effects, namely reducing the damage suffered by long-range attacks by 15%; summoning a 7% probability of spell-like spells to double the effect, and increasing the damage of water-based attacks by 20%.

 Only Ouroboros in the team has water attributes and possesses summoning spells, which can summon water elements and satisfy the second and third engraving effects.

 So Malu assigned the Sage Earrings to her. When Ouroboros saw the Sage Earrings that Malu handed over, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Although she is also a witch from Malu, she is not a member of the original trio. She was recruited later, and her identity is very special.

Ouroboros is also very self-aware and usually does not fight or grab. Among the four witches, her equipment is the worst.

 She only has one blue and one purple piece of equipment in hand, and she has no complaints about this. In fact, she is very satisfied.

 Thinking about it from another perspective, it was impossible for her to completely trust an undercover agent of the Witch Alliance from Ma Lu's position.

 So when she got the most valuable golden equipment in the team, she was a little confused, especially when she saw the attributes and effects of this equipment, she was completely stunned.

“Here, Sir Knight, are you sure you want to give me such valuable equipment?”

 “Well…because it suits you best.”

 However, Ouroboros hesitated for a moment, and the expression on his face changed several times. In the end, he did not take the earring and shook his head.

 “I can’t have it.”

"Oh... So, the Witch Alliance will indeed take action next. Let me think about it, is it during the celebration of the 230th anniversary of the founding of the Temple City? That is indeed a good day. The church will deploy a large number of manpower to prepare for the celebration, and Shrike The moment the bird dies, their vigilance should be at its lowest.”

Ma Lu's words shocked Ouroboros. She didn't expect that the man in front of her could see so much from her simple refusal. However, Malu did not take back his hand afterwards. Instead, he said, "Then you should hold it. Maybe this thing can save your life."

Ouroboros had a complicated look on her face. She could have continued to lie, and she was used to lying. This was the reason why she had been able to survive in the Temple City for so many years. She was wary of everything around her.

However, this time she suddenly found that she couldn't tell the lies she had prepared. Of course, she did not leak the Witch Alliance's plan to others in advance. She just said, "I...have thought of a way so that it won't implicate you."

 “As long as you know what you are doing.” Ma Lu said.

"I will inherit the Shrike's legacy, break the circle of order, and liberate the witches who are enslaved by the church." Ouroboros blurted out,

After a pause, she added, "After this period of getting along, I know that you are different from the rest of the Holy Knights. If we can succeed, I hope to fight side by side with you again in the near future."

Judging from what Ouroboros said, after Shrike's death, her status in the Witch Alliance seemed to have improved, and her voice had become greater. She even extended an invitation to Malu in advance.

This kind of thing is not without precedent. The president of a large Far Eastern country was also an intelligence officer. He inherited the legacy left by his predecessor and finally succeeded in taking office.

However, Malu is not optimistic about Ouroboros's next move.

 The reason is very simple. Ouroboros is still too idealistic. Such people can often only become pawns in a brutal political game.

 Only those truly cunning old foxes are qualified as chess players to determine the final direction of the entire chess game.

Ma Lu gave the Sage Earrings to Ouroboros, and then looked at the Omniscient Eye, another golden piece of equipment in his hand. The additional effect engraved on it was to reduce the sin value increase speed by 10%.

The effect of this one is average. Fortunately, Skylark can still use it. There are not so many meteorite fragments now, so I can only keep it for now.

The group of people moved forward about 200 squares toward the southeast. This time, Malu discovered two more meteorite fragments on the map.

It’s just that the density of activated plants around the two meteorite fragments this time is a bit high, and it will probably take a lot of time to clean them up.

But this naturally does not trouble Malu.

He resorted to the art of artificial high platform again, found a suitable grid and put [stones] on it, and this time Malu planned to play with a big one.

 The hatred generated by grilling activated plants can only affect activated plants within 120 blocks. After the last experiment on Singer Sour Berry, Malu has determined that the taunt switch on his body can also be effective on activated plants.

 So this time he planned to take advantage of this and gather more monsters to speed up the cleanup.

Ma Lu first asked Skylark and other long-range professions to climb up to the high platform and wait, and then he and Cerberus began to attract monsters.

Ma Lu raised his jealousy value to the maximum, and the next moment the nearby activated plants sensed it and rushed towards him, so Malu also started to escape along the established route.

He planned to make a big circle and return to the stone. The purple-haired girl beside him was responsible for ensuring his safety and dealing with the activated plants that came too close.

However, Malu was attacked just after running a few steps.

 (End of this chapter)

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