Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 307: commemorative emblem

Chapter 307 Commemorative Badge

 The attack came not from the animated plants around him, but from the hellhounds that were supposed to protect him.

Ma Lu was bitten on the neck by the purple-haired girl.

In order to ensure the flexibility of the head, the connection between the helmet and the breastplate made by the church is not made of metal, but an ultra-polymer composite material.

 Although it was also puncture-resistant, because it was soft, Malu could still feel the impact of his teeth biting it down and was startled.

"What are you doing?"

"Hmm... I don't know why I'm getting more and more displeased with you." Cerberus said vaguely, still holding Malu's neck in its mouth.

“Then you can’t bite just because you say it.”

 “But if you don’t bite me, I feel uncomfortable.” The purple-haired girl snorted coldly.

This is also the drawback of Malu's superpower. It is true that he can attract hatred, but he does not distinguish between friends and foes. While attracting enemies, he must also guard against his teammates.

Especially people like Cerberus who live purely by intuition and instinct.

 “Your smell suddenly becomes very bad.” The purple-haired girl said dissatisfied.

"Please be patient for a while," Ma Lu said, "I will recover after these activated plants are dealt with. As long as you cooperate with me well, next time the weapons and equipment department will have new equipment, I will definitely take pictures of the equipment that suits you as soon as possible. ”

Ma Lu finally managed to get Cerberus to let go of his mouth with coaxing and coaxing, but the latter was obviously still in a bad mood.

 After that, she poured out all her unhappiness on the nearby activated plants.

With Cerberus’s current strength, even without active skills and without any bonuses, it can basically end the battle within 3 cuts against those 1 or 2-star activated plants.

 With her help, the safety of Ma Lu's monsters was guaranteed, and there were almost no dangers encountered along the way.

Not long after, a large black mass of activated plants gathered behind him. There seemed to be hundreds of them, but Malu was not satisfied yet and pulled another hundred plants. Then he returned to the stone, grabbed the rope and climbed up.

Ouroboros immediately released an acid rain spell.

 You can see the area under the stone platform covered by acid rain, and the activated plants have fallen in pieces.

Ma Lu even felt like watching a combine harvester harvesting wheat fields in the countryside.

Ouroboros only used two rounds of acid rain to almost clean up the low-star activated plants below, leaving only 3 stars and 4 stars, which were taken care of by Skylark.

The first-generation billboard girl dressed in purple and gold is no longer the last person she once was.

The bullet fired from Thunder Kiss also carries a lightning chain. After the bullet hits the target, the lightning chain will also spread and can attack 7 targets at the same time. There are also 50% armor penetration and 100% armor penetration provided by the enhancement. headshot damage increase effect.

Lark was stunned and used the sniper rifle like a heavy machine gun.

 After this wave of monsters was cleared, Malu immediately set off to a farther place to bring back a new group of enemies.

 He used this method to get rid of all the activated plants within 600 blocks nearby.

The mission rewards alone are estimated to be 250,000 holy silver coins and 29,000 atonement points.

 In addition, Malu also obtained the two meteorite fragments surrounded by activated plants, and then photographed them all on the All-Seeing Eye.

The result of the two engravings was still so-so. It got an additional effect of increasing the defense power by 25%. The value is not bad, but Skylark is a long-range shooter and does not really need defense power. But the other one is a rare big explosion - when shooting, the bullet has a 30% chance of passing through obstacles with a thickness of less than 150mm without causing kinetic energy attenuation.

  150mm. The thickness of general interior brick walls is basically within this range. This means that in the future, Skylark's bullets have a 30% probability of being able to penetrate the wall, and the damage will not be reduced.

 Sure enough, give it a try and turn your bicycle into a motorcycle!

Having tasted the sweetness, Malu couldn't wait to make the next engraving. However, for more than two hours, he found no other meteorite fragments.

Although Malu was a little regretful, he was not too surprised.

Compared to Yuanjing Lake, the meteorite fragments here have already been collected once, and he came here to pick them up.

Being able to find 6 pieces actually exceeded his initial expectations. At least two pieces of gold equipment were engraved, and the rest were probably taken back to the Temple City.

Ma Lu wandered around again, and when he didn't find it, he stopped looking for it.

 At this time, his collection bag was almost full.

In the next two hours, Li Malu even had to throw away some of the activated plants he had captured before, so that he could make room to store rarer varieties.

 He ​​came here mainly to purchase goods for the desktop farm, so he caught all live plants. When these 1,100 kilograms of activated plants are sent to the desktop farm, the Universe Infinite Canteen will initially achieve vegetable freedom.

After finishing the business, Malu found an inconspicuous place and buried the temporarily unused things he took from the pointed hat.

The group then returned to the Temple City.

Levi didn't say that Malu hadn't noticed yet, but when he went back now, he saw that there was already some festive atmosphere in the city.

Colored flags were hung on some street lamps on the roadside, and many stores were taking advantage of the opportunity to offer discounts to attract customers.

Ma Lu stopped outside a shopping mall. He now had a large amount of holy silver coins on hand. Due to lack of equipment, he could not draw cards.

Seeing that there will be big events happening in the city in the next few days, and I don’t know what the situation will be like next, of course I will spend the money as much as I can.

So Malu walked into the mall and first bought some hard currencies such as precious metals and jewelry.

 After that, he took Yunque and others with him and began to scan goods from one clothing store to another.

Ma Lu chose the most expensive brands in the mall and bought 50 sets of clothes for each of his witches, which was enough for them to wear for several years.

 Then he bought snacks, toys and daily necessities worth almost 100,000 holy silver coins, and then jewelry worth 300,000 yuan.

Because of his generous spending, he even alerted the manager of the shopping mall and personally sent a car to deliver these things to the Witch's House.

 I also gave some small gifts to a few people.

Ma Lu opened one of the boxes and found a beautifully crafted commemorative badge. On the back of the commemorative badge, Malu recognized the landmark building in the Temple City—the huge white tower.

 But the frontal portrait looks a bit strange to him.

Milu pointed to the man above and asked Bird of Paradise, "Who is this?"

"Prophet Yongyi." The red-haired girl replied, "The founder of the Temple City and the Church of Order, the savior of human civilization, the spokesperson of the Lord of Order in the world... He has many titles, I just listed the most important ones. Without him, we would have been completely defeated by the activated plants outside the city."

 (End of this chapter)

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