Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 321: explosions and flames

Chapter 321 Explosion and Flame

Ma Lu noticed an explosion in the direction of the Witch's House, and immediately walked downstairs without stopping at the shoemaker's shop.

But when he went out, he found that Goethe was still following him closely.

 “The questioning is over, there is nothing more to do with you here.” Malu turned around and said.

“But I still want to stay by your side to help.” The female intelligence dealer said with a humble attitude.

Ma Lu was slightly surprised, but he soon guessed what Goethe was planning. He originally wanted to drive her away directly, but then changed his mind.

The main road in front of him has been blocked by the crowds participating in the celebration. It takes an unknown amount of time to walk from here to the Witch's House, and Malu is not familiar with the Temple City, so he follows the trend.

 “I’m going to the Witch’s House. Do you know how to get there faster?”

“Of course, you have found the right person,” Goethe breathed a sigh of relief, “I will show you the way.”

 The female intelligence dealer didn't lie. With her in front, although the route was slightly further away, the speed was much faster.

However, Malu still disliked Goethe for walking too slowly, so he simply held her in his hand and asked her to guide him.

The two also passed an explosion point along the way. The battle there had ended. The witch who caused the explosion was killed by the knights and police who arrived.

Her body was almost sieved by bullets, and her appearance could no longer be recognized. In addition to herself, the explosion also caused about hundreds of civilian casualties. Bodies were scattered everywhere, and there were injured people in the ruins. wailed.

Goethe has lived in the Temple City for twenty-nine years, and this is the first time he has seen such a scene.

Although she often complained about the church's tyranny and almost pathological pursuit of order, when this order was broken and chaos came, she was as at a loss as most people in the city, and was deeply affected by a sense of fear. Deep wrap.

Ma Lu quickened his pace again, and at the same time he was also paying attention to the movements of the knights.

 After being promoted to Master, as a senior member of the Knights, he now has command authority and can view some transfer orders and receive battle briefings.

 Judging from the briefing, Levi's counterattack was quite timely. With the addition of dozens of knights, the fallen witches who sneaked into the city were either killed or fled before the knights arrived.

The chaos in the city was quickly brought under control. The police maintained order, and medical and fire brigade teams rushed to the scene to rescue the injured and control the fire.

At this time, Malu also arrived outside the Witch's House. There had also been a battle here not long ago. The iron gates were all broken, and half of the iron gates were completely melted by the high temperature.

Through the door that no longer existed, Malu also saw a collapsed small building and the flames that were still burning.

A cordon was also set up here, and two knights were guarding the door. However, after seeing Ma Lu, they immediately stepped forward to salute.


Ma Lu put Goethe aside and asked, "How is the situation inside?"

One of the knights immediately reported, "About a quarter of an hour ago, a fallen witch launched an attack here. There were also witches inside who took the opportunity to betray. However, after encountering resistance from other witches, they quickly retreated and exploded before leaving. Lost the auditorium."

 “Oh, what about the casualties?”

“All 12 guards of the Witch’s House were killed in the first round of conflict, and three nuns who tried to prevent them from leaving were also killed. In addition, the explosion in the auditorium also killed three witches.”

Ma Lu remained calm after hearing this, "Has a witch betrayed you? Have you found out who they are?" "The list of traitors is still being sorted out. After the sorting is completed, the church will use the Ring of Order to execute them directly." Another knight said. .

Ma Lu nodded and walked towards the door.

 The two knights looked at each other without stopping.

Ma Lu now finds that the title of master is quite useful and can save him a lot of trouble.

He walked into the witch's house in such a swaggering manner, and this place was usually inaccessible to even the knights except for the nuns and witches inside.

He didn’t meet many people along the way. It wasn’t until he came to the ruins where the explosion occurred that there were more people. Everyone was busy putting out the fire.

Although witches have many legal professions, their weapons are usually locked, and they cannot cast spells at this moment. They can only use the most primitive means to put out fires like ordinary people.

Ma Lu also saw Skylark in the crowd. The latter was carrying a small bucket and running very fast on his short legs. He went to the bathroom not far away to fetch water, and then ran back.

Ma Lu stopped her and asked, "Are everyone else okay?"

It turned out that it was okay not to ask. When he heard the voice of Malu, Skylark burst into tears and said while crying, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu She is buried underneath!"

She pointed to the pile of rubble that was still burning.

When Malu heard this, he didn't show any sadness. He knew the identity of Ouroboros, and he remembered what the girl said to him when he went out last time. He knew in his heart that this should be Ouroboros's method of not involving them. .

 Fake your own death? It's a solution.

Ma Lu did not join the fire-fighting team. Instead, he grabbed Yunque and asked her about the whereabouts of the other two people.

He was relieved to learn that both Cerberus and Birds of Paradise were safe from the attack.

After that, Ma Lu was not in a hurry to leave. The situation in the city is still unclear. The Witch Alliance launched so many attacks at once. No one knows where their next target will be. On the contrary, the Witch's House has been blown up by them. Once passed, the security will be higher.

Ma Lu planned to stay here for a while to see what happens next, and at least to understand what those fallen witches wanted to do.

They are now wreaking havoc and setting off fireworks everywhere in the city, but in the final analysis they are still carrying out terrorist attacks. Not only are they unable to shake the church, but they will further deepen the hatred of ordinary people towards the witches.

 Fortunately, this answer did not bother Malu for too long. Soon he received another message, this time sent by the Holy Knights, asking the knights in the southwest district to rush to Renxin Square immediately to protect the Pope.

A large number of fallen witches suddenly appeared there, with more than forty people in number. It was the largest group of fallen witches so far.

They also include the traitor who just escaped from the witch's house not long ago. As expected, Ouroboros who faked his death is also among them.

 Is that so?

The previous series of attacks in the city were just to disperse the strength of the Holy Knights and create opportunities for real action. The Witch Alliance was indeed very smart in this move.

However, Malu noticed that the previous series of transfer orders had mobilized ordinary knights, but Li Wei and his confidants were quiet and made no movement at all.

 (End of this chapter)

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