Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 322: end

Chapter 322 Doomsday

Ouroboros wrapped herself tightly in a cloak to ensure that no one could recognize her, and led the fallen witches behind her towards Renxin Square.

The battle that took place at the Witch's House not long ago not only allowed her to successfully recruit a large number of people and further expand the team, but also obtained a batch of new weapons and equipment.

These weapons and equipment were snatched from other witches. In fact, the strength of the remaining witches in the witch house is no worse than that of the fallen witches who launched the attack. However, due to the sudden attack, there were no knights around to command the organization and the weapons were useless. Unlocked, only less than one-tenth of the combat power can be exerted.

 The final defeat is inevitable.

Just because they can't use these locked weapons doesn't mean that the fallen witches can't use them.

In the long-term struggle with the Holy Knights, the Witch Alliance gradually mastered the technology of cracking weapons and equipment. They relied on this technology to recycle the equipment of the Holy Knights to arm themselves.

However, usually, their weapons and equipment are two to three generations behind those in the city. This time they got so many high-end equipment in one fell swoop, which brought joy to many people's faces.

 However, Ouroboros's expression was still serious, and she knew very well that the real challenge had just arrived.

The next step is the most difficult part. They have to go to Mercy Square and take advantage of the celebration to hijack the pope and the church's big figures who are enjoying themselves with the believers. They can use this as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the church.

 In exchange for the freedom of the witch clan, the eternal shackles on their necks will be lifted.

This is not easy, because there will definitely be many guards around the Pope. However, the previous explosions and attacks in the city attracted a lot of attention from the Paladins and dispersed their considerable manpower.

This also brings opportunities to Ouroboros and others. They must end the battle before the Paladins can react and hold the main hostage in their hands.

Remembering what the Shrike had told her before he died, Ouroboros couldn't help but secretly clenched his fists, feeling the heavy weight on his shoulders.

 However, just when Ouroboros and others were about to arrive at Renxin Square, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

They saw a group of knights in power armor appearing at the end of the street, blocking their way. There were actually more people on the other side than them, and the leader was the deputy leader of the Holy Knights, Li Wei.

 The moment he saw Levi, Ouroboros's pupils shrank suddenly.

However, before she could speak, a gunshot sounded in her ears. Ouroboros felt a pain in her chest. When she lowered her head again, she saw a blood hole as thick as a finger in her heart.

She suddenly remembered that among the remaining witches around Li Wei, there seemed to be a very powerful shooter.

 It wasn’t until Ouroboros’s body fell backward that Levi said, “Surrender, or die.”

His tone was very calm, but full of strong confidence and unchallenged majesty.

In fact, he did have enough reasons to be confident that long before the attack occurred, the Holy Knights had actually deduced the main target of the Witch Alliance's attack through investigation.

However, Levi did not act rashly, and even deliberately showed weakness and let go of several waves of attacks from the outside, creating the illusion that the Holy Knights were busy running for their lives, just to draw the main force of the Witch Alliance out of the water.

 Now is the time to close the net.

Perhaps because they knew they would die even if they surrendered, the resistance of the group of witches in front of them was also very tenacious. When they saw their companions falling, not only did no one put down their weapons, but they all rushed forward with curses.

Li Wei was not polite when he saw this, and gave an order to the knights behind him, "Keep two alive and interrogate how they got into the city. Kill the rest." The first ones to take action were the traitorous witches. The knights directly ordered the defecting witches to self-destruct, but this time the ring of order failed to work.

The Witches Alliance seems to have some kind of device that can temporarily block the influence of the Ring of Order.

 The betrayed witches were initially uneasy and pale after seeing their knights, but found that nothing happened and gradually regained their spirits.

Li Wei frowned when he saw this. Although the failure of the Ring of Order would not affect the outcome of this battle, it was indeed somewhat beyond his expectation.

 According to intelligence, the Witches Alliance had a method to remove the Ring of Order before, but the risk was extremely high, with the mortality rate reaching more than 60%.

Now their technical level has leapt forward again, and they can already block the Ring of Order. Even if it is only temporary, the impact is not small. In addition, the previous staff does not exist in the arsenal of Temple City. , and these fallen witches who still have no idea how they got into the Temple City.

 So many unexpected situations gave Levi a feeling of being out of control.

The battle in front of us was obviously going very smoothly. Those fallen witches had no fighting spirit and were not afraid of death. However, those who followed Li Wei here were also the elites of the Holy Knights. They were fighting at home and had made preparations in advance. Well arranged.

From the first moment of the fight between the two sides, the fallen witches were at a disadvantage, and it didn't take long for most of them to be killed or injured. Although the remaining people were still resisting, their leader was dead, and it was only a matter of time before they were wiped out.

But for some reason, Li Wei felt increasingly uneasy.

 What went wrong?

While the deputy leader of the Holy Knights was still thinking, there was another loud noise in his ears, and then a white light flashed in front of his eyes.

That beam of white light was so dazzling that Levi couldn't help but close his eyes, and his head felt dizzy.

 When he opened his eyes again, he did not see any fire, nor did he see black smoke rising anywhere in the city.

 One can’t help but suspect that the moment just now was just an illusion.

However, soon, Li Wei received several messages in succession, and this was just the beginning. Then, more and more messages came like snow flakes.

And all these messages are only repeating the same thing - the giant tower was attacked.

If it were just this, it wouldn't have shocked Li Wei. What really shocked him and made him feel cold was the second half of the message - the holy stone was destroyed.

 According to the research results of the Weapons and Equipment Department, this huge meteorite from outer space has unparalleled hardness and is an existence that cannot be destroyed by any weapon on this planet.

 Because of this, the Church of Order hung it majestically on the ceiling of the first floor.

However, today, this indestructible stone that holds humanity’s last hope has been destroyed.

 No one knows what this means better than Levi, who leads the Paladins to fight against those activated plants.

 The real end of mankind has completely arrived today.

 (End of this chapter)

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